
It is Farm No. 28, Dist. Caribib, and located east of Otjimbingwe on the Swakop. Namahaus, like on the 1912 chart, is probably heard, believe Mrs. Holy. It can be understood as Nama-aus = Namabron, or as Noma- ǀ aus = fig tree, but the registered name is nomat sauce. TSA (without the post-sealing as with Mrs. Holy) is without doubt. Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 161 says about this O.A. 'The Hottentotten Scheinen Für Den Begriff 'Puts' Keine Eigene Bezeichnung Zu Haben; IM BergdamaradiaLekt Wird Sie Tsaus Genannt ', also spelled Tsous (Rust 1960 DNW 72), but then as Nama Word. Mrs. Give Holy to the fig tree ǀ Homa, who represents the change H and N-once (5 d 6). This is the ficus sycomorus, common name is the wild tree (Smith 1966 cnsap 552), and Schultze Anuk 200 Translation ǀ Noma-S also with 'wild feige'. We emphasize the emphasis because Rest 1960 DNW 21 The ǀ Noma translated with 'Gartenfige' versus ǀ Gowe-S = 'Wild Feige', also in Kr.-r. 1969 NW 292 is ǀ Noma-S the Makvy. Mrs. Holy has identified it botanically, and there is no doubt that the ǀ Noma (ǀ Homa) is the sycam tree. If it was the garden, it could have had a piece of agricultural value. So: The 'Wildevypeboomfontein'.

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Georeference Sources
S 2216
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Sprigade Misel 1912 Map of SWA 'Namahaus'. HOLY MRS M 1973 QUESTIONNAURE 'NOMATSAUS, FARM, NEAREST POST OFFICE OT JIMBINGWE 13 km, Karibib 75 km. The Damaras Call Only Part of our Farm ǀ Homa-Tsus. ǀ Homa = Fig. The Damaras Showed Me Ficus Sycomorus for ǀ Homa. TSA = Waterhole or Gap or Well '. Halbich m 1974 Farmer Conversation 'Noma = fig tree; Nomat sauce = fig tree source '. Heinz m 1974 housewife conversation 'tsaus = pit, and ǀ noma = wild tree'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1912 Kaart van SWA 'Namahaus'. Heilig Mrs M 1973 Questionnaire 'Nomatsaus, farm, nearest post office Ot- jimbingwe 13 km, Karibib 75 km. The Damaras call only part of our farm ǀHoma-Tsaus. ǀHoma = fig tree, Ficus sycomorus [‘Wildevyeboom’l according to an old Damara, Ficus cordata ǀ‘Melk- or Wonderboom'l according to my late husband. The Damaras showed me Ficus sycomorus for ǀhoma. Tsaus = waterhole or gap or well'. Halbich M 1974 Boer Gesprek 'ǀNoma = vyeboom; Nomatsaus = vyeboom- bron'. Heinz M 1974 Huisvrou Gesprek 'Tsaus = put, en ǀnoma = wildevyeboom'.
eng It is Farm No. 28, Dist. Caribib, and located east of Otjimbingwe on the Swakop. Namahaus, like on the 1912 chart, is probably heard, believe Mrs. Holy. It can be understood as Nama-aus = Namabron, or as Noma- ǀ aus = fig tree, but the registered name is nomat sauce. TSA (without the post-sealing as with Mrs. Holy) is without doubt. Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 161 says about this O.A. 'The Hottentotten Scheinen Für Den Begriff 'Puts' Keine Eigene Bezeichnung Zu Haben; IM BergdamaradiaLekt Wird Sie Tsaus Genannt ', also spelled Tsous (Rust 1960 DNW 72), but then as Nama Word. Mrs. Give Holy to the fig tree ǀ Homa, who represents the change H and N-once (5 d 6). This is the ficus sycomorus, common name is the wild tree (Smith 1966 cnsap 552), and Schultze Anuk 200 Translation ǀ Noma-S also with 'wild feige'. We emphasize the emphasis because Rest 1960 DNW 21 The ǀ Noma translated with 'Gartenfige' versus ǀ Gowe-S = 'Wild Feige', also in Kr.-r. 1969 NW 292 is ǀ Noma-S the Makvy. Mrs. Holy has identified it botanically, and there is no doubt that the ǀ Noma (ǀ Homa) is the sycam tree. If it was the garden, it could have had a piece of agricultural value. So: The 'Wildevypeboomfontein'.
afr Dit is plaas nr 28, dist. Karibib, en geleë oos van Otjimbingwe aan die Swakop. Namahaus, soos op Sprigade-Moisel se kaart van 1912, is waarskynlik hoor- fout, meen mev. Heilig. Dit kan verstaan word as Nama-aus = Namabron, of as Noma-ǀaus = Vyeboombron, maar die geregistreerde naam is Nomatsaus. Tsaus (sonder die nasalering soos by mev. Heilig) is sonder twyfel puts. Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 161 se hieroor o.a. 'Die Hottentotten scheinen für den Begriff ‘puts’ keine eigene Bezeichnung zu haben; im Bergdamaradialekt wird sie tsaus genannt', ook gespel tsous (Rust 1960 DNW 72), maar dan as Namawoord. Mev. Heilig gee vir die vyeboom aan ǀhoma, wat dan die wisseling h- en n- weer eens verteenwoordig (5 D 6). Dit is die Ficus sycomorus, volksnaam is die wildevyeboom (Smith 1966 CNSAP 552), en Schultze ANUK 200 vertaal ǀnoma-s ook met 'wilde Feige'. Ons le die nadruk hierop, omdat Rust 1960 DNW 21 die ǀnoma- vertaal met 'Gartenfeige' teenoor ǀgowe-s = 'wilde Feige', ook in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 292 is ǀnoma-s die makvy. Mev. Heilig het dit botanies geidentifiseer, en daar is geen twyfel dat die ǀnoma- (ǀhoma-) hier die wildevyeboom is nie. As dit die tuinvy was, kon dit 'n stukkie land- boukundige waarde gehad het. Dus: die 'Wildevyeboomfontein'.
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