
The gate leads southwestern of Gobabis on the eastern shore of the white-nossob before his confluence with the black-nossob. In the returns, the CH-sharply express, equal to the Greek Chi ruling or the Afrikaans G-, and the word is heard with a nasal tribal chicken. Mr Krenz's statement is therefore exactly according to the verdict as beforehand. The -B is valued as a sign of the long gate, therefore the Genustration of the ML. EKV. But we doubt whether the verdict was well reproduced. Along the Caukurus complex and across the river, the white-nossop, the farm 'lawn' No. 50, according to numeration an old farm. Now 'grass' in Nama ǀ Gab (Rust I960 DNW 28). Did this (ǀ) g no later become 'hard' in pronunciation, such as, eg must be understood. The word for grass, viz. (ǀ) Gab, has the same nasal vowel. 'Grasspoort' is the right translation.

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Georeference Sources
S 2218 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng DSWA Series 1912 Blatt 17 Gobabis 'Chab'7 Survey S.J. 'Xab Porte, Xabpoort'. SWA Series 1966 Special Skin Gobabis 'Xab PFORTE', and eastern 'Chab', Fountain. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation 'The Overlam hotnots used ugly language many times. Xab is penis. It can't be different '.
afr DSWA-reeks 1912 Blatt 17 Gobabis 'Chab'7 Opmeting s.j. 'Xabpforte, Xabpoort'. SWA-reeks 1966 spesiale vel Gobabis 'Xab-Pforte', en oostelik daarvan 'Chab', fontein. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'Die Oorlam-Hotnots het baie keer lelike taal gebruik. Xab is penis. Dit kan nie anders wees nie'.
eng The gate leads southwestern of Gobabis on the eastern shore of the white-nossob before his confluence with the black-nossob. In the returns, the CH-sharply express, equal to the Greek Chi ruling or the Afrikaans G-, and the word is heard with a nasal tribal chicken. Mr Krenz's statement is therefore exactly according to the verdict as beforehand. The -B is valued as a sign of the long gate, therefore the Genustration of the ML. EKV. But we doubt whether the verdict was well reproduced. Along the Caukurus complex and across the river, the white-nossop, the farm 'lawn' No. 50, according to numeration an old farm. Now 'grass' in Nama ǀ Gab (Rust I960 DNW 28). Did this (ǀ) g no later become 'hard' in pronunciation, such as, eg must be understood. The word for grass, viz. (ǀ) Gab, has the same nasal vowel. 'Grasspoort' is the right translation.
afr Die poort le suidwestelik van Gobabis aan die oostelike oewer van die Wit-Nossob voor sy samevloeiing met die Swart-Nossob. In die opgawes is die Ch-skerp uit te spreek, gelyk aan die Griekse chi-uitspraak of die Afrikaanse g-, en die woord word met 'n nasale stamklinker gehoor. Mnr Krenz se verklaring is dus presies volgens die uitspraak soos aan horn voor- gelê. Die -b is wel gewaardeer as teken van die langerige poort, daarom die genusteken van die ml. ekv. Maar ons het twyfel of die uitspraak goed weergegee is. langs die Kaukurus-kompleks en oorkant die rivier, die Wit- Nossop, le die plaas 'Grasperk' nr 50, volgens numerering ’n ou plaas. Nou is 'gras' in Nama ǀgab (Rust I960 DNW 28). Het hierdie (ǀ)g nie later 'hard' in uitspraak geword nie, soos bv. G-obabis vandag gewoonlik gehoor word as X-obabis? Anders uitgedruk, ons voel oortuig dat Xab- pforte ens. gewoon as 'Grasspforte' ens. verstaan moet word. Die woord vir gras, nl. (ǀ)gab, het dieselfde nasale klinker. 'Graspoort' is o.i. die juiste vertaling.
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