
The name comes from early and often for a river walking in the Swakop, for two water-spots of wholesale and small-tinkas (at Hahn Th 1879 card Texasis and Texas-Kharis), for a source and thrown, the latter with Correlate S 2215 CD. About the derivation is the necessary, o.I. Quite correct, said by Dove. Hahn's derivation includes completely, cf. Techas.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2215 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn CH 1843-4 Travel Moritz 29/4 187 'Tinchas, a bracksequelle in the bed of a river'. Gorth M 1852 Sources 3 2 'On the 14th we came to Tingas' [Van Kawiab Af]. Andersson CJ 1850 Lake Ngami 38 '... a Favorite Resort of Lions, Called Tineas ...' Galton F 1851 Narrative 26 'WE Had Crossed A Ridge, And A Huge, Rounded Mountain (Tinkhas), That Faced US, What The Principal Feature in the Landscape '. Dove K 1900 MITTH 61' Tixas (Non Tinkas, as indicated on the Kiepertschen card). Tixas = Reich on backwards; Tis (also TES) = the hinter district, the club; Xa = hint of the crowd, the wealth of something. The area around Tixas is characterized by wildright, especially by a large whitel of the Springbockantelope, , The name of the waterellet therefore owes their emergence of all the probability of the circumstances that the hottentots relyed there regularly hunted hunts to provide meat for their livelihood '. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 [SOOS OOK by Kiepert 1893 Kaart, Reeds Deur Dove Genoeml war SK 'Tinkas'.
afr Hahn CH 1843-4 Reisen Moritz 29/4 187 'Tinchas, eine Brackquelle im Bette eines Flusses'. Gorth M 1852 Quellen 3 2 'Am 14. kamen wir nach Tingas' [van Kawiab af]. Andersson CJ 1850 lake Ngami 38 '...a favourite resort of lions, called Tineas...' Galton F 1851 Narrative 26 'We had crossed a ridge, and a huge, rounded mountain (Tinkhas), that faced us, was the principal feature in the landscape'. Dove K 1900 Mitth 61 'Tixas (nicht Tinkas, wie auf der Kiepertschen Karte angegeben). tixas = reich an Hintervierteln; tis (auch tes) = das Hinter- viertel, die Keule; xa = Andeutung der Menge, des Reichtums an etwas. Das Gebiet um Tixas zeichnet sich durch Wildreichthum, insbesondere durch grosse Rudel der Springbockantilope aus, die standig dort angetroffen würden. Die Bezeichnung der Wasserstelle verdankt daher ihre Entstehung aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach dem Umstande, dass die Hottentotten dort regelmassig ergiebige Jagden veranstalteten, um sich Fleisch für ihren lebensunterhalt zu verschaffen'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 [soos ook by Kiepert 1893 kaart, reeds deur Dove genoeml Kriegsk 'Tinkas'.
eng The name comes from early and often for a river walking in the Swakop, for two water-spots of wholesale and small-tinkas (at Hahn Th 1879 card Texasis and Texas-Kharis), for a source and thrown, the latter with Correlate S 2215 CD. About the derivation is the necessary, o.I. Quite correct, said by Dove. Hahn's derivation includes completely, cf. Techas.
afr Die naam kom van vroeg af en dikwels voor vir ’n rivier wat in die Swakop loop, vir twee waterplekke Groot- en Klein-Tinkas (by Hahn Th 1879 kaart Texasgeis en Texas-kharis), vir ’n bron en uitspanning, laasgenoemde met korrelate S 2215 CD. Oor die afleiding is die nodige, o.i. heel korrek, deur Dove gesê. Hahn se afleiding sluit hierby volkome aan, vgl. TECHAS.
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