
This place has been situated according to the Krikriekarte which up to his time was the most trustworthy guide. Alexander places the village too far east, Hahn too far south, compared to the cricke marte that it passes as a source on the road to Haris, located west of Bismarckfel- sen and south of Haris, d.w.s. To a southern elbow of the auas mountains. In Alexander's time it was a village, a stat. In Hahn's time, it was inhabited by the 11aixa-1 J Ais of Jan Jonker. Alexander Translate Niais with 'Very Black'. It hits the stone mass's color. In his note, Booish J 1979 Language Assistant writes: 'A sort is a kind of black brown stone. 11aes here means a 'collection'. ' The 'place where there are many black brown stones'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2216 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 153 'The landscape, besides being beautiful from the abundance of trees and pasture, was imposing by reason of the picturesque and primitive mountains to the north and east, and placing the town of Niais (or very black) as it were in a vast amphitheatre'. Kaart 'Niais' op ong. 2317 BB. Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Ni-ǀǀais', uitspanning op 23° 4' 16° 58', effens te laag. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Niais Bg.'
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 153 'The landscape, besides being beautiful from the abundance of trees and pasture, was imposing by reason of the picturesque and primitive mountains to the north and east, and placing the town of Niais (or very black) as it were in a vast amphitheatre'. Kaart 'Niais' op ong. 2317 BB. Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Ni-ǀǀais', uitspanning op 23° 4' 16° 58', effens te laag. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Niais Bg.'
eng This place has been situated according to the Krikriekarte which up to his time was the most trustworthy guide. Alexander places the village too far east, Hahn too far south, compared to the cricke marte that it passes as a source on the road to Haris, located west of Bismarckfel- sen and south of Haris, d.w.s. To a southern elbow of the auas mountains. In Alexander's time it was a village, a stat. In Hahn's time, it was inhabited by the 11aixa-1 J Ais of Jan Jonker. Alexander Translate Niais with 'Very Black'. It hits the stone mass's color. In his note, Booish J 1979 Language Assistant writes: 'A sort is a kind of black brown stone. 11aes here means a 'collection'. ' The 'place where there are many black brown stones'.
afr Hierdie plek het ons gesitueer volgens die Kriegskarte wat tot op sy tyd opmeetkundig die betroubaarste gids was. Alexander plaas die dorpie te ver ooswaarts, Hahn weer te ver suidwaarts, vergeleke met die Kriegskarte wat dit aangee as ’n bron aan die pad na Haris, geleë wes van Bismarckfel- sen en suidelik van Haris, d.w.s. aan ’n suidelike elmboog van die Auas- berge. In Alexander se tyd was dit ’n dorpie, ’n stat. in Hahn se tyd was dit bewoon deur die 11Aixa-1 j ais van Jan Jonker. Alexander vertaal Niais met 'very black'. Dit slaan op die klipmassa se kleur. In sy Aantekening skryf Boois J 1979 Taalassistent: '╪Nis is ’n soort swartbruin klip. 11Aes beteken hier ’n ‘versameling’.' Die 'Plek waar daar baie swartbruin klippe le'.
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