
At the foot of the mountain is also a farm called Gamsberg (No. 23), formerly Griindorn. In ZBU U V G 50 Rehoboth Read our 'Bezirksamtmann Duft Hat AM 5. August 1905 The Umwandlung des on behalf of Griindorn in Gamsberg Genehmigt' (p. 19 (d)). This mountain name has been recorded early on for reasons that clearly evidenced by the changes. The meaning has been given in 1837, at Alexander 'To Screen', to cover. From 1878, the sucking patch was also mentioned, almost heard than the palatal ╪ • It beats exactly with Nama ╪gan = 'Zumachen, Schliessen' (Kr.- . The how mountain cover, close the view, turn off, is 'like a lid'. It is informative to see how an amendment came into the verdict. The very first recorders reproduced the ╪g-ans in approach as t-ans. This hearing impression is always observed, we have conveniently called the change K / G and T (cf. 5 E 1). Jonker Afrikaner writes the skeleton voice as k-. The very noticeable to see in two audio shifts. The first is that the vertebrates have passed out to the corresponding vertor Frikative: The Ghans became goose (like the G- in Afr. G-on). The second is that the goose has changed to gams, it marks us in our sources in the summary of 1904 at Sprigade and Misee, but it will be a little older. With GAMS as the 'new' name, sound agreement is believed that the name 'LionGerg' means, such as Nama Xami = lion, and now the way is open to al-Lerelei Poetisings. We quoted one (cf. Mr Wilders). Noteworthy it is how Namonravelendes like the police of Rehoboth and most others who have interviewed their statement based on the foal form, D.I. Gamsberg is the mountain where the Xamis or Lions held. 'Berg that cut off, close like a screen'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Alexander Je 1837 Edia 2 34 '... Rose A Great Tabular Mountain Called Currently, Or The Screen, For It Shuts in All The Lesser Mountains and Hills Near It; On Each Side or currently Extended Black Mountain Chains ... '[on map]' Currently Ms. ' [which correlates with S 2316 BB with eg. Kriegsk S 2316 AC.] Berghaus H 1841 Card 'Currently BG.' [correlate with Gamsberg.] Hall H 1850 ETHNOLOGICAL S.A. 'Currently M' [east of 16 ° Length, north of Steenbokkring, directly west of Rehoboth, correlate with Gamsberg.] Andersson CJ 1851 Lake Ngami 133 'Within Blackbooi's Territory was a Mountain, Called Currently ...' Kleinschmidt FH 1857 QUELEN 20 68 'ER WOLLE NACH DEM GANSMERGE FLIE- 'Currently Table Mt.' [at 2216, correlates with Gamsberg.] Heidmann F 1878 QUELEN 21 148 'GANGANG'. Ibid. QUELEN 21 151 'IM ╪Gansberg Westlich von Rehoboth'. Hahn th 1879 map '╪Gans Mt.' [on S 2316.] Afrikaner Jan Jonker 1880 Letter No. 37 From Windhoek off Queen 15 'What the Bergdamras is in ╪kans Berg ...' Haibib P (Chief, Topners) 1884 Letter No. 73 QUELEN 15 '╪Gansaǃ Oa '[Gamsberg to.] Judt f 1886 QUELEN 6 67' ... in the ╪ganzberge Zuriickgezogen Haben ... 'Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 57' Gans-ǃ Homi ', in German' ╪Gansberg (Jan Jonkers Burg) ' . Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 124 '╪Gans, Name Eines Berges - ^ G. B: Mountain, Bergpitze, D.H. Hochberg; ╪Gan, Schiessen, Verschliessen '. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'GAMS' [on S 2416 aa]; 'Gr (Osser) goose bg' [on s 2316 ac]; 'Goose Ware' [on S 2315 DA / DB.]. Wilders MG 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Gamsberg, mountain 128 km southwest of Windhoek. Means 'lionger'. It is the highest mountain on the Khomas Hochland, and because it is the highest and greatest mountain in the area, the Namas associated with the lion king; obtain information from the previous owner of the farm '. Police (all hybrids) Rehoboth 1974 Conversation 'Gamsberg = Lionberg'. Witbooi Max 1974 FarmJong Conversation 'Gamsberg, the naman is ╪AN, it's almost like a lid'. Budack Dr. 1974 Conversation 'Gamsberg, It's from Igans, the 'table'.' Bassingthwawe v 1974 Farmer Conversation 'It comes from ╪Gans = close, the head closes'. Bassingthwawe JJ 1974 Language Advisor Conversation 'Gamsberg, ╪an, 'enclose'; The mountain is also flat, like a Table Mountain. The name has been too long for the use of 'table' in the Nama ... '
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 34 '...rose a great tabular mountain called Tans, or the screen, for it shuts in all the lesser mountains and hills near it; on each side of Tans extended black mountain chains...' [Op kaart] 'Tans Ms.' [wat met S 2316 BB korreleer met bv. Kriegsk S 2316 AC.] Berghaus H 1841 kaart 'Tans Bg.' [korreleer met Gamsberg.] Hall H 1850 Ethnological S.A. 'Tans M' [oos van 16° lengte, noord van Steenbokkeerkring, direk wes van Rehoboth, korreleer met Gamsberg.] Andersson CJ 1851 lake Ngami 133 'Within Zwartbooi’s territory was a mountain, called Tans...' Kleinschmidt FH 1857 Quellen 20 68 'Er wolle nach dem Gansberge flie- hen...' Anderson AA 1873 Map of S.A. 'Tans Table Mt.' [op 2216, korreleer met Gamsberg.] Heidmann F 1878 Quellen 21 148 '╪Gansberg'. Ibid. Quellen 21 151 'im ╪Gansberg westlich von Rehoboth'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Gans Mt.' [op S 2316.] Afrikaner Jan Jonker 1880 brief nr 37 van Windhoek af Quellen 15 'wat die Bergdamras die in ╪Kans Berg is...' Haibib P (hoofman, Topnaars) 1884 brief nr 73 Quellen 15 '╪Gansa ǃoa' [Gamsberg-tot.] Judt F 1886 Quellen 6 67 ' die ╪Ganzberge zuriickgezogen haben...' Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 57 '╪Gans-ǃhomi', in Duits '╪Gansberg (Jan Jonkers Burg)'. Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 124 '╪Gans, Name eines Berges — ^g^b: Berg, Bergspitze, d.h. Hochberg; ╪gan, schliessen, verschliessen'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gams' [op S 2416 AA]; 'Gr(osser) Gans Bg' [op S 2316 AC]; 'Gans Wuste' [op S 2315 DA/DB.]. Wilders MG 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Gamsberg, berg 128 km suidwes van Windhoek. Beteken ‘leeuberg’. Dit is die hoogste berg op die Khomas- Hochland, en omdat dit die hoogste en grootste berg in die omgewing is, het die Namas dit met die leeukoning vereenselwig; inligting van die vorige eienaar van die plaas gekry'. Polisie (almal Basters) Rehoboth 1974 Gesprek 'Gamsberg = leeuberg'. Witbooi Max 1974 Plaasjong Gesprek 'Gamsberg, die Namanaam is ╪ans, dis amper soos ’n deksel'. Budack dr K 1974 Gesprek 'Gamsberg, dis van Igans, die ‘Tafel’.' Bassingthwaighte V 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Dit kom van ╪Gans = maak toe, die kop maak toe'. Bassingthwaighte JJ 1974 Taaladviseur Gesprek 'Gamsberg, ╪an, ‘enclose’; die berg is ook plat, soos ’n tafelberg. Die naam bestaan al te lank vir die gebruik van ‘tafel’ in die Nama...'
eng At the foot of the mountain is also a farm called Gamsberg (No. 23), formerly Griindorn. In ZBU U V G 50 Rehoboth Read our 'Bezirksamtmann Duft Hat AM 5. August 1905 The Umwandlung des on behalf of Griindorn in Gamsberg Genehmigt' (p. 19 (d)). This mountain name has been recorded early on for reasons that clearly evidenced by the changes. The meaning has been given in 1837, at Alexander 'To Screen', to cover. From 1878, the sucking patch was also mentioned, almost heard than the palatal ╪ • It beats exactly with Nama ╪gan = 'Zumachen, Schliessen' (Kr.- . The how mountain cover, close the view, turn off, is 'like a lid'. It is informative to see how an amendment came into the verdict. The very first recorders reproduced the ╪g-ans in approach as t-ans. This hearing impression is always observed, we have conveniently called the change K / G and T (cf. 5 E 1). Jonker Afrikaner writes the skeleton voice as k-. The very noticeable to see in two audio shifts. The first is that the vertebrates have passed out to the corresponding vertor Frikative: The Ghans became goose (like the G- in Afr. G-on). The second is that the goose has changed to gams, it marks us in our sources in the summary of 1904 at Sprigade and Misee, but it will be a little older. With GAMS as the 'new' name, sound agreement is believed that the name 'LionGerg' means, such as Nama Xami = lion, and now the way is open to al-Lerelei Poetisings. We quoted one (cf. Mr Wilders). Noteworthy it is how Namonravelendes like the police of Rehoboth and most others who have interviewed their statement based on the foal form, D.I. Gamsberg is the mountain where the Xamis or Lions held. 'Berg that cut off, close like a screen'.
afr Aan die voet van die berg is ook ’n plaas met die naam Gamsberg (nr 23), vroeër Griindorn. In ZBu U V g 50 Rehoboth lees ons 'Bezirksamtmann Duft hat am 5. August 1905 die Umwandlung des Namens Griindorn in Gamsberg genehmigt' (p. 19(d)). Hierdie bergnaam is al van vroeg af opgeteken om redes wat uit die aanha- lings duidelik blyk. Die betekenis is al in 1837 aangegee, by Alexander 'to screen', om te bedek. Van 1878 is ook die suigklap vermeld, nagenoeg deur almal gehoor as die palatale ╪• Dit klop presies met Nama ╪gan = 'zumachen, schliessen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 99), met substantiverende en lokativerende -s aan die slot. Die hoe berg bedek, maak toe, sluit die uitsig af, keer voor, is 'soos ’n deksel'. Dit is leersaam om te sien hoe daar ’n wysiging in die uitspraak gekom het. Die heel eerste optekenaars het die ╪G-ans by benadering weergegee as T-ans. Hierdie gehoorindruk is telkens waargeneem, ons het dit gerieflikheidshalwe genoem die wisseling k/g en t (vgl. 5 E 1). Jonker Afrikaner skryf die velaar stemloos as K-. Die heel opmerklike is in twee klankverskuiwings te sien. Die eerste is dat die velere eksplosief g- oorgegaan het tot die ooreenstemmende velere frikatief: die ghans het geword gans (soos die g- in Afr. g-aan). Die tweede is dat die gans verander het tot gams, dit merk ons in ons bronne in die opgawe van 1904 by Sprigade en Moisei, maar dit sal wel ’n bietjie ouer wees. Met Gams as die 'nuwe' naam, word deur klankooreenkoms gemeen dat die naam 'leeuberg' beteken, soos Nama xami = leeu, en nou is die weg oop vir al- lerlei poetiserings. Daarvan het ons een aangehaal (vgl. mnr Wilders). Opmerklik is dit hoedat Namasprekendes soos die Polisie van Rehoboth en die meeste ander wat ons ondervra het, hulle verklaring baseer op die verskowe vorm, d.i. Gamsberg is vir hulle die berg waar die Xami’s of leeus gehou het. 'Berg wat afskort, toemaak soos ’n skerm'.
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