
Stinkwater (Farm No 282, Dist. Rehoboth) One old name is the Khoekhoian OAS (2217 DC), cf. For details th a ** 948. Dr Budack also knows another alternative name that literally means 'stink water' and in its entirety is a translation, such as Nama ǀ O = 'Stinken', ǀǀ Gam- = 'Wasser' ( Rust 1960 DNW 59 and 72) plus the locative-with the exit -B of the ML. EKV. The translated form survived the original names.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2217 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Stinkwater)
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Budack KFR 1979 Letter 'OAS 2217 DC: I recorded the following name for this place: ǀ 0- ǀǀ gamseb = 'stink water'.'
afr Budack KFR 1979 Brief 'Oas 2217 DC: Ek het vir hierdie plek die vol- gende naam opgeteken: ǀ0-ǀǀgamseb = ‘Stinkwater’.'
eng Stinkwater (Farm No 282, Dist. Rehoboth) One old name is the Khoekhoian OAS (2217 DC), cf. For details th a ** 948. Dr Budack also knows another alternative name that literally means 'stink water' and in its entirety is a translation, such as Nama ǀ O = 'Stinken', ǀǀ Gam- = 'Wasser' ( Rust 1960 DNW 59 and 72) plus the locative-with the exit -B of the ML. EKV. The translated form survived the original names.
afr Stinkwater (plaas nr 282, dist. Rehoboth) se een ou naam is die Khoekhoense OAS (2217 DC), vgl. vir besonderhede TH A** 948. Dr Budack ken ook ’n ander alternatiewe naam wat letterlik 'Stinkwater' beteken en in sy geheel ’n vertaling is, soos Nama ǀo = 'stinken', ǀǀgam- = 'Wasser' (Rust 1960 DNW 59 en 72) plus die lokatief -se- met die uitgang -b van die ml. ekv. Die vertaalde vorm het die oorspronklike name oorleef.
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