
In th a * 354, we have been related to the name of Gamikaub with Namaǃ Gam = 'Kill',ǃ AUB = 'Neck'. However, we pointed out that Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk reported as 'Kamakwebb (Gamikaub)'. On the 1:25 000 Special Skin 1965 Walvis Bay is the name of the non-perennial river, which listed about the farm Gamikaub in the Swakop, as 'Xamigaub'. With the ufiller Gruutale X- we would normally have in common xami- = lion. However, the spelling Xamigaub can be an adaptation later. All this just indicates how difficult it is to come behind without older documentations.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2215
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng In th a * 354, we have been related to the name of Gamikaub with Namaǃ Gam = 'Kill',ǃ AUB = 'Neck'. However, we pointed out that Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk reported as 'Kamakwebb (Gamikaub)'. On the 1:25 000 Special Skin 1965 Walvis Bay is the name of the non-perennial river, which listed about the farm Gamikaub in the Swakop, as 'Xamigaub'. With the ufiller Gruutale X- we would normally have in common xami- = lion. However, the spelling Xamigaub can be an adaptation later. All this just indicates how difficult it is to come behind without older documentations.
afr In TH A* 354 het ons op gesag van ons segsliede die naam Gamikaub in verband gebring met Nama ǃgam = 'doodmaak', ǃaub = 'nek'. Ons het egter daarop gewys dat Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk die naam aangee as 'Kamakhoub (Gamikaub)'. Op die 1:25 000 spesiale vel 1965 Walvisbaai is die naam van die nie-standhoudende rivier wat ongeveer suidwaarts oor die plaas Gamikaub in die Swakop inloop, aangegee as 'Xamigaub'. Met die uvulere gutterale X- sou ons normaalweg gemeen het Xami- = leeu. Die spelling Xamigaub kan egter 'n aanpassing van later wees. Dit alles dui net aan hoe moeilik dit is om sonder ouer dokumentasies agter die waarheid te kom.
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