Achanib, Achenib

To demonstrate the confusion and uncertainty, we summarize how the sucking consonants were handled. Vedder writes the first component Sónder Schnalz, Hahn and ViBert uses the Dental ǀ, also Bassingthwaights; Witbooi and Judt of Hoachanas, firsthand known with the place, writes the cerebralballs ǃ, Except that Judt omitted it in 1889 (or is it an overwriting error?) As far as the second member is concerned, except that a -nib Loosen the lock, then without Schnalz, divide the other the word into () Achen- and a Dib with the Dental ǀ FOREIGN (Witbooi, Hahn, ViBT, Bassingthwaights) or in a -eib with a lateral ǀǀ in front (Judt). Total confusion prevails here. Noteworthy that the first attempt to declare the name, according to our documents, dates back to 1947, a 30 years ago. Then it's just eye-philologically. Vedder goes out of Nama Axa-B = 'Junge' (Rest 1960 DNW 33), and within the context he pauses his -nib. By doing so, the second syllable, while we hear that the usual verdict there was a - with accent, d.w.s. ACH-é- Now get to Vedder Ach-A. We believe that there is still no explanation that is compatible with the old notes, and we believe the change of farm name to Achanib for the bus stop on the eponymous farm, viz. Achenib No. 247, Dist. Windhoek, not on good grounds.

About this item

Achanib, Achenib
Alternative Title
Achanib, Achenib
Georeference Sources
S 2318 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'ǀ Axen- ǀ IB', Strain. Vipert 1893 card 'Akhen- ǀ Ib'. ..the Werft von Manasseh auf Axan- ǀǀ EIB, etwa 3 3½ Tagereisen nördlich von here [Hoachanas]. Ibid. 1899 aid. 206 '... aufǃ Axan- ǀǀ EIB', twice, with theǃ Longer. . Then note 'Nama: ACHA Nîb = EIN JUNGE WIRD ES signal. H Vedder'. Krenz FK 5 5 1972 Farmer Letter 'ǃ 'The place of the very open waters and fountains, because of the open waters here. On Achenib-Süd, 143 are wetlands and pans that can stand full of water in the rainy season ...' About the same at Visagie TP 1974 questionnaire. Bassingthwaighte v 1974 Farmer Conversation 'ǀ ACH Enib, ǀ A is whistle.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀAxen-ǀib', uitspanning. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀAkhen- ǀib'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Achenib', ook op 2318 AA. Witbooi 1889 VRV 9 32 '...op ǃAxan-ǀib'. Judt F 1889 Quellen 6 117 '...die Werft von Manasse auf Axan-ǀǀeib, etwa 3- 3½ Tagereisen nördlich von hier [Hoachanas]. Ibid. 1899 aid. 206 '...auf ǃAxan-ǀǀeib', twee keer, met die ǃ vooraan. PNK 1947 'Achenib', plaas, daarop motorbushalte 172 km per pad van Windhoek af, 71 km van Dordabis na leonardville. Uitspraak: Agenib, met aksent op -e-, en word ook geskryf Achenib, volgens invuller van for- mulier. Dan aantekening 'Nama: Acha nîb = Ein Junge wird es sein. H Vedder'. Krenz FK 5 5 1972 Boer Brief ' ǃAxan-ǀib = moeilik, swaardra, kummervoll'. Weygandt 1973 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Achenib-Süd, beteken 'Die plek van die baie oop waters en fonteine’, omrede van die oop waters wat hier was. Op Achenib-Süd is 143 vleie en pannetjies wat in die reëntyd vol water kan staan...' Ongeveer dieselfde by Visagie TP 1974 Vraelys. Bassingthwaighte V 1974 Boer Gesprek 'ǀAchenib, ǀa is fluitjiesriet'.
eng To demonstrate the confusion and uncertainty, we summarize how the sucking consonants were handled. Vedder writes the first component Sónder Schnalz, Hahn and ViBert uses the Dental ǀ, also Bassingthwaights; Witbooi and Judt of Hoachanas, firsthand known with the place, writes the cerebralballs ǃ, Except that Judt omitted it in 1889 (or is it an overwriting error?) As far as the second member is concerned, except that a -nib Loosen the lock, then without Schnalz, divide the other the word into () Achen- and a Dib with the Dental ǀ FOREIGN (Witbooi, Hahn, ViBT, Bassingthwaights) or in a -eib with a lateral ǀǀ in front (Judt). Total confusion prevails here. Noteworthy that the first attempt to declare the name, according to our documents, dates back to 1947, a 30 years ago. Then it's just eye-philologically. Vedder goes out of Nama Axa-B = 'Junge' (Rest 1960 DNW 33), and within the context he pauses his -nib. By doing so, the second syllable, while we hear that the usual verdict there was a - with accent, d.w.s. ACH-é- Now get to Vedder Ach-A. We believe that there is still no explanation that is compatible with the old notes, and we believe the change of farm name to Achanib for the bus stop on the eponymous farm, viz. Achenib No. 247, Dist. Windhoek, not on good grounds.
afr Om die verwarring en onsekerheid te demonstreer gee ons ’n opsomming van hoe die suigkonsonante gehanteer is. Vedder skryf die eerste komponent sónder schnalz, Hahn en Kiepert gebruik die dentale ǀ, ook Bassingthwaighte; Witbooi en Judt van Hoachanas, eerstehands bekend met die plek, skryf die serebrale ǃ, behalwe dat Judt dit in 1889 weggelaat het (of is dit 'n oorskryf- fout?) Wat die tweede lid betref, behalwe Vedder wat ’n -nib uit die slotdeel losmaak, dan ook sonder schnalz, verdeel die ander die woord in ()Achen- en 'n -ib met die dentaal ǀ vooraan (Witbooi, Hahn, Kiepert, Bassingthwaighte) of in ’n -eib met ’n lateraal ǀǀ vooraan (Judt). Totale verwarring heers hier. Opmerklik dat die allereerste poging om die naam te verklaar volgens ons dokumente, uit 1947 dateer, ’n 30 jaar gelede. Dan is dit bloot oogfilologies. Vedder gaan uit van Nama axa-b = 'Junge' (Rust 1960 DNW 33), en binne die konteks poetiseer hy daarby sy -nib. Daardeur kry die tweede lettergreep -a-, terwyl ons hoor dat die gewone uitspraak daar ’n -e- met aksent het, d.w.s. Ach-é- word nou by Vedder Ach-a-. Ons meen dat daar nog geen verklaring gegee is wat versoenbaar met die ou optekeninge is nie, en ons meen dat die verandering van die plaasnaam tot Achanib vir die bushalte op die gelyknamige plaas, nl. Achenib nr 247, dist. Windhoek, nie op goeie gronde berus nie.
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