
It seems that the name has given trouble. 'Go and come back' hardly looks nomination material through which a place can act distinctively with others. In the earliest records we mentioned above, it was a tension or transfer at a fountain, as such also marked on cards. The - S is a location mark for a source / fountain. Mr Jones says it's also a river name. Now it is farm name on which a mine lies. The statement that thinks of an echo as a processing point for the name can occupy him on the mountain basin and connect it linguistically with Nama Mi = but it hangs parts of the name in the air. However, Heidmann records the name If Oamutis, in the Craise of 1904 Oamutes, and Hahn th 1901 (not 1879ǃ) It now also sees Oammutes 'Fountain', and against the 'OA' = return or other uncertain application, now stands 'ea' = 'sprudn (Quelle)' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), ie 'Borrelfontein', 'Woming Woming up'. This statement is sharp, Pattern, normal toponimic material, and earn the definite preference. In fact, it means that the name has changed over time in the member -mu- to -mi-, how, do we know, but in the time of small Was it accomplished, and next that we regarded as the oldest of the two, namely the verdict with -mu-. 'Borrelfontein', who reminds Go Amus or 'Foamfontein', which described Mr M Christian as 'bubble eye'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2217
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Kleinschmidt FH 1864 QUELEN 'OAMITES' [Unfortunately failed to state the location.] Grundemann R 1867 Missions Atlas Grossnamaqualand 'Oamidis'. Hahn Th 1879 map 'Oamites', thrown on highway. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Oamutist ...' Heidmann FH 1880 QUELEN 21 161 '... in the mountains Zwischen Aris und oamutist ...' Hahn th 1901 Collectanea / 72 'The quellen Werden Auch Augen Des Wassers Genannt, Mus is Auge ... Other Ortsnamen Sind ... Oamutes, sprudelquelle '. PNK 1971 'Oamites. The environment is mountainous and at a certain place the echo is very bright. It is a Nama Word and is compiled as follows: OA = return; Myth = words, m.a.w. returning words or echo '. Jones HCW 1973 Personnel Officer Questionnaire 'Oamites, Farm, River, Copper Mine, 64 KM South of Windhoek, 43 km North of Rehoboth. OAMITES MEANS 'GO COME BACK AND TELL ME, OA = GO, MI = TELL, TO = ME' come back and say to me, of oa = go, mi = se, ti = for me; (2) bright water; (3) many stones [numbers (2) and (3) are the statements of the owner, share Mrs Bubb flour; (4) Borne, if the name is Herero ' Streitfrags '.
afr Kleinschmidt FH 1864 Quellen 'Oamites' [ongelukkig nagelaat om die vindplaas te vermeld.] Grundemann R 1867 Missions-Atlas Grossnamaqualand 'Oamidis'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Oamites', uitspanning aan hoofweg. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 kriegsk 'Oamutis...' Heidmann FH 1880 Quellen 21 161 '...in die Berge zwischen Aris und Oamutis...' Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea / 72 'Die Quellen werden auch Augen des Wassers genannt, mus ist Auge...Andere Ortsnamen sind...Oamutes, Sprudelquelle'. PNK 1971 'Oamites. Die omgewing is bergagtig en op ’n seker plek is die eggo baie helder. Dit is 'n Namawoord en is soos volg saamgestel: oa = terugkeer; mite = woorde, m.a.w. terugkerende woorde of eggo'. Jones HCW 1973 Personnel Officer Questionnaire 'Oamites, farm, river, copper mine, 64 km south of Windhoek, 43 km north of Rehoboth. Oamites means 'Go come back and tell me, oa = go, mi = tell, te = me'. Bubb mev J 1973 Salarisklerk Vraelys 'Oamites, plaas nr 53, 45 km suid van Windhoek. Vier moontlikhede: (1) Gaan, kom terug en se vir my, van oa = gaan, mi = se, ti = vir my; (2) Helder water; (3) Baie klippe [nommers (2) en (3) is die verklarings van die eienaar, deel mev Bubb meel; (4) Borne, in- dien die naam Herero is'. SAP Rehoboth 1974 Gesprek 'Oamites = gaan en kom terug'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'ǃOa mite = Sage mir offen heraus', 1976 'oamite = Streitfragen'.
eng It seems that the name has given trouble. 'Go and come back' hardly looks nomination material through which a place can act distinctively with others. In the earliest records we mentioned above, it was a tension or transfer at a fountain, as such also marked on cards. The - S is a location mark for a source / fountain. Mr Jones says it's also a river name. Now it is farm name on which a mine lies. The statement that thinks of an echo as a processing point for the name can occupy him on the mountain basin and connect it linguistically with Nama Mi = but it hangs parts of the name in the air. However, Heidmann records the name If Oamutis, in the Craise of 1904 Oamutes, and Hahn th 1901 (not 1879ǃ) It now also sees Oammutes 'Fountain', and against the 'OA' = return or other uncertain application, now stands 'ea' = 'sprudn (Quelle)' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), ie 'Borrelfontein', 'Woming Woming up'. This statement is sharp, Pattern, normal toponimic material, and earn the definite preference. In fact, it means that the name has changed over time in the member -mu- to -mi-, how, do we know, but in the time of small Was it accomplished, and next that we regarded as the oldest of the two, namely the verdict with -mu-. 'Borrelfontein', who reminds Go Amus or 'Foamfontein', which described Mr M Christian as 'bubble eye'.
afr Dit blyk dat die naam moeilikheid gegee het. 'Gaan en kom terug' lyk nouliks benoemingsmateriaal waardeur 'n plek onderskeidend met ander kan optree. In die vroegste optekeninge wat ons hierbo genoem het, was dit 'n uitspanning of oorstaning by ’n fontein, as sodanig ook op kaarte gemerk. Die -s is 'n lokatiefmerk vir 'n bron/fontein. Mnr Jones se dit is ook 'n riviernaam. Nou is dit plaasnaam waarop ’n myn le. Die verklaring wat aan 'n eggo as ver- trekpunt vir die naam dink, kan horn op die bergkom beroep en dit taalkundig verbind met Nama mi = se, maar dit laat dele van die naam in die lug hang. Heidmann teken die naam egter aan as Oamutis, in die Kriegskarte van 1904 Oamutes, en Hahn Th 1901 (nie van 1879 nieǃ) sien dit nou ook as Oamutes. Teenoor die -mi- staan die -mu-, teenoor die 'se' staan die 'oog' of 'fontein', en teenoor die 'oa' = terugkeer of ander onsekere toepassing, staan nou 'oa' = 'sprudeln (Quelle)' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), d.w.s. 'Borrelfontein', 'Opwelfontein'. Hierdie verklaring is skerp, patroonmatig, normale toponimiese materiaal, en verdien o.i. die besliste voorkeur. In feite beteken dit dat die naam dan met verloop van tyd in die lid -mu- verander het tot -mi-, hoe, weet ons nie, maar in die tyd van Kleinschmidt was dit al voltrek, en daarnaas het nog bestaan wat ons as die oudste van die twee beskou, naamlik die uitspraak met -mu-. 'Borrelfontein', wat laat dink aan GOAMUS of 'Skuimfontein', wat mnr M Christian as 'Borreloog' beskryf het.
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