
About this item

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Georeference Sources
S 2314 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Budack KFR 1979 Ethnologist Report of Fieldwork '╪Gomes, an Inaraveld between root and the old Ikhuisbbedding. There were people like eg. Old Heinrich Eron (Grandpa Basman) who wanted to derive this place name of ╪g6m = ', or to trust'. However, the name is not expressed with a high tone. It may not be associated with the nonsense of the wild olive tree (Olea Africana), d = gomi or ╪goms (cf. OLPP 1888 Nama-Deutsches Worterbuch 40), not seeing this tree as close to The beach does not occur. The meaning of = fgomes is therefore not clear to me '
afr Budack KFR 1979 Etnoloog Verslag van veldwerk '╪Gomes, 'n Inaraveld tussen Wortel en die ou IKhuisebbedding. Daar was mense soos bv. Ou Heinrich Eron (Oupa Basman) wat hierdie pleknaam van ╪g6m = ‘om te glo, of om te vertrou’, wou aflei. Die naam word egter nie met ’n hoe toon uitgespreek nie. Dit kan seker ook nie met die Namanaam van die wilde olyfboom (Olea africana), d=gomi of ╪goms (vgl. Olpp 1888 Nama-Deutsches Worterbuch 40), in verband gebring word nie, aange- sien hierdie boom nie so naby aan die strand voorkom nie. Die betekenis van =FGomes is dus nie vir my duidelik nie'
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