
Kubitsaus' is the name of Farm No. 318, for a non-perennial river running about it and of the 'Kubitsausdam' in the river. Descending on the sound we would have linked the name to Namaǃ Kuwi [Ikhuwi] = Vlei (Rest 1960 DNW 70) and Tsaus = Puts, cf. Tsub, tsaurob etc. in th a ** at 1050 and 1053 respectively. Moreover, topographical support for the statement. On the said map, and also on the Krikriekarte appeared at Gubitsaus a place Kubib, described as a marsh. It is indicated that there is a marsh or marsh on the farm and that there is a water source of water. It seems as if Kubitsaus can be translated as 'wetlands'. But the oldest recording we possess is writing a deliberate ), ie ǀ Gubitsaus strikes the dirt, possibly in the run of the run in storm times Very dwell, and it is the form of cubitsaus that has become farm name. 'Dirtputs'

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Georeference Sources
S 2316 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǀ Gubitseaos', Rehoboth Wise Wesses. Spreadbox 1904 Kriegsk 'Gubitsaus', Source, at Kubib, a marsh. DSWA Series 1910 Blatt 20 'Gubitsaos'. Topographic range 1974 Skin 2316 Rehoboth 'Kubitsaus'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀGubitsaos', uitspanning wessuidwes van Rehoboth. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gubitsaus', bron, by Kubib, ’n vlei. DSWA-reeks 1910 Blatt 20 'Gubitsaos'. Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2316 Rehoboth 'Kubitsaus'.
eng Kubitsaus' is the name of Farm No. 318, for a non-perennial river running about it and of the 'Kubitsausdam' in the river. Descending on the sound we would have linked the name to Namaǃ Kuwi [Ikhuwi] = Vlei (Rest 1960 DNW 70) and Tsaus = Puts, cf. Tsub, tsaurob etc. in th a ** at 1050 and 1053 respectively. Moreover, topographical support for the statement. On the said map, and also on the Krikriekarte appeared at Gubitsaus a place Kubib, described as a marsh. It is indicated that there is a marsh or marsh on the farm and that there is a water source of water. It seems as if Kubitsaus can be translated as 'wetlands'. But the oldest recording we possess is writing a deliberate ), ie ǀ Gubitsaus strikes the dirt, possibly in the run of the run in storm times Very dwell, and it is the form of cubitsaus that has become farm name. 'Dirtputs'
afr Kubitsaus' is die naam van plaas nr 318, vir ’n nie-standhoudende rivier wat daaroor loop en van die 'Kubitsausdam' in die rivier. Afgaande op die klank sou ons die naam verbind het met Nama ǃkuwi- [Ikhuwi-] = vlei (Rust 1960 DNW 70) en tsaus = puts, vgl. TSAUB, TSAUROB ens. in TH A** op 1050 en 1053 onderskeidelik. Daar is bowendien ook topografiese steun vir die verklaring. Op die genoemde kaart, en ook op die Kriegskarte verskyn by Gubitsaus ’n plek Kubib, beskryf as ’n vlei. Daar word aangedui dat daar wel op die plaas 'n moeras of vlei is en dat daar suidoos daarvan ’n waterbron is. Dit lyk dan asof Kubitsaus as 'Vleiputs' vertaal kan word. Maar die oudste optekening waaroor ons beskik, skryf ’n den- tale slag vooraan. Die lid ǀgu = 'schmutzen...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 139), d.w.s. ǀGubitsaus slaan op die vuiligheid, moontlik in die afvoer van die lopie in stormtye vgl. SWAKOP), of van vuil random die bron/puts. Dat g- kan afwissel met die stemlose klank daarvan, met die k-, is baie gewoon, en dit is juis die vorm Kubitsaus wat plaasnaam geword het. 'Vuilputs'
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