Arutsubes, Arutsubeb

The -be- is a sufficial element that can do as a locative service. Here followed by the -s of the VR. ECV.

About this item

Arutsubes, Arutsubeb
Alternative Title
Arutsubes, Arutsubeb
Georeference Sources
S 2314 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Budack KFR 1979 Ethnologist Report of fieldwork 'Aru-Tsubes of Aru-Tsubeb, an Inaraveld in the old bed of theǃ Houseb. Arab = Aru tree (Albizia anthelminthica), white flower. This tree type has earlier, D.W.S. Until 1934 when the Ikhuisb had changed his underdrew. Very in the area occurred. The 11th (milk buckets, fungers and bowls) were made of Aruhout. The meaning of Tsuas 'bad' (or, according to Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 329, 'Rnuhsam. Buddy, evil. Verkehrt') was also quoted by informants, but they were not able to mention the reason for such a naming. Ludwig Engelbrecht and Stephen Namamab think that the thorns of the Arubome hindered the people to come to the Inarati, because many of the trees were standing between the Inaraboses '.
afr Budack KFR 1979 Etnoloog Verslag van veldwerk 'Aru-tsubes of Aru- tsubeb, 'n Inaraveld in die ou bedding van die ǃKhuiseb. Arab = aru- boom (Albizia anthelminthica), witblomboom. Hierdie boomsoort het vroeër, d.w.s. tot in 1934 toe die IKhuiseb sy onderloop verander het. baie in die omgewing voorgekom. Die 11hoeti (melkemmers, tregters en bakke) is van aruhout vervaardig. Die betekenis van tsuas ‘sleg‘ (of, volgens Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 329, 'rnuhsam. lastig, bose. verkehrt') is ook deur informante aangehaal, maar hulle was nie in staat om die rede vir 'n sodanige benaming te noem nie. ludwig Engelbrecht en Stefanus Namamab meen dat die dorings van die arubome die mense gehinder het om by die Inarati uit te kom, want baie van die borne het sommer tussen die Inarabosse gestaan'.
eng The -be- is a sufficial element that can do as a locative service. Here followed by the -s of the VR. ECV.
afr Die -be- is 'n suffiksale element wat as 'n lokatief diens kan doen. hier gevolg deur die -s van die vr. ekv.
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