
Both seglides consider the -ro-as reduction forms, Mrs. Franzius ages the AU as compatible with Nama Ou-S [AU-S] = 'mildly gabe' (Rust 1960 DNW 24), Mr Oaeb as being Nama ǀ Au- (with increasing tone) = fountain. The latter is the patterned statement, and in addition to the local people familiar with the topography there. We believe this farm No. 62, Dist. Gobabis, location as above, also means 'Kleinfontein', as in previous LEMMATA. The nature of the fountains was annexed by Mr Swartz.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2218/2318
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Swartz Chj 1973 Boer questionnaire 'Auros, farm. Means 'digit water', because in the years of many rains the farm in some places is mountainous, get numeracy sites. Information from Simon Oaeb, NAMA of 80 years '. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Conversation 'ǀ Auros is 'Small Gift', 'Small Gabe'.'
afr Swartz CHJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Auros, plaas. Beteken ‘Syferwater’, omdat in die jare van baie reens die plaas wat op sommige plekke bergagtig is, syferwaterplekke kry. Inligting van Simon Oaeb, Nama van 80 jaar'. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'ǀAuros is ‘Klein geskenkie’, ‘Kleine Gabe’.'
eng Kleinfontein
afr Kleinfontein
eng Both seglides consider the -ro-as reduction forms, Mrs. Franzius ages the AU as compatible with Nama Ou-S [AU-S] = 'mildly gabe' (Rust 1960 DNW 24), Mr Oaeb as being Nama ǀ Au- (with increasing tone) = fountain. The latter is the patterned statement, and in addition to the local people familiar with the topography there. We believe this farm No. 62, Dist. Gobabis, location as above, also means 'Kleinfontein', as in previous LEMMATA. The nature of the fountains was annexed by Mr Swartz.
afr Albei segsliede beskou die -ro- as verkleiningsformans, mev. Franzius ag die Au- as verbindbaar met Nama ou-s [au-s] = 'mildtatige Gabe' (Rust 1960 DNW 24), mnr Oaeb as synde Nama ǀau- (met hoogstygende toon) = fontein. laasgenoemde is die patroonmatige verklaring, en bowendien afkomstig van die plaaslike persone bekend met die topografie daar. Ons meen dat hierdie plaas, nr 62, dist. Gobabis, ligging soos hierbo, ook beteken 'Kleinfontein', soos in vorige lemmata. Die aard van die fonteintjies is deur mnr Swartz verkJaar.
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