
Gaus is farm No. 272, Dist. Gobabis, and not far from Oas No. 184. We believe that Mrs. Finke can be equal, she is also best known with local environmental conditions. We also base our allegation on other grounds, and refer to Gauss 1917, and specifically the information of Mr Schroeder. There seems to be related to ǀ Au-S = 'Quelle' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), but now with a federal form, as language phenomenon i.v.m. Nama is not uncommon, but convinced is the connection with the equilaricized ǀ oa- = 'the raising of the prostitute (Kreenlin 1889 Worschatz 274) (middle tone), which directly joins the meaning she gives. That the existence of drinking places for other secret has been a well-known fact. A precision we get at Krenz FK 1976 Farmer Note 'igous - Cellt Für Queen, Solnign Aus der Regenze in File Rassen Zuriick Hallows Wasser'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2219
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Gaus' OP S 2219 CB. Franzius Ch 1974 Boin Tutk 'Gaus is wildebees'. Finke H 1974 Farmersfrau Question Bow 'Gaus = Hidden Water (Source)'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Gaus' op S 2219 CB. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'Gaus is wildebees'. Finke H 1974 Farmersfrau Fragenbogen 'Gaus = verstecktes Wasser (Quelle)'.
eng Gaus is farm No. 272, Dist. Gobabis, and not far from Oas No. 184. We believe that Mrs. Finke can be equal, she is also best known with local environmental conditions. We also base our allegation on other grounds, and refer to Gauss 1917, and specifically the information of Mr Schroeder. There seems to be related to ǀ Au-S = 'Quelle' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), but now with a federal form, as language phenomenon i.v.m. Nama is not uncommon, but convinced is the connection with the equilaricized ǀ oa- = 'the raising of the prostitute (Kreenlin 1889 Worschatz 274) (middle tone), which directly joins the meaning she gives. That the existence of drinking places for other secret has been a well-known fact. A precision we get at Krenz FK 1976 Farmer Note 'igous - Cellt Für Queen, Solnign Aus der Regenze in File Rassen Zuriick Hallows Wasser'.
afr Gaus is plaas nr 272, dist. Gobabis, en le nie ver van OAS nr 184 af nie. Ons meen dat mev. Finke gelyk kan he, sy is ook die beste met die plaaslike om- standighede bekend. Ons baseer ons bewering ook op ander gronde, en verwys daarvoor na GAUSS 1917, en dan wel spesifiek na die inligting van mnr Schroeder. Daar skyn verband te wees met ǀau-s = 'Quelle' (Rust 1960 DNW 48), maar nou met ’n gevelariseerde vorm, as taalverskynsel i.v.m. Nama nie ongewoon nie, maar oortuigender is die verband met die eweneens gevelariseerde ǀoa- = 'die Verheimlichung' (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 274) (middeltoon), wat direk aansluit by die betekenis wat sy gee. Dat die bestaan van drinkplekke vir ander geheim gehou is, is ’n bekende feit gewees. ’n Presisering kry ons by Krenz FK 1976 Boer Aantekening ' IGous — selten gebraucht für Quellen, sondern aus der Regenzeit in Felsterrassen zuriickgehaltenes Wasser'.
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