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S 2214
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Meaning discussed under Swakop, cf. Also literature return there. W Moritz story in his article on the meaning of the place name that the Nama the name atword to 'mons', the for their functionally wrong -d (of -mund) is then 'narrower' by replacing it with the locative -s [ Like eg. Subjects on the female -s 'avoiding' are in cases such as Petru-S, Jesu-S, Pastor RU-S (T) that is made to Petru-B, Jesu-B, Pastor Ru-B ǀ. 'Den Heiklen Anfang Lasst Man Fort,' D.w.s. The weakness, apparently, the 'infate' of the meaning is also felt as annoying today, but the abbreviated name can also be selected for other (ordinary) reasons. H Rautenberg's reconstruction of Swakopmund is combat by Pastor W Moritz, o.I. With law, and therefore we don't repeat it here. The purely namous for Swakopmund is Tsoaxoub-ǃ Gaos, so given up by Rest 1960 DNW 43, withǃ Gaos in the meaning of 'Miindung (Eines flosses)', Rest 43. It is no longer out or '-mund' a translation of Igaos is or vice versa.
afr Betekenis bespreek onder SWAKOP, vgl. ook literatuuropgawe daar. W Moritz verhaal in sy artikel oor die betekenis van die pleknaam dat die Nama die naam atkort tot 'Mons', die vir hulle funksioneel verkeerde -d (van -mund) word dan 'vernama' deur dit te vervang met die lokatiewe -s [soos bv. eiename op die vroulike -s 'vermanlik' word in die gevalle soos Petru-s, Jesu-s, pastor Ru-s(t) wat makgemaak word tot Petru-b, Jesu-b, pastor Ru-bǀ. 'Den heiklen Anfang lasst man fort,' d.w.s. die Swakop- val weg, blykbaar word die 'onfatsoenlikheid' van die betekenis daarna vandag as hinderlik aangevoel, maar die afgekorte naam kan ook om ander (gewone) redes ver- kies word. H Rautenberg se rekonstruksie van Swakopmund word deur pastor W Moritz bestry, o.i. met reg, en daarom herhaal ons dit hier nie. Die suiwer Namanaam vir Swakopmund is Tsoaxoub-ǃgaos, so opgegee deur Rust 1960 DNW 43, met ǃgaos in die betekenis van 'Miindung (eines Flusses)', Rust 43. Dit is nie meer uit te maak of '-mund' 'n vertaling van Igaos is of andersom nie.
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