
The above quotes give up game forms, at Dove also the derivation. The name was replaced by others, but no one had taken in, except Windhoek was transferred by Jonker Afrikaner when he was going to save his site by about 1840. Dr DG Conradie believes that Windhoek himself 'a translation (is) of a hottent name that carried the farm earlier during the occupation of the place by the old grriequastam' (the Huisgenoot 23 Jan. 1948 67). When the old name is still Necessisely, it is spelled Aigams, according to decision of the PNC in 1949. So 'Aigams' used 'replacement of Small-Windhoek' in certain cases. Consult OA Conradie, Pettman SAPN, Vedder and Wandres (see Bibliography).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2217
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
’n ou naam van Windhoek, SWA
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Knudsen 1845 Nama-a.b.z-╪k.annis 16 Spel Dit 'ǀ AI ǀǀ GAMS.' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 'in A FEW Hours from Eikhams We Had Emerged from the Valley of the Swakop on to the High Plateau ...' Andersson CJ 1851 Lake Ngami 124 'on the 16th of January MR Galton Started for Eikhams, The Residence of Jonker Africans.en Weer 235 'Eikhams Is Abundantly Supplied With Water From Three Or Four Copious Springs ... Eikhams is the Prettiest Place I Ever Saw Eithher in Damara-Land Or Namaqua-Land ...' Kroenlein JG 1870 sources 13 597 ' ... we reached Windhoek, or right ǀ AI ǀǀ Gams (fire water) ... water was enough ... available, almost boiling hot water. Therefore, the name ... 'McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 35' FROM THERE IT RISES ABOVE EIKAMS (Windhoek) To The Sea ... 'Dove 1900 Communications 60' ǀ AI ǀǀ GAMS - Hottentotic name for Windhoek, ǀ AIB, ǀ AIS = fire; ǀǀ gami = water. So the place of fire water. Explains by the occurrence of very hot springs, which in Windhoek still urgently exceed 10 ° the temperature of the otherwise existing hot bubbles and those in such quantity are present that the steam of hot water is at the upper edge of the hot water and evening Hill, widely visible, boosted in the cool air '. [Vandaar The Hereronaam Otjomuise = 'Smokort' - Vedder, in Article Hierbo Genoem],
afr Knudsen 1845 Nama-A.B.Z-╪K.annis 16 spel dit 'ǀAi-ǀǀgams.' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 'In a few hours from Eikhams we had emerged from the valley of the Swakop on to the high plateau...' Andersson CJ 1851 Lake Ngami 124 'On the 16th of January Mr Galton started for Eikhams, the residence of Jonker Afrikaner.en weer 235 'Eikhams is abundantly supplied with water from three or four copious springs... Eikhams is the prettiest place I ever saw either in Damara-land or Namaqua-land...' Kroenlein JG 1870 Quellen 13 597 '...erreichten wir Windhoek, oder richtiger ǀAi-ǀǀgams (Feuerwasser)... Wasser war genug...vorhanden, fast siedend heisses Wasser. Daher der Name...' McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 35 'From there it rises above Eikams (Windhoek) to the sea...' Dove 1900 Mittheilungen 60 'ǀAi-ǀǀgams — hottentottischer Name für Windhoek, ǀaib, ǀais = Feuer; ǀǀgami = Wasser. Also der Platz der Feuerwasser. Erklärt sich durch das Vorkommen sehr heisser Quellen, die in Windhoek noch urn 10° die Temperatur der sonst im Lande vorhandenen heissen Sprudel übertreffen und die hier in solcher Menge vorhanden sind, dass gegen Morgen und Abend der Dampf des heissen Wassers an dem oberen Rande der Hügel, weithin sichtbar, in die kühle Luft emporsteigt'. [Vandaar die Hereronaam Otjomuise = 'Rauchort' — Vedder, in artikel hierbo genoem],
eng Fire water
afr Vuurwater
eng The above quotes give up game forms, at Dove also the derivation. The name was replaced by others, but no one had taken in, except Windhoek was transferred by Jonker Afrikaner when he was going to save his site by about 1840. Dr DG Conradie believes that Windhoek himself 'a translation (is) of a hottent name that carried the farm earlier during the occupation of the place by the old grriequastam' (the Huisgenoot 23 Jan. 1948 67). When the old name is still Necessisely, it is spelled Aigams, according to decision of the PNC in 1949. So 'Aigams' used 'replacement of Small-Windhoek' in certain cases. Consult OA Conradie, Pettman SAPN, Vedder and Wandres (see Bibliography).
afr Bostaande aanhalings gee spelvorme aan, by Dove ook die afleiding. Die naam is verskillende kere deur ander vervang maar geeneen het ingeslaan nie, behalwe Windhoek wat deur Jonker Afrikaner daarop oorgedra is toe hy teen ongeveer 1840 daar sy werf gaan opslaan het. Dr DG Conradie meen dat Windhoek self '’n vertaling (is) van 'n Hottentotnaam wat die plaas vroeër gedra het tydens die bewoning van die plek deur die ou Gregriequastam' (Die Huisgenoot 23 Jan. 1948 67). Wanneer die ou naam nog nodigis, word dit gespel Aigams, volgens besluit van die PNK in 1949. So word 'Aigams' gebruik ter 'vervanging van Klein-Windhoek' in bepaalde gevalle. Raadpleeg o.a. Conradie, Pettman SAPN, Vedder en Wandres (kyk Bibliografie).
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