Hakos, Hakos(Berge)

Hakos is the name of a mountain range, of a river on its eastern hang, a river streaming northwards and a tributary of the Gomab, in turn, a southern branch of the Kuiseb, and finally there is the Place Hakos No. 25 on the southeastern slope of the mountain chain and at the sphere of the river. Dr Hahn sets his honor in giving the Khoekhoian names with the proper lounge and in the correct spelling. A tongue can be lacking at him, in fact also with others, with whom the name was recorded, except (as far as our knowledge stretches) at survey. To Sirs Krenz and Du Raan, our survey's version submitted (Krenz: = + = Hakos = Wo Man Not Leadership; Du Raan: ╪hakos = uphill), but we become unbelievable about the sucking consonant and ask us if not? Judgment of later became. For the time being, we only share the most important facts we possess. Maybe it leads to the good solution. We may consider Hakos the same mountain occurring at Alexander and declared under Hokap in th a ** 563. Precisely because Alexander's location indications were carried out with poor instruments in 1836, there are leaches, so the two mountains, so Close to each other, possibly the same, and the names (if exchange points) mean the same.

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Hakos, Hakos(Berge)
Alternative Title
Hakos, Hakos(Berge)
Georeference Sources
S 2316 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'Hakos Mt.' Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Hakos geb.' Survey SWA S.J. 'T = Hakosgebirge, 35 m [56 km] Noord- Westwest of Rehoboth'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Hakos Mt.' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Hakos Geb.' Opmeting SWA s.j. 'T=Hakosgebirge, 35 m [56 km] noord- weswes van Rehoboth'.
eng Hakos is the name of a mountain range, of a river on its eastern hang, a river streaming northwards and a tributary of the Gomab, in turn, a southern branch of the Kuiseb, and finally there is the Place Hakos No. 25 on the southeastern slope of the mountain chain and at the sphere of the river. Dr Hahn sets his honor in giving the Khoekhoian names with the proper lounge and in the correct spelling. A tongue can be lacking at him, in fact also with others, with whom the name was recorded, except (as far as our knowledge stretches) at survey. To Sirs Krenz and Du Raan, our survey's version submitted (Krenz: = + = Hakos = Wo Man Not Leadership; Du Raan: ╪hakos = uphill), but we become unbelievable about the sucking consonant and ask us if not? Judgment of later became. For the time being, we only share the most important facts we possess. Maybe it leads to the good solution. We may consider Hakos the same mountain occurring at Alexander and declared under Hokap in th a ** 563. Precisely because Alexander's location indications were carried out with poor instruments in 1836, there are leaches, so the two mountains, so Close to each other, possibly the same, and the names (if exchange points) mean the same.
afr Hakos is die naam van ’n bergreeks, van ’n rivier aan sy oostelike hang, 'n rivier wat noordwaarts stroom en ’n sytak is van die Gomab, op sy beurt 'n suidelike tak van die Kuiseb, en ten slotte is daar die plaas Hakos nr 25 aan die suidoostelike hang van die bergketting en aan die boloop van die rivier. Dr Hahn stel sy eer daarin om die Khoekhoense name met die juiste tongslag en in die korrekte spelling te gee. ’n Tongklap ontbreek by horn, trouens ook by ander by wie die naam opgeteken is, behalwe (sover ons kennis strek) by Opmeting. Aan menere Krenz en Du Raan het ons Opmeting se weergawe voorgelê (Krenz: =+= Hakos = Wo man Not leidet; Du Raan: ╪Hakos = Opdraande), maar ons raak ongelowig aangaande die suigkonsonant en vra ons af of dit nie ?n uitspraak van later geword het nie. Voorlopig deel ons net die belangrikste feite mee waaroor ons beskik. Dalk lei dit ’n belangstellende tot die goeie oplossing. Ons ag dit moontlik dat Hakos dieselfde berg is wat by Alexander voorkom en verklaar is onder HOKAP in TH A** 563. Juis omdat Alexander se liggings- aanduidings in 1836 met swak instrumente uitgevoer is, is daar miswysings, sodat die twee berge, so naby mekaar, moontlik dieselfde is, en die name (as wisselspellings) dus dieselfde beteken.
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