
The Auheib is, according to Vedder, the 'bitter bush' (Nama au = bitter, and hey-b / -s = tree, forest, wood, etc.), cf. Also Kr.-r. 1969 NW 314 S.V. Old-Heis: 'Bitter- Busch' and Smith 1966 cnsap 107 on botanical identifications. The tame boutible / wood is according to LG. 456 Spirostachys africana. The place name is apparently N.A.V. The presence of the tree type, viz. the tamb route and / or the bitter bush. In a second note, Krenz 1975 distinguishes the nama forms as follows: 'Auheb = bitter bush; Auiheib = Tambuti; ╪Auheib = Grewia (raisin bush) '.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2219
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng PNK 1947 'Auheib', Dist. Gobabis, farm name, also taken over for carbus stop, 34 km from Gobabis. 'Namatal / L« -Heib = Bitterbos. H. Vedder '. Van Helsdingen m 1973 housewife questionnaire 'Auheib, farm. Means' man with stick or stick ', of AUB = man, and heib = stick ... 'Krenz FK 1974 Farmer Note' Auheb = Tambuti ', such as at pnk' Für Den Knopkiri WIRD Deistens Den Wurzelstock Des Rosyntjie ^ Grew /' a) - Busches Genommaen ', as at second spokesman. 'The Grewia Flam is in Nama ╪auheib'.
afr PNK 1947 'Auheib', dist. Gobabis, plaasnaam, ook vir motorbushalte oorgeneem, 34 km van Gobabis af. 'Namataal /l«-heib = Bitterbos. H. Vedder'. Van Helsdingen M 1973 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Auheib, plaas. Beteken ‘Man met stok of kierie’, van aub = man, en heib = stok...' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Auheib = Tambuti', soos by PNK 'für den Knopkiri wird meistens den Wurzelstock des Rosyntjie^Grew/'a)- Busches genommen', soos by tweede segsman. 'Die Grewia flam is in Nama ╪auheib'.
eng Bitterbos
afr Bitterbos
eng The Auheib is, according to Vedder, the 'bitter bush' (Nama au = bitter, and hey-b / -s = tree, forest, wood, etc.), cf. Also Kr.-r. 1969 NW 314 S.V. Old-Heis: 'Bitter- Busch' and Smith 1966 cnsap 107 on botanical identifications. The tame boutible / wood is according to LG. 456 Spirostachys africana. The place name is apparently N.A.V. The presence of the tree type, viz. the tamb route and / or the bitter bush. In a second note, Krenz 1975 distinguishes the nama forms as follows: 'Auheb = bitter bush; Auiheib = Tambuti; ╪Auheib = Grewia (raisin bush) '.
afr Die Auheib is, volgens Vedder, die 'bitterbos' (Nama au = bitter, en hei-b/-s = boom, bos, hout ens.), vgl. ook Kr.-R. 1969 NW 314 s.v. ou-heis: 'Bitter- busch' en Smith 1966 CNSAP 107 oor botaniese identifikasies. Die tam- boetiboom/hout is volgens lg. 456 Spirostachys africana. Die pleknaam is dan klaarblyklik n.a.v. die aanwesigheid van die boomsoort, nl. die tamboetie en/of die bitterbos. In ’n tweede Aantekening onderskei Krenz 1975 die Namavorme soos volg: 'Auheib = Bitterbos; Auiheib = Tambuti; ╪Auheib = Grewia (Rosyntjiebos)'.
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