
This applies here two farms, 'Garib' No 286 and 'Garib Ost' No. 275 which lies deposits of the sheeprivier, adjacent. Statements were presented by Dr. Vedder and the owner, Mr Liihl, cf. Th * 380 for discussion. We believe those statements are wrong. We believe the key is also here in the area, as so many times were the case with old names. Earlier, directly adjacent to the Garib complex, the farm 'Eselmaan' No 288 laid (the ass probably to understand as wild ass or zebra). Now, moons in Nama ǀ Gare-B (Kreenlin 1889 Wortschatz 79: ǀ GAREB = 'The Mahne (Lowe Oder PFERD), Rand Eines Berges'. We see this: The old Khoekhoen name Garib for a vast farm complex was preserved for an area on either side of the river. The southern part is trading and then got his Afrikaans name translated the old name, '(ass) mane', d.w.s. 'Ass' for Zebra was added. Naasaan ass moon le 'Zebraberg' (SWA series 1974 sheet 2316 Rehoboth), well-shared on the farm itself, and eastern them the farms Koregas Nos 276 and 586 (means 'place of many zebra'). Exactly how the concept 'man hair' for the farm with the Afrikaans name and for the farms with the Khoekhoian name (Garib, exchange ruling of GAREB) has become suitable, we no longer know, for the one, yet for the other. But doubt about the equality cannot be: the nomination in such cases is too fast.

About this item

Alternative Title
Garib (Ost)
Georeference Sources
S 2317 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng This applies here two farms, 'Garib' No 286 and 'Garib Ost' No. 275 which lies deposits of the sheeprivier, adjacent. Statements were presented by Dr. Vedder and the owner, Mr Liihl, cf. Th * 380 for discussion. We believe those statements are wrong. We believe the key is also here in the area, as so many times were the case with old names. Earlier, directly adjacent to the Garib complex, the farm 'Eselmaan' No 288 laid (the ass probably to understand as wild ass or zebra). Now, moons in Nama ǀ Gare-B (Kreenlin 1889 Wortschatz 79: ǀ GAREB = 'The Mahne (Lowe Oder PFERD), Rand Eines Berges'. We see this: The old Khoekhoen name Garib for a vast farm complex was preserved for an area on either side of the river. The southern part is trading and then got his Afrikaans name translated the old name, '(ass) mane', d.w.s. 'Ass' for Zebra was added. Naasaan ass moon le 'Zebraberg' (SWA series 1974 sheet 2316 Rehoboth), well-shared on the farm itself, and eastern them the farms Koregas Nos 276 and 586 (means 'place of many zebra'). Exactly how the concept 'man hair' for the farm with the Afrikaans name and for the farms with the Khoekhoian name (Garib, exchange ruling of GAREB) has become suitable, we no longer know, for the one, yet for the other. But doubt about the equality cannot be: the nomination in such cases is too fast.
afr Dit geld hier twee plase, 'Garib' nr 286 en 'Garib Ost' nr 275 wat weers- kante van die Skaaprivier le, aangrensend. Verklarings is aangebied deur dr Vedder en die eienaar, mnr liihl, vgl. TH A* 380 vir die bespreking daarvan. Ons glo dat daardie verklarings verkeerd is. Ons meen die sleutel is ook hier in die omgewing te vind, soos soveel kere by ou benaminge die geval was. vroeër het direk aangrensend aan die Garib-kompleks die plaas 'Eselmaanhaar' nr 288 gelê (die esel- waarskynlik te verstaan as wilde-esel of sebra). Nou is maanhaar in Nama ǀgare-b (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 79: ǀgareb = 'die Mahne (lowe oder Pferd), Rand eines Berges'.) Die ooreenkoms is darem te opvallend om toevallig te wees. Ons sien dit so: Die ou Khoekhoense naam Garib vir ’n uitgestrekte plaaskompleks is bewaar vir 'n gebied weerskante van die rivier. Die suidelike deel is ver- handel en het toe sy Afrikaanse naam gekry wat die ou naam vertaal het, '(Esel)maanhaar', d.w.s. 'Esel-' vir sebra is toegevoeg. Naasaan Eselmaanhaar le 'Zebraberg' (SWA-reeks 1974 vel 2316 Rehoboth), wel ge- deeltelik nog op die plaas self, en oostelik van hulle le die plase Koregas nrs 276 en 586 (betekenende 'Plek van baie sebras'). Presies hoe die begrip 'maanhaar' vir die plaas met die Afrikaanse naam en vir die plase met die Khoekhoense naam (Garib, wisseluitspraak van gareb) pasbaar geword het, dit weet ons nie meer nie, nog vir die een, nog vir die ander. Maar twyfel oor die gelykheid kan daar nie wees nie: die benoemingsmo- del in sulke gevalle staan te vas.
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