
Nui-tion is farm No. 376, close to the eastern border, District Gobabis. There is a large pan called 'Bitterwater's Pan', southwest there le 'Platneus' near another pan, on the SWA series 1965 sheet 2218 Gobabis. There is topographical justification for Mrs. Opperman's designation, but linguistically closes It is not good. With 'honey place' in mind (according to Mr Hanse and his team), which is apparently also the conception among the colored people, does not necessarily have to be published by a herero word. At Rust 1960 DNW becomes for 'Honey' under Nama gave up ǀǀ Nui-Danib. nl. For honey that is white in color, a word that o.i. Satisfactory join the member Nui of the place name. Our preference is still different. With SA Series 1977 Scale 1:50 000 Skin 2219 Protem PROTEM Before us, we note that the neighboring farm 375 bordering west to Nui-Sie, the said Pan 'Platneus', and that the homestead is also signed in with beads and more than 'Platneus'. In the case of neighboring farms, of which one carries a Khoekhoense and the other a Dutch name, the question arises whether the unknown meaning of the inland name is not contained as translation in the Dutch name. It seems we have such a case here T.O.V. The parts 'nose' and 'Nui'. Nama for nose is' PGUI (Rust I960 DNW 44). Rust adds to 'mountain nase' as well. It was a very difficult sound group for non-Khoekhoen people to speak out or to write. We have numerous spelling efforts. Look Hott 400-401, and interesting that Dr Andrew Smith 1835 VRV 21 281 for 'nose' under the Griqua and Korana recording Nue (P), like the first member of Nui. The -sie is clear. The concept 'flat' (of Pitneus) is not an ingredient of the inland name. To summarize: Nui-tion is o.i. 'Location (-sie) that looks like a (flat), nose (+ gi -) 'possible n.a.v. An exaltation there.

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Georeference Sources
S 2219 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Opperman AM 1974 Housewife Questionnaire 'Nui-tion. In Bushmantal, they express it as' nui- pan'. Hanse SD 1977 and five other Khoekhoen of Leonardville Conversion 'It is said Nuisie is' Honey '. It is now on Herero.' Doom '
afr Opperman AM 1974 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Nui-sie. In Boesmantaal spreek hulle dit uit as ‘Nui-sie' (Afrikaanse spelling). Beteken ‘Holte. laagte, gat’. Die waterbron is in 'n laagte, of beter, in 'n pan'. Hanse SD 1977 en vyf ander Khoekhoen van leonardville Gesprek 'Dit word gesê Nuisie is ‘heuning'. Dit is nou op Herero. ‘onuise'. Die Hot- nots se 'danib'. Nuisie is 'n Hereronaam'.
eng Nui-tion is farm No. 376, close to the eastern border, District Gobabis. There is a large pan called 'Bitterwater's Pan', southwest there le 'Platneus' near another pan, on the SWA series 1965 sheet 2218 Gobabis. There is topographical justification for Mrs. Opperman's designation, but linguistically closes It is not good. With 'honey place' in mind (according to Mr Hanse and his team), which is apparently also the conception among the colored people, does not necessarily have to be published by a herero word. At Rust 1960 DNW becomes for 'Honey' under Nama gave up ǀǀ Nui-Danib. nl. For honey that is white in color, a word that o.i. Satisfactory join the member Nui of the place name. Our preference is still different. With SA Series 1977 Scale 1:50 000 Skin 2219 Protem PROTEM Before us, we note that the neighboring farm 375 bordering west to Nui-Sie, the said Pan 'Platneus', and that the homestead is also signed in with beads and more than 'Platneus'. In the case of neighboring farms, of which one carries a Khoekhoense and the other a Dutch name, the question arises whether the unknown meaning of the inland name is not contained as translation in the Dutch name. It seems we have such a case here T.O.V. The parts 'nose' and 'Nui'. Nama for nose is' PGUI (Rust I960 DNW 44). Rust adds to 'mountain nase' as well. It was a very difficult sound group for non-Khoekhoen people to speak out or to write. We have numerous spelling efforts. Look Hott 400-401, and interesting that Dr Andrew Smith 1835 VRV 21 281 for 'nose' under the Griqua and Korana recording Nue (P), like the first member of Nui. The -sie is clear. The concept 'flat' (of Pitneus) is not an ingredient of the inland name. To summarize: Nui-tion is o.i. 'Location (-sie) that looks like a (flat), nose (+ gi -) 'possible n.a.v. An exaltation there.
afr Nui-sie is plaas nr 376, na aan die oosgrens, distrik Gobabis. Daar is 'n groot pan genoem 'Bitterwater se Pan', suidwes daarvan le 'Platneus' naby ’n ander pan, op die SWA-reeks 1965 vel 2218 Gobabis ongenoem. Daar is topografiese regverdiging vir mev. Opperman se aanwysing, maar taalkundig sluit dit nie goed nie. Met 'Heuningplek' in gedagte (volgens mnr Hanse en sy span), wat blykbaar ook die opvatting onder die Bruin- mense is, hoef nie noodwendig van 'n Hererowoord uitgegaan te word nie. By Rust 1960 DNW word vir 'heuning' onder Nama opgegee ǀǀnui-danib. nl. vir heuning wat wit van kleur is, 'n woord wat o.i. bevredigend aansluit by die lid Nui- van die pleknaam. Ons voorkeur is nogtans anders. Met S.A.-reeks 1977 skaal 1:50 000 vel 2219 Protem voor ons, merk ons dat die buurplaas 375 wat wes aan Nui-sie grens, die genoemde pan 'Platneus' dra, en dat die opstal met krale en meer ook ingeteken is as 'Platneus'. In die geval van buurplase waarvan die een ’n Khoekhoense en die ander 'n Hollandse naam dra, ontstaan die vraag of die onbekende beteke- nis van die inlandse naam nie as vertaling vervat is in die Hollandse naam nie. Dit lyk of ons hier so 'n geval het t.o.v. die dele 'neus' en 'nui'. Nama vir neus is ‘Pgui- (Rust I960 DNW 44). Rust voeg by ook vir 'Berg- nase'. Dit was vir nie-Khoekhoense mense 'n baie moeilike klankgroep om uit te spreek of om te skryf. Ons het talle spelpogings hiervan. kyk HOTT 400-401, en interessant dat dr Andrew Smith 1835 VRV 21 281 vir 'nose' onder die Griekwa en Korana opteken nue(p), soos die eerste lid van Nui-sie. Die -sie is wel lokatief. Die begrip 'plat' (van Platneus) is nie n bestanddeel van die inlandse naam nie. Om saam te vat: Nui-sie is o.i. 'Plek (-sie) wat lyk soos 'n (plat), neus ( + gui-)'\ moontlik n.a.v. 'n verhe- wenheid daar.
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