
The PNC accepted Dr. Vedder's spelling proposal. The change N (onidas) with H (onidas) is commonplace, cf. 5 D 6. What the three possibilities of Dr. Vedder are concerned, we can indicate Rev. Take Scheppmann as a guide. He follows Knudsen's system to write suction sounds, according to which the comma in front of the lateral ǀǀ proposal; The name is then to hear as ǀǀ Hunidas. It makes Wandres' distractions more securely. A reinforcing factor is the fact by Scheppmann, viz. That there is an abundance of reed and grass in the area. 'Bubble or brown fountain'. The above is definitely talked about the station and the farm it stands on. There were a whole complex places called here. The AdressBuch of 1939 mentions Nonidas I No. 34, II No. 35, Nonidas No. 40, Nonidas-ost No. We only add that Mr Krenz FK 1974 rejects in his note the derivation of 'Borfontintjie' and believes that it has the noisy or (hunibome as a basis, we believe inadequate grounds. 'There was, as the old people were told, on The hill a single white hole tree, a rarity in that region, and then the span area is called along the Swakop River '. The name also occurred as' nonadas '(Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 162).

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2214 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Scheppmann 1845 Travel Moritz 29/4 241 'The place, called 'Hunidas [Nonidas], is quite quite and already, has advised and grass in the upper flow and is only about three hours away from the lake'. Wandres 1928 Luderitzb Zeitung 27 10 1928 'Nonidas is near Swakopmund, at the first narrow gauge railway. However, this place does not mean Nonidas, but ǀǀ Hunidas. ǀǀ Huni means bubbling and 'there' reducing, so: the little bubble fountain '. PNK 1947 'Nonidas. 33 miles [53 km] from Walvis Bay. Station'. 'Nama language: (Hunidas; ǀǀ Hunidas; Igurudas. At. It is no longer to be determined which of these three terms is the original, especially since the natives do not use any of the three given names, but only say 'Nonidas', which is why The description 'Nonidas' should be maintained. H. Vedder '.
afr Scheppmann 1845 Reisen Moritz 29/4 241 'Der Platz, genannt ’Hunidas [Nonidas], ist geraumig und schon, hat Riet und Gras im Oberfluss und ist nur etwa drei Stunden von der See entfernt'. Wandres 1928 luderitzb Zeitung 27 10 1928 'Unweit Swakopmund liegt Nonidas, an der ersten Schmalspurbahn. Dieser Ort heisst jedoch nicht Nonidas, sondern ǀǀHunidas. ǀǀHuni heisst sprudeln und ‘da’ ist Verkleinerung, also: Der kleine Sprudelbrunnen'. PNK 1947 'Nonidas. 33 miles [53 km] from Walvis Bay. Station'. 'Namasprache: (Hunidas; ǀǀHunidas; IGurudas. Anm. Es ist nicht mehr festzustellen, welche von diesen drei Benennungen die ursprungliche ist, zumal die Eingeborenen keinen der drei angegebenen Namen mehr gebrauchen, sondern nur noch ‘Nonidas’ sagen, weswegen auch die Schreibung ‘Nonidas’ beibehalten werden sollte. H. Vedder'.
eng The PNC accepted Dr. Vedder's spelling proposal. The change N (onidas) with H (onidas) is commonplace, cf. 5 D 6. What the three possibilities of Dr. Vedder are concerned, we can indicate Rev. Take Scheppmann as a guide. He follows Knudsen's system to write suction sounds, according to which the comma in front of the lateral ǀǀ proposal; The name is then to hear as ǀǀ Hunidas. It makes Wandres' distractions more securely. A reinforcing factor is the fact by Scheppmann, viz. That there is an abundance of reed and grass in the area. 'Bubble or brown fountain'. The above is definitely talked about the station and the farm it stands on. There were a whole complex places called here. The AdressBuch of 1939 mentions Nonidas I No. 34, II No. 35, Nonidas No. 40, Nonidas-ost No. We only add that Mr Krenz FK 1974 rejects in his note the derivation of 'Borfontintjie' and believes that it has the noisy or (hunibome as a basis, we believe inadequate grounds. 'There was, as the old people were told, on The hill a single white hole tree, a rarity in that region, and then the span area is called along the Swakop River '. The name also occurred as' nonadas '(Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 162).
afr Die PNK het dr Vedder se spellingvoorstel aanvaar. Die wisseling N-(onidas) met H-(onidas) is veelvoorkomend, vgl. 5 D 6. Wat die drie moontlikhede van dr Vedder betref, kan ons die aanduiding van eerw. Scheppmann as rigsnoer neem. Hy volg Knudsen se stelsel om suigklanke te skryf, waarvolgens die hoe komma vooraan die laterale ǀǀ voorstel; die naam is dan te hoor as ǀǀHunidas. Dit maak Wandres se afleiding sekerder. ’n Versterkende faktor is die feit deur Scheppmann vermeld, nl. dat daar ’n oorvloed aan riet en gras in die omgewing staan. 'Borrel- of Bruisfonteintjie'. Hierbo is bepaaldelik gepraat oor die stasie en die plaas waarop dit staan. Daar was ’n hele kompleks plekke met die naam hier. Die Adressbuch van 1939 noem Nonidas I nr 34, II nr 35, Nonidas nr 40, Nonidas-Ost nr 60, terwyl die stasie oudtyds gelê het op Nonidas nr 42. Op die landmeter-generaal 1972 se kaart verskyn die plekke nou nommersgewys. Ons voeg nog net by dat mnr Krenz FK 1974 in sy Aantekening die afleiding van 'Borrelfonteintjie' verwerp en meen dat dit die noenie- of (huniboom as grondslag het, ons meen op onvoldoende gronde. 'Daar was, soos die oumense vertel, op die heuwel ’n enkele witgatboompie, ’n rariteit in daardie streek, en daarna is die uitspanplek langs die Swakoprivier genoem'. Die naam het ook voorgekom as 'Nonadas' (Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 162).
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