
The case stimulates to specifications. Dr Hahn cites gaguis on the road to Windhoek and at the foot or hanging from a mountain he does not name as such. The name 'Kranzneus' does not occur at him at all. The cricke marte gives a name to gaguis in brackets, which is often turned over and indicates today under spelling 'Gocheganas No. 26' a farm border on 'Kranzneus', D.W.s. Now a neighbor farm is. Unlike Hahn 1879, the Krikriekarte 1904 'cliffs' (with-and not with -z-), and south of Gaguis / Gonyanas. 'Cannus' stands separately from Gaguis by 1900 as a second and neighboring entity. Further specialization we get in the DSWA series of Blatt 16 Windhuk by 1910, which subscribes to three separate entities, from north to south: Gaguis, Gochaganas and Kranz nose. The conclusion of the drama is that in later maps the oldest member, viz. Gaguis, disappeared, and that we have only the two other names, each also instead name. But now it is a fact that Nama ╪gui- according to O.A. Rust 1960 DNW 44 means 'Nase, Auch Bergnase', and that t = Ga- mean 'Der Bergkranz' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97). The VR. Ekv. -S Here Locative Funk. ^ G A + Guis is literally translated as 'cliff', the name of the farm that is close, adjacent, and from one cliff in the mountain on the farm. 'Kranzneus' translates an old Khoekhoense name for the place and preserving So indirectly the old inland name that has disappeared. The change-and-(Lg. eg at Palgrave) is lived.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2217 CC/CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
’n ou naam van Kranzneus
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Palgrave WC 1878 Commissioner Letter No. 29 QUELEN 15 '╪KA╪Kuis', also in letter 32 QUELEN 15 (both unpailed) '... - (Place of Jan Jonker Afrikaner). Hahn Th 1879 map '╪ga- + gush', seat of the ǀǀ Eixa- ǀǀ Ais of ǀ Hoa ǀ Arab (Jan Jonker) and Strain on the (old) road to Windhoek. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gaguis (Goreganes)'.
afr Palgrave WC 1878 Kommissaris Brief nr 29 Quellen 15 '╪Ka╪kuis', ook in Brief 32 Quellen 15 (albei ongepagineer) '...trekte...naar den berg ╪Gan ╪kuis midden tusschen Windhoek en Rehoboth...'- (Plek van Jan Jonker Afrikaner). Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Ga-+guis', setel van die ǀǀEixa-ǀǀais van ǀHoa- ǀArab (Jan Jonker) en uitspanning aan die (ou) pad op na Windhoek. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gaguis (Goreganes)'.
eng The case stimulates to specifications. Dr Hahn cites gaguis on the road to Windhoek and at the foot or hanging from a mountain he does not name as such. The name 'Kranzneus' does not occur at him at all. The cricke marte gives a name to gaguis in brackets, which is often turned over and indicates today under spelling 'Gocheganas No. 26' a farm border on 'Kranzneus', D.W.s. Now a neighbor farm is. Unlike Hahn 1879, the Krikriekarte 1904 'cliffs' (with-and not with -z-), and south of Gaguis / Gonyanas. 'Cannus' stands separately from Gaguis by 1900 as a second and neighboring entity. Further specialization we get in the DSWA series of Blatt 16 Windhuk by 1910, which subscribes to three separate entities, from north to south: Gaguis, Gochaganas and Kranz nose. The conclusion of the drama is that in later maps the oldest member, viz. Gaguis, disappeared, and that we have only the two other names, each also instead name. But now it is a fact that Nama ╪gui- according to O.A. Rust 1960 DNW 44 means 'Nase, Auch Bergnase', and that t = Ga- mean 'Der Bergkranz' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 97). The VR. Ekv. -S Here Locative Funk. ^ G A + Guis is literally translated as 'cliff', the name of the farm that is close, adjacent, and from one cliff in the mountain on the farm. 'Kranzneus' translates an old Khoekhoense name for the place and preserving So indirectly the old inland name that has disappeared. The change-and-(Lg. eg at Palgrave) is lived.
afr Die geval prikkel tot bespieelings. Dr Hahn situeer Gaguis aan die pad na Windhoek en aan die voet of hang van 'n berg wat hy nie as sodanig benoem nie. Die naam 'Kranzneus' kom by horn glad nie voor nie. Die Kriegskarte gee na Gaguis tussen hakies 'n naam aan wat baiekeer ver- draai is en vandag onder die spelling 'Gocheganas nr 26' 'n plaas aandui wat noordelik grens aan 'Kranzneus', d.w.s. nou ’n buurplaas is. Anders as by Hahn 1879 gee die Kriegskarte 1904 'Kransneus' (met -s- en nie met -z- nie) aan, en wel suid van Gaguis/Goreganas. 'Kransneus' staan teen 1900 apart van Gaguis as 'n tweede en naburige entiteit. Verdere spesiali- sasie kry ons teen 1910 in die DSWA-reeks Blatt 16 Windhuk wat drie aparte entiteite inteken, van noord na suid: Gaguis, Gochaganas en Kranz- neus. Die slot van die drama is dat in latere kaarte die oudste lid, nl. Gaguis, verdwyn het, en dat ons nog net die twee ander name het, elkeen ook plaasnaam. Maar nou is dit 'n feit dat Nama ╪gui- volgens o.a. Rust 1960 DNW 44 beteken 'Nase, auch Bergnase', en dat T=ga- beteken 'der Bergkranz' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 97). Die vr. ekv. -s het hier lokatiewe funk- sie. ^G a + guis is letterlik te vertaal as 'Kransneus', die naam van die plaas wat daar digby le, aangrensend, en van die een krans in die berg op die plaas. 'Kranzneus' vertaal 'n ou Khoekhoense naam vir die plek en bewaar so onregstreeks nog die ou inlandse naam wat verdwyn het. Die wisseling -g- en -k- (lg. bv. by Palgrave) is gewoon.
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