
Gukui lies in the 'Springbok' east of the Karubeam Mountains. The name comes after the time of the cricke map no longer on other cards tea. Descending on the sound would be able to explain it as 'springbok', at ǀǀ gu- = Springbok, and ǀ (k) Ui- = stone, or as 'Springbok Chance', at ǀǀ Gu, and 11kui-B = 'Schanze , Ansitz '(Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Note). Laid on the proximity of Doornpoort (Hukui Le on the Krikriekarte Suidwes Achenib 247 and south of Doornpoort 248) Can one also look for a mortgage with 11khu- = 'thorn (tree)' for the guinance of the place name, plus ǀ (k) UI-B = stone, rock, so about then 'thorn rock'. The latter effort probably has the best chance, and in the case, Gukui may be an old name of the 'thorning area' of which 'Doornpoort' may be a part.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Krarebk 'Gukip'
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gukuip'
eng Gukui lies in the 'Springbok' east of the Karubeam Mountains. The name comes after the time of the cricke map no longer on other cards tea. Descending on the sound would be able to explain it as 'springbok', at ǀǀ gu- = Springbok, and ǀ (k) Ui- = stone, or as 'Springbok Chance', at ǀǀ Gu, and 11kui-B = 'Schanze , Ansitz '(Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Note). Laid on the proximity of Doornpoort (Hukui Le on the Krikriekarte Suidwes Achenib 247 and south of Doornpoort 248) Can one also look for a mortgage with 11khu- = 'thorn (tree)' for the guinance of the place name, plus ǀ (k) UI-B = stone, rock, so about then 'thorn rock'. The latter effort probably has the best chance, and in the case, Gukui may be an old name of the 'thorning area' of which 'Doornpoort' may be a part.
afr Gukuip le in die 'springbokgebied' ten ooste van die Karubeamberge. Die naam kom ons na die tyd van die Kriegskarte nie meer op ander kaarte tee nie. Afgaande op die klank sou mens dit kon verklaar as 'Springbokklip', by ǀǀgu- = springbok, en ǀ(k)ui- = klip, of as 'Springbokskans', by ǀǀgu, en 11kui-b = 'Schanze, Ansitz' (Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening). gelêt op die nabyheid van Doornpoort (Gukuip le op die Kriegskarte suidwes van Achenib 247 en suid van Doornpoort 248) kan ’n mens ook ’n verband soek met 11khu- = 'doring(boom)' vir die Gu- van die pleknaam, plus ǀ(k)ui-b = klip, rots, so ongeveer dan 'Doringklip'. laasgenoemde poging het waarskynlik die beste kans, en in die geval is Gukuip moontlik ’n ou naam van die 'doringgebied' waarvan 'Doornpoort' 'n onderdeel mag wees.
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