
The quotes above relate to the river; Sometimes the name for the city or the place of security in the sea (Swakopmund) is also called poorly. A number of spelling variants were given, and there is more than here, eg. Knudsen writes the river name in his Nama reading booklet of 1845 as 'Zoachaub' and translates it with 'Rhein', who is an attempt by the old German missionaries for a troubling name transfer, even because they are the meaning of the Nama Word as ' Dealer 'knew and the use definitely disapproved. Of course, the Patriotic Rhine did not take. In our own resources we get the spelling 'Swakop' The first time in 1837, Andersson expressly claims that it is the shape that the whites gave it, and also Schultze confirm it. The verdict is an approximation of the ruling of the residents, a verdict that the old writers could not give well: until Dove (1900) there were a fifteen attempts or so recorded, but after that there comes a relative firmness , ie Besides the 'ballchildren' or illusive deformation 'Swakop' that is also included in the list of the APN, 'Tsoa-Xoub' or 'Tsoa-XAub' occurs as the good version of the namanam. Today, it is assumed that in the first component the current TSO-S = (o.a.) 'anus, bee hole' should be seen, although Dr Brincker thought of 'crooked'. Namawoorde with an affixative anlaut TS is never preceded by a suction consonant. The TSO is clearly recognizable in: SWA, ZWA, also in Tsway, Tswa, Tsawa, Schwa, Zoa, perhaps less Clearly in Chau-. It will be better if we want to judge the different versions such as 'allophones' rather than deviations from the current form. In the second member stitch the current Nama Word -xou, also heard as -exau, with the exit -b (-P) that can be summarized as a place indent of a river. Also, it is well reproduced with -Chaup, -ckaup etc, next to -Chap and -kop, but then the mitigation of the field -K or - x Determiniarizing in the writing methods --yawip, -yaup and -haub (at Schmelen and Small Champ), which makes one wonder if a transition stage has been detected in the process of develarisation; anyway, both pronunciation doors exist here, with or without field. The Nama XAU means coming from the TSA-S or 'AarGat', di 'eject, miss, wrapping'. The means S is then about '(such as a) with miss-smeared asset hole or back,' a condition involved on the consequential dirt as the river comes down and in the sea. Alexander's statement of the name with 'Bowels' is here with good will compatible ('the manure in the stomach'), that of McKiernan requires more stretchability, that of Brincker ('crooked / curved') very imagination. We now draw attention to the statement that Stevens 1877 gives Gourits (River), viz. as 'diarrhoea river', because the river is coming rapidly or unawares and then drains dirty like trees, mud and 'Debris'; For the derivation of xou = his need is done, and -ri- is verbal suffix for intensification or repetition, hence Xouri-understanding as abdominal trap. The agreement in view is indeed remarkable. Literature on this O.M. Besides H VEDDER 'QUELEN', PETTMAN 1931 SAPN, Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW, especially still W Moritz 'Zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des on behalf of Swakop Und Sweeopmund', S.J., and Rautenberg 1967 Das Alte Swakopmund.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2214 DA by uitwatering
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitwatering
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Melt 1824-5 report Moritz 28/4 222 'A day trip from this river is another, called Tsawayawip Look by W Moritz MS Topnaars 1]. Alexander Je 1837 Edia 2 73 'In The Upper Parts of the Swakop Or Bowel River, Which, Like the Kuisip, Emptied Itself Into Walvish Bay ...' Hahn CH 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 168 'From here you can the high Mountains on the other side of Zwachaup see '. Knudsen 1 842 Travel Moritz 29/4 144 'Tuesday ... we came to Chauchab after' Achau, two names that can not be translated decent '. Kleinschmidt 1842 Diary Moritz 28/4 256 'This river is called the little Tswayaup or Zwaihaup ... flows ... in the big Tswayaup ...' Tindall J 1845 VRV 40 70 'Tswakop'. Andersson CJ 1850 Lake Ngami 23 'Swakop' [OOK ELDERS]. Ibid. 34 '... THE RIVER ... TO WHICH THE NATIVES GIVE THE NAME OF SCHWACKAUP, OR SWAKOP, AS EUROPEANS CALL IT ...' BAINES 1861 ESWA 15 'The Waters of the Zwartkop ... May Be Had for the Digging at sandwich Harbor ... 'Ibid. 93 'Chapman Tells Me That the name 'Swakop' is not from the Dutch Swart Kop Or Black Hill, But is in the Hottentot Tongue a Somewhat Coarse Translation of 'Fair Round Belly with Good Capon Lined'.' McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 35 'The Zwachaub - Pro Swakop, Hottentot: Great Intestine - Plays on Important Part in Damaraland ...'. Kroenlein 1889 vocabulary 327 'Tsoa-Xoub, main flow in Damraland', by TSOA = 'The hole', EN XOU = 'Excrementur'. Witbooi 1890 VRV 9 56 'Tsoa Xaub'. Ibid. 119 'Zwachtub'. Ibid. 188 'Zwaasaub'. Ibid. 227 'Tsoaxaub'. Fire 1890 among the Herero (Barmen 1890) 11 'Tsoachaub' by W Moritz MS 5. Schwabe 1894 with sword and plow 1904 122 VN. 'I write ... Swakop, since the end silbe '-ob' is the ball hearing 'AUB' = water'. Brinster PH 1896 Globus 68/24 385 'Swakop ... is a disfigurator of the Nama name Tsoa-Chaub or Tsoa-Chaob (Tsoa Means Krumm, Homes, and Chauba, a Hissed Dirt) ...' Dove 1900 Mitth 64 'Tsoaxouo. TSOAS = after; Xoub = Excrements of people or reading. The little decent name ... hangs together with the color of the triiben, clay-containing water, which involves his bed in the agreement of the river ... 'Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 158' The emerging river leads in its tribial flood big quantities Mud and decay materials of all kinds with themselves and then does not always spread pleasant geriiche. The emerging Swakop has recalled the shepherds that the landscape names were reminiscent of the excrement (Xaub) aftkerbe (TSOAS) of a mistgoing cattle; The name Swakop is known to be the ball hearing rest of the Hottentot tables Tsoa-.xaub. '
afr Schmelen 1824-5 Bericht Moritz 28/4 222 'Eine Tagreise von diesem Flusse ist ein anderer, genannt Tsawayawip' look by W Moritz ms Topnaars 1 ]. Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 73 'In the upper parts of the Swakop or Bowel river, which, like the Kuisip, emptied itself into Walvisch Bay...' Hahn CH 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 168 'Von hier aus kann man die hohen Berge auf der anderen Seite des Zwachaup sehen'. Knudsen 1 842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 144 'Dienstag...kamen wir fiber Chauchab nach 'Achaub, zwei Namen, die nicht anständig übersetzt werden können'. Kleinschmidt 1842 Tagebuch Moritz 28/4 256 'Dieser Fluss heisst der Kleine Tswayaup oder Zwaihaup...fliesst...in den Grossen Tswayaup...' Tindall J 1845 VRV 40 70 'Tswakop'. Andersson CJ 1850 lake Ngami 23 'Swakop' [ook elders]. Ibid. 34 '...the river...to which the natives give the name of Schwackaup, or Swakop, as Europeans call it...' Baines 1861 ESWA 15 'The waters of the Zwartkop...may be had for the digging at Sandwich Harbour...' Ibid. 93 'Chapman tells me that the name ‘Swakop’ is not from the Dutch Swart Kop or Black Hill, but is in the Hottentot tongue a somewhat coarse translation of ‘Fair round belly with good capon lined’.' McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 35 'The Zwachaub - pro Swakop, Hottentot: Great intestine - plays an important part in Damaraland...'. Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 327 'Tsoa-xoub, Hauptfluss im Damraland', by tsoa = 'das loch', en xou = 'excrementiren'. Witbooi 1890 VRV 9 56 'Tsoa Xaub'. Ibid. 119 'Zwachaub'. Ibid. 188 'Zwaxaub'. Ibid. 227 'Tsoaxaub'. Viehe 1890 Unter den Herero (Barmen 1890) 11 'Tsoachaub' by W Moritz ms 5. Schwabe 1894 Mit Schwert und Pflug 1904 122 vn. 'Ich schreibe...Swakop, da die Endsilbe ‘-ob’ das ballhornisierte ‘aub’ = Wasser ist'. Brincker PH 1896 Globus 68/24 385 'Swakop...ist eine Entstellung von dem Nama-Namen Tsoa-chaub oder Tsoa-chaob (tsoa bedeutet krumm, gekriimmt, und chaub, ein gewisser Dreck)...' Dove 1900 Mitth 64 'Tsoaxouo. tsoas = After; xoub = Excremente von Menschen oder Thieren. Der wenig anständige Name...hangt mit der Far- bung des triiben, lehmhaltigen Wassers zusammen, welches bei dem Abkommen des Flusses sein Bett erfullt...' Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 158 'Der abkommende Fluss fuhrt in seiner triiben Flut grosse Mengen Schlamm und Zerfallstoffe aller Art mit sich und ver- breitet dann nicht immer angenehme Geriiche. Der abkommende Swakop hat die Hirten, die der landschaft Namen gaben, an die von Exkrementen (xaub) beschmutzte Afterkerbe (tsoas) eines mistenden Rindes erinnert; der Name Swakop ist bekanntlich der ballhornisierte Rest des hottentot-' tischen tsoa-.xaub.'
eng The quotes above relate to the river; Sometimes the name for the city or the place of security in the sea (Swakopmund) is also called poorly. A number of spelling variants were given, and there is more than here, eg. Knudsen writes the river name in his Nama reading booklet of 1845 as 'Zoachaub' and translates it with 'Rhein', who is an attempt by the old German missionaries for a troubling name transfer, even because they are the meaning of the Nama Word as ' Dealer 'knew and the use definitely disapproved. Of course, the Patriotic Rhine did not take. In our own resources we get the spelling 'Swakop' The first time in 1837, Andersson expressly claims that it is the shape that the whites gave it, and also Schultze confirm it. The verdict is an approximation of the ruling of the residents, a verdict that the old writers could not give well: until Dove (1900) there were a fifteen attempts or so recorded, but after that there comes a relative firmness , ie Besides the 'ballchildren' or illusive deformation 'Swakop' that is also included in the list of the APN, 'Tsoa-Xoub' or 'Tsoa-XAub' occurs as the good version of the namanam. Today, it is assumed that in the first component the current TSO-S = (o.a.) 'anus, bee hole' should be seen, although Dr Brincker thought of 'crooked'. Namawoorde with an affixative anlaut TS is never preceded by a suction consonant. The TSO is clearly recognizable in: SWA, ZWA, also in Tsway, Tswa, Tsawa, Schwa, Zoa, perhaps less Clearly in Chau-. It will be better if we want to judge the different versions such as 'allophones' rather than deviations from the current form. In the second member stitch the current Nama Word -xou, also heard as -exau, with the exit -b (-P) that can be summarized as a place indent of a river. Also, it is well reproduced with -Chaup, -ckaup etc, next to -Chap and -kop, but then the mitigation of the field -K or - x Determiniarizing in the writing methods --yawip, -yaup and -haub (at Schmelen and Small Champ), which makes one wonder if a transition stage has been detected in the process of develarisation; anyway, both pronunciation doors exist here, with or without field. The Nama XAU means coming from the TSA-S or 'AarGat', di 'eject, miss, wrapping'. The means S is then about '(such as a) with miss-smeared asset hole or back,' a condition involved on the consequential dirt as the river comes down and in the sea. Alexander's statement of the name with 'Bowels' is here with good will compatible ('the manure in the stomach'), that of McKiernan requires more stretchability, that of Brincker ('crooked / curved') very imagination. We now draw attention to the statement that Stevens 1877 gives Gourits (River), viz. as 'diarrhoea river', because the river is coming rapidly or unawares and then drains dirty like trees, mud and 'Debris'; For the derivation of xou = his need is done, and -ri- is verbal suffix for intensification or repetition, hence Xouri-understanding as abdominal trap. The agreement in view is indeed remarkable.

Literature on this O.M. Besides H VEDDER 'QUELEN', PETTMAN 1931 SAPN, Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW, especially still W Moritz 'Zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des on behalf of Swakop Und Sweeopmund', S.J., and Rautenberg 1967 Das Alte Swakopmund.
afr Die aanhalings hierbo het betrekking op die rivier; soms word die naam vir die stad of die plek van uitwatering in die see (Swakopmund) ook net Swakop genoem. ’n Aantal spellingvariante is gegee, en daar is meer as hier, bv. Knudsen skryf die riviernaam in sy Nama-leesboekie van 1845 as 'Zoachaub' en vertaal dit met 'Rhein', wat 'n poging van die ou Duitse sendelinge vir ’n veredelende naamsoordrag is, ook al omdat hulle die betekenis van die Namawoord as 'drekgat' geken en die gebruik bepaald afgekeur het. Die patriotiese Ryn het natuurlik nie ingeslaan nie. In ons eie bronne kry ons die spelling 'Swakop' die eerste keer in 1837, Andersson beweer uitdruklik dat dit die vorm is wat die Blankes daaraan gegee het, en ook Schultze bevestig dit. Die uitspraak is ’n benadering van die uitspraak van die inwoners, ’n uitspraak wat die ou skrywers nie goed kon weergee nie: tot aan Dove (1900) is daar ’n vyftien pogings of so opgeteken, maar daarna kom daar ’n betreklike vastigheid, d.w.s. naas die 'ballhornisierte' of vereuropeaniseerde vervorming 'Swakop' wat ook in die lys van die APN so opgeneem is, kom 'Tsoa-xoub' of 'Tsoa-xaub' voor as die goeie weergawe van die Namanaam. Vandag word aanvaar dat in die eerste komponent die huidige tsoa-s = (o.a.) 'anus, aarsgat', gesien moet word, hoewel dr Brincker aan 'krom' gedink het. Namawoorde met ’n affrikatiewe anlaut ts- word nooit deur 'n suigkonsonant voorafgegaan nie. Die tsoa- is duidelik herkenbaar in: swa-, zwa-, ook in tsway-, tswa-, tsawa-, schwa-, zoa-, miskien minder duidelik in chau-. Dit sal beter wees as ons die verskillende weergawes soos 'allofone' wil beoordeel eerder as afwykinge van die huidige vorm. In die tweede lid steek die huidige Namawoord -xou, ook gehoor as -xau, met die uitgang -b (-p) wat as plekaan- duidend van ’n rivier opgevat kan word. Ook dit is goed weergegee met -chaup, -ckaup ens., naas -chap en -kop, maar dan val die versagting van die velaar -k of -x bepaaldelik op in die skryfwyses -yawip, -yaup en -haub (by onderskeidelik Schmelen en Kleinschmidt), wat mens laat wonder of hier ’n oorgangstadium te bespeur is in die proses van develarisasie; in ieder geval bestaan albei uitspraakwyses hier naasmekaar, met of sonder velaar. Die Nama xau- beteken wat uit die tsoa-s of 'aarsgat' kom, d.i. 'uitwerpsel, mis, drek'. Die betekenis is dan ongeveer '(soos ’n) met mis besmeerde aarsgat of agterent', ’n toestand wat betrek word op die meegevoerde vuil as die rivier afkom en in die see uitwater. Alexander se verklaring van die naam met 'bowels' is hiermee met goeie wil verenigbaar ('die mis in die maag'), die van McKiernan vereis meer rekbaarheid, die van Brincker ('krom/gekromde drek') baie verbeeldingrykheid. Ons vestig hierby nog die aandag op die verklaring wat Stevens 1877 gee van GOURITS(RIVIER), nl. as 'Diarrhoea River', omdat die rivier vinnig of onverhoeds afkom en dan vuil soos borne, modder en 'debris' afvoer; vir die afleiding is gedink aan xou = sy behoefte doen, en -ri- is verbale suffiks vir intensivering of herhaling, vandaar dat xouri- verstaan word as buikloop. Die ooreenkoms in siening is inderdaad opmerklik. literatuur hieroor o.m. naas H Vedder 'Quellen', Pettman 1931 SAPN, Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW, veral nog W Moritz 'Zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Namens Swakop und Swakopmund', s.j., en Rautenberg 1967 Das alte Swakopmund.
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