
We have received no direct proposal on the meaning of this important mountain; There is a land surveyor. The -XA (also spelled -cha-) indicates large quantity, also scope, 'much / large / abundant' etc., here, namely. of Ari, on topographical map. The name that the cricke scores in brackets, if relating to the mountain mass, corresponds to Nama 11hare - = 'Gelbe Katzchenbliite Der Akazien und Dornstraucher' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 162). Fairly close to the mountain the farm 'BloHmtal' No. 17, north-east from Inland Ari (XA) -, the other with the Afrikaans / German Blohm 'Wortlos Stand Man Da, Stainings und Wusste Nicht: Wo Weiter'. ' This statement is based alone on what the soundbird call.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2315 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Arichadamab BGE.', And below '(Bloomthal)'. Topographic Series 1966 Skin Walvis Bay 'Arexadamab Mountains'
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Arichadamab Bge.', en daaronder '(Bloomthal)'. Topografiese reeks 1966 vel Walvisbaai 'Arexadamab- berge'
eng We have received no direct proposal on the meaning of this important mountain; There is a land surveyor. The -XA (also spelled -cha-) indicates large quantity, also scope, 'much / large / abundant' etc., here, namely. of Ari, on topographical map. The name that the cricke scores in brackets, if relating to the mountain mass, corresponds to Nama 11hare - = 'Gelbe Katzchenbliite Der Akazien und Dornstraucher' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 162). Fairly close to the mountain the farm 'BloHmtal' No. 17, north-east from Inland Ari (XA) -, the other with the Afrikaans / German Blohm 'Wortlos Stand Man Da, Stainings und Wusste Nicht: Wo Weiter'. ' This statement is based alone on what the soundbird call.
afr Ons het geen regstreekse voorstel oor die betekenis van hierdie belangrike berg ontvang is; daarop is ’n landmetersbaken. Die -xa- (ook gespel -cha-) dui groot hoeveelheid aan, ook omvang, 'baie/groot/volop' ens., hier nl. van ari-, op Topografiese kaart are-. Die naam wat die Kriegskarte tussen hakies aangee, indien op die bergmassa betrekbaar, stem ooreen met Nama 11hare- = 'gelbe Katzchenbliite der Akazien und Dornstraucher' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 162). Taamlik naby aan die berg le die plaas 'Blohmtal' nr 17, noordoos daarvandaan. Arecha- (arixa-) wil dan se: 'met baie doringboombloeisels/poeierkwassies'. Of daar ’n verband is tussen bergmassa en plaas, die een met die inlandse ari(xa)-, die ander met die Afrikaans/Duitse blohm-, dit weet ons nie. Krenz FK 1978 Boer Aantekening skryf hierby 'My duiding is: Are = staunen, xa = viel, da = ich, ma = stand, ‘Wortlos stand man da, staunte und wusste nicht: wo weiter'.' Hierdie verklaring is gebaseer alleen op wat die klankbousel oproep.
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