
The name for TU Tabis No. 364, and Tu-Tabis-Nord No 696, adjacent farms southeastern from Gobabis and close to the border, were discussed in th ** 1069 n.a.v. statements proposed by two whites. Those changes completely depart from what the namasprekers give. Kariseb who drove this world and now farm in the district, and also the team of nearby Leonardville, the first component connects independently with Nama Tu = 'Regnen, winning' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 361), as at thunder. The weather that 'scares' many rains 'and children', with which a fascinating ceremony hangs. As told by Mr Hanse. The member -Tabi-S is for 'place'. The name does not appear on the maps of Hahn 1879, Spreadbox 1904 or from the DSWA series 1910; On the SWA Series 1965 Ruitsone 34k Gobabis, the names are spelled loose ('Tu 'Tabis' and 'Tu Tabis'), but the most common game way today, according to our lists, 'Tu-Tabis', with hyphen. We believe that the explanations given above earn the preference.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2219 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hanse SD and five other Khoekhoen of Leonardville conversation 'Tu-Tabis. Tu is raining. If a child is scared of the rain, then if the weather comes, you load him into the rain, then you hold him in your hands, then you roll him in the air so that he gets all sides wet. Then you bring him back into the house again. It's tu-tabi. Then he is no longer afraid of the rain '. Kariseb e 1977 Former Sergeant and Farmer Conversation 'Tu Tabis, it has been very real in that place. It remains rain. Tu is raining, he went and then rain it. The rain doesn't go away. Tu tabis, it rains a lot '.
afr Hanse SD en vyf ander Khoekhoen van leonardville Gesprek 'Tu-tabis. Tu is reen. As 'n kind skrikkerig is vir die reen, dan as die weer kom, dan laai jy hom in die reen, dan hou jy hom vas in jou hande, dan rol jy hom so in die lug sodat hy alle kante nat word. Dan bring jy hom weer terug in die huis. Dit is tu-tabi. Dan is hy nie meer bang vir die reen nie'. Kariseb E 1977 Oud-sersant en Boer Gesprek 'Tu-tabis, dit het baie ge- reent op daardie plek. Dit bly reen. Tu is reen, hy trek toe en dan reen dit. Die reen gaan nie weg nie. Tu-tabis, dit reen baie'.
eng The name for TU Tabis No. 364, and Tu-Tabis-Nord No 696, adjacent farms southeastern from Gobabis and close to the border, were discussed in th ** 1069 n.a.v. statements proposed by two whites. Those changes completely depart from what the namasprekers give. Kariseb who drove this world and now farm in the district, and also the team of nearby Leonardville, the first component connects independently with Nama Tu = 'Regnen, winning' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 361), as at thunder. The weather that 'scares' many rains 'and children', with which a fascinating ceremony hangs. As told by Mr Hanse. The member -Tabi-S is for 'place'. The name does not appear on the maps of Hahn 1879, Spreadbox 1904 or from the DSWA series 1910; On the SWA Series 1965 Ruitsone 34k Gobabis, the names are spelled loose ('Tu 'Tabis' and 'Tu Tabis'), but the most common game way today, according to our lists, 'Tu-Tabis', with hyphen. We believe that the explanations given above earn the preference.
afr Die naam vir Tu-Tabis nr 364, en Tu-Tabis-Nord nr 696, aangrensende plase suidoostelik van Gobabis en na aan die grens, is bespreek in TH A** 1069 n.a.v. verklarings wat deur twee Blankes voorgestel is. Daardie ver- klarings wyk heeltemal af van wat die Namasprekers gee. Kariseb wat as sersant hierdie wêreld afgery het en nou in die distrik boer, en ook die span van die nabygeleë leonardville, verbind die eerste komponent onaf- hanklik van mekaar met Nama tu = 'regnen, gewittern' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 361), soos by donderweer. die weer wat 'baie reen' en kinders 'bang maak', waarmee ’n boeiende seremonie saamhang. soos meegedeel deur mnr Hanse. Die lid -tabi-s is wel vir 'plek'. Die naam kom nog nie voor op die kaarte van Hahn 1879, Sprigade-Moisel 1904 of van die DSWA- reeks 1910 nie; op die SWA-reeks 1965 ruitsone 34K Gobabis word die name los gespel ('Tu' Tabis' en 'Tu Tabis'), maar die algemeenste spel- wyse is vandag, volgens ons lyste, 'Tu-Tabis', met koppelteken. Ons meen dat die verklarings wat hierbo gegee is, die voorkeur verdien.
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