
It's about Goas, Farm No. 79, Dist. Karibib, a Roman Catholic tendon station today 40 km right south of town. It lies on the main road southwards from the town. The -s locates a source from the time of the naming, and according to Mr Swartbooi there were roar road there, ǀǀ Goa (with in-depth), the reason for the name. It is facing the later probability statements, outgoing of another suction consonant, Kr.-r. 1969 NW 121 'ǀǀ Goa-B: der Ochsenfrosch (der Ins Wasser Hinabsteigt, ǀǀ Goa)'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2215
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Sprigade Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Goas'. Swartbooi D S.J. [In Onderhoud Met Dr Vedder approx. 1925] Sources 2 100 'So we moved fromǃ Am-Eib to Caribib and after ǀǀ Goa's and after Okombohe, until we finally found the water in Franzfontein ...' Heinz M 1974 Huisvrou Speech 'Goas, dit is = ^ goas = LEM, Leemagige Cloth ...' Halfich M 1974 Boer Speech '╪Goas is the LEMPLEK, Kleiplek'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Goas'. Swartbooi D s.j. [in onderhoud met dr Vedder ca. 1925] Quellen 2 100 'So zogen wir von ǃAm-eib nach Karibib und nach ǀǀGoas und nach Okom- bahe, bis wir endlich in Franzfontein das Wasser fanden...' Heinz M 1974 Huisvrou Gesprek 'Goas, dit is =^goas = leem, leemagtige klei...' Halbich M 1974 Boer Gesprek '╪Goas is die leemplek, kleiplek'.
eng It's about Goas, Farm No. 79, Dist. Karibib, a Roman Catholic tendon station today 40 km right south of town. It lies on the main road southwards from the town. The -s locates a source from the time of the naming, and according to Mr Swartbooi there were roar road there, ǀǀ Goa (with in-depth), the reason for the name. It is facing the later probability statements, outgoing of another suction consonant, Kr.-r. 1969 NW 121 'ǀǀ Goa-B: der Ochsenfrosch (der Ins Wasser Hinabsteigt, ǀǀ Goa)'.
afr Dit gaan oor Goas, plaas nr 79, dist. Karibib, ’n Rooms-Katolieke sen- dingstasie vandag 40 km reg suid van die dorp. Dit le aan die hoofpad suidwaarts van die dorp. Die -s lokativeer ’n bron uit die tyd van die naamgewing, en volgens mnr Swartbooi was daar brulpaddas daar gewees, ǀǀgoa- (met dieptoon), die rede vir die naam. Dit staan teenoor die latere waarskynlikheidsverklarings, uitgaande van ’n ander suigkonsonant, Kr.-R. 1969 NW 121 'ǀǀgoa-b: der Ochsenfrosch (der ins Wasser hinabsteigt, ǀǀgoa)'.
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