
On the Krikriekarte of Sprigade Misel 1904, the name of the dry river appeared as Aus, the source as Aussinanis, and on Hahn's card as Ousis, without suction consonant, d.w.s. It must be understood as 'bitter place', Nama ause = bitter, and -s location in source names. The bitterness can hit the water, as we think, therefore, the exit (for the drinking place), or on the naravrugte, according to Xoagus. Just below the Auses / ousist lies the dry river 'Salzfluss', and the water spot at its mouth is called 'ZOUR RIVER', all like the cricke marte, and everything that supports the derivation of 'bitter (water) place' .

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2314 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Ousis' OP S 2314, Bron. Moritz 1972 MS TOPNAARS 9 'Kharabeb is the name of the dry rivier, which is also called out. So then the shipyard has received the name of Aussinanis. After Stevenson means the place Aoses ... According to the statements of Hanzina Xoachus, the square is called the place, because there is theǃ Nara Bitter. Louise Sore-ice suggests that there was no water there, and it was 'heavy' to live here ... you see how difficult it is to give a right interpretation of the word ... '
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Ousis' op S 2314, bron. Moritz 1972 ms Topnaars 9 'Kharabeb ist der Name des Trockenriviers, das auch Aus genannt wird. So hat dann die Werft, nachdem man den Aus iiberquert, den Namen Aussinanis bekommen. Nach Stevenson heisst der Platz Aoses...Nach den Aussagen von Hanzina Xoagus heisst der Platz Auses, weil dort die ǃNara bitter ist. louise Sore-eis deutet es so, dass dort kein Wasser war, und es war ‘schwer’, hier zu leben...Man sieht, wie schwierig es ist, eine rechte Deutung des Wortes zu geben...'
eng Bitter (water) place
afr Bitter(water)plek
eng On the Krikriekarte of Sprigade Misel 1904, the name of the dry river appeared as Aus, the source as Aussinanis, and on Hahn's card as Ousis, without suction consonant, d.w.s. It must be understood as 'bitter place', Nama ause = bitter, and -s location in source names. The bitterness can hit the water, as we think, therefore, the exit (for the drinking place), or on the naravrugte, according to Xoagus. Just below the Auses / ousist lies the dry river 'Salzfluss', and the water spot at its mouth is called 'ZOUR RIVER', all like the cricke marte, and everything that supports the derivation of 'bitter (water) place' .
afr Op die Kriegskarte van Sprigade-Moisel 1904 kom die naam van die droë riviertjie voor as Aus, die bron as Aussinanis, en op Hahn se kaart as Ousis, sonder suigkonsonant, d.w.s. dit moet verstaan word as 'Bitterplek', Nama ause = bitterig, en -s lokatief by bronname veral. Die bitterigheid kan op die water slaan, soos ons meen, daarom die uitgang -s (vir die drinkplek), of op die naravrugte, volgens Xoagus. Net onderkant die Auses/Ousis le die droë riviertjie 'Salzfluss', en die waterplek by sy uitmonding in die Swakop heet 'Zoutrivier', almal soos op die Kriegskarte, en alles wat steun verleen aan die afleiding van 'Bitter(water)plek'.
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