
Cfg. Furthermore, the entry Tsobis. The '-Mund' does hit the mouth of the river, viz. in the weak. It is also the name of a farm no 85. The river lies on S 2215 DB / 2216 CA on the Krikriekarte

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2215
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Rudiger H 1974 Boer questionnaire 'Tsobismund, would have to be written so: Tsobesmund. Place GED. 1 85, District Caribib, named to the river Tsobes. TSAOB means 'as' (of wood fires). It is a large river with open water. There seemed to live many Hottentots on the one and hereros on the other side of the river and it was responsible for the large amount of 'as' in the area. Impressions and conclusions by talks with natives in their own language '.
afr Rudiger H 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Tsaobismund, sou eintlik so geskrywe moes word: Tsaobesmund. Plaas ged. 1 85, distrik Karibib, genoem na die rivier Tsaobes. Tsaob beteken 'as' (van houtvure). Dit is 'n groot rivier met oop water. Daar het blykbaar baie Hottentotte op die een en Hereros op die ander kant van die rivier gewoon en dit was verantwoordelik vir die groot hoeveelheid 'as' in die omgewing. Indrukke en gevolgtrekkings deur gesprekke met inboorlinge in hulle eie taal'.
eng Cfg. Furthermore, the entry Tsobis. The '-Mund' does hit the mouth of the river, viz. in the weak. It is also the name of a farm no 85. The river lies on S 2215 DB / 2216 CA on the Krikriekarte
afr Vgl. verder die inskrywing TSAOBIS. Die '-mund' slaan wel op die uitmonding van die rivier, nl. in die Swakop. Dit is ook die naam van 'n plaas nr 85. Die rivier le op S 2215 DB/2216 CA op die Kriegskarte
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