
In th a * 435-439 we discussed the case Gobabis. On the basis of it, we laid the statements of a 15 litter. This represents an anthology involving a Nama and a remedial captain, missionary and language experts. The quotes cover a period of 130 years (the first in 1845). Our conclusion was that in the name Gobabis itself is no single element that can be identified with Nama = BKHOA-minded elephant. Pose positively: We have identified the name with a word meaning 'speak, argue, quarrel' or lying in that sphere. In support, the word form was also discussed. With our tour in 1977, we interviewed many people about Gobabis. The most common belief is that it means the 'drinking place of the elephants'. We never tried to influence the saying in advance. But if we have heard and record their views, and then show on the other facts. Then there was usually great reluctance to see from their statement. It is a deep-rooted conception that took hold of O.A. The statement by Dr. Vedder (1928). In fact. This belief in the elephant story marks us as we look at the township weapon, the beautiful arms of the town that gave his name to the largest district of South West Africa, it is almost 96 000 sq km, and one and a third time As big as the entire Orange Free State, cf. SESA 1972 5 214. When we first heard Mr B ǀǀ Naobebe the spontaneous statement given above, we tailed our ears, especially to hear the beautiful description of 'the place of Moles'. To the elephants? Many became our delik to our conversations with Lieutenant WD Fouche, station commander, and retired Sergeant Elias Kariseb who is now close to the town self-standing. In essence, it comes down. Before the cars Cars were earlier a fountain where the elephants crocked. The fountain's name was ╪khoandabis, literally the 'fountain (-s, fern, sing., Index also from Fontinname) where the elephants (╪Khoa plus-not comm, pi.) Brak (-dabe - / - Dawe) '. There are also other commitments with elephants, eg. the Olifants River there. These commitments justify the recording of the elephant as a symbol in the township weapon. But, and that is This but what counts, the other name, Gobabis, this name, contains no element ╪Kho The elephant. Until Dr. Vedder did it out of mistake in 1928, it was never recorded with a suction consonant, named with a palatal suction consonant. Goba means in his own right just 'speak, argue, quarrel or moles' and fit in that vapor circle. The -bi is place name noise, the -sherinarily from O.A. a fountain or nector setting. What the quarrel went about, we don't know. We can assume that it was a fierce quarrel to be playful. And therefore we can guess that it was related to the Future of the ǀ Khauan. This group of Ambrable, the Kai ǀ Khauan, has already secreted from the ǀ Hai- ǀ Khauan or 'Vaal-Khauan' of Beersba where that group remained. We believe that the name Gobabis contains an important piece of solidified history. It may be worthwhile to sand and polish this rusty key again. The name Gobabis does not have to do with elephants, but with people.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2218 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kohler O 1959 Gobabis 16 'in 1845 Sections of the Amrally Khoi and Groups of the Mbanderu Left Wesleyvale and Settled at Gobabis. This Place was Known in Olden Times as Hantabis, and there is Little Doubt That It Represents A Mispronunciation of the Nama Names + Khoan Dabes, 'Elephants' (╪khoan) Lick (Dabes)'. The Bergdama or Gobabis Use The Latter Form to This Day '. HANSE SD E.A. 1977 Conversation '+ Khoan-Dawis, Olifants brackish'. ǀǀ Nobebs B 1977 Conversation 'Gobabis is the place of Moles or Strying'. KA RISEB E 1977 Former police partition 'Gobabis means a lot of talk, quarrel. Early years, the Namas and the Herero had quarrels. = Pkhoandabes is elephant brack. Gobabis is the place where people quarrel Called. The place had the two names. Here before the current record cars were the old fountain. It went to the black-nossob. The elephants washed and wrestle. The old people called the fountain Tkhoandabes '.
afr Kohler O 1959 Gobabis 16 'In 1845 sections of the Amraal Khoi and groups of the Mbanderu left Wesleyvale and settled at Gobabis. This place was known in olden times as Hoantabis, and there is little doubt that it represents a mispronunciation of the Nama name + Khoan-dabes, ‘elephants' (╪khoan) lick (dabes)’. The Bergdama of Gobabis use the latter form to this day'. Hanse SD e.a. 1977 Gesprek ' + Khoan-dawis, Olifants-brakplek'. ǀǀNaobeb B 1977 Gesprek 'Gobabis is die Plek van moles of stryery'. Ka- riseb E 1977 Oud-polisiesersant Gesprek 'Gobabis beteken baie praat, rusie maak. vroeë jare het die Namas en die Herero's onder mekaar rusies gehad. =PKhoandabes is olifantbrak. Gobabis is die plek waar die mense rusie gemaak het. Die olifantnaam is apart. Toe ek my verstand gekry het, toe was die naam Gobabis, maar die ou mense het, voor die Blankes gekom het, die plek =1= Khoandabis genoem. Die plek het die twee name gehad. Hier voor die huidige Record Motors was die ou fontein gewees. Dit het afgeloop tot by die Swart-Nossob. Die olifante het daar gewas en gestoei. Die ou mense het die fontein TKhoandabes genoem'.
eng In th a * 435-439 we discussed the case Gobabis. On the basis of it, we laid the statements of a 15 litter. This represents an anthology involving a Nama and a remedial captain, missionary and language experts. The quotes cover a period of 130 years (the first in 1845). Our conclusion was that in the name Gobabis itself is no single element that can be identified with Nama = BKHOA-minded elephant. Pose positively: We have identified the name with a word meaning 'speak, argue, quarrel' or lying in that sphere. In support, the word form was also discussed. With our tour in 1977, we interviewed many people about Gobabis. The most common belief is that it means the 'drinking place of the elephants'. We never tried to influence the saying in advance. But if we have heard and record their views, and then show on the other facts. Then there was usually great reluctance to see from their statement. It is a deep-rooted conception that took hold of O.A. The statement by Dr. Vedder (1928). In fact. This belief in the elephant story marks us as we look at the township weapon, the beautiful arms of the town that gave his name to the largest district of South West Africa, it is almost 96 000 sq km, and one and a third time As big as the entire Orange Free State, cf. SESA 1972 5 214. When we first heard Mr B ǀǀ Naobebe the spontaneous statement given above, we tailed our ears, especially to hear the beautiful description of 'the place of Moles'. To the elephants? Many became our delik to our conversations with Lieutenant WD Fouche, station commander, and retired Sergeant Elias Kariseb who is now close to the town self-standing. In essence, it comes down. Before the cars Cars were earlier a fountain where the elephants crocked. The fountain's name was ╪khoandabis, literally the 'fountain (-s, fern, sing., Index also from Fontinname) where the elephants (╪Khoa plus-not comm, pi.) Brak (-dabe - / - Dawe) '. There are also other commitments with elephants, eg. the Olifants River there. These commitments justify the recording of the elephant as a symbol in the township weapon. But, and that is This but what counts, the other name, Gobabis, this name, contains no element ╪Kho The elephant. Until Dr. Vedder did it out of mistake in 1928, it was never recorded with a suction consonant, named with a palatal suction consonant. Goba means in his own right just 'speak, argue, quarrel or moles' and fit in that vapor circle. The -bi is place name noise, the -sherinarily from O.A. a fountain or nector setting. What the quarrel went about, we don't know. We can assume that it was a fierce quarrel to be playful. And therefore we can guess that it was related to the Future of the ǀ Khauan. This group of Ambrable, the Kai ǀ Khauan, has already secreted from the ǀ Hai- ǀ Khauan or 'Vaal-Khauan' of Beersba where that group remained. We believe that the name Gobabis contains an important piece of solidified history. It may be worthwhile to sand and polish this rusty key again. The name Gobabis does not have to do with elephants, but with people.
afr In TH A* 435-439 het ons die geval Gobabis bespreek. Ten grondslag daaraan het ons die uitsprake van 'n 15 segsliede gelê. Dit verteenwoordig 'n bloemlesing waarby 'n Nama- en 'n Hererokaptein betrokke was, sende- linge en taalkenners. Die aanhalings bestryk 'n tydperk van 130 jaar (die eerste uit 1845). Ons gevolgtrekking was dat in die naam Gobabis self geen enkele element is wat vereenselwig kan word met Nama =bkhoa- beteke- nende olifant nie. Positief gestel: ons het die naam vereenselwig met 'n woord wat beteken 'praat, stry, rusie maak' of wat in daardie sfeer le. Ter ondersteuning is ook die woordvorm bespreek. Met ons rondreis in 1977 het ons talle mense ondervra oor Gobabis. Die algemeenste opvatting is dat dit beteken die 'Drinkplek van die olifante'. Ons het prinsipieel die segsliede nooit vooraf probeer beinvloed nie. Maar as ons hulle sienswyse verneem het en opgeteken het, en dan op die ander feite wys. dan was daar gewoonlik groot onwilligheid om van hulle verklaring af te sien. Dit is 'n diepgewortelde opvatting wat posgevat het met o.a. die verklaring van dr Vedder (1928). Trouens. hierdie geloof in die olifantstorie merk ons as ons na die dorpswapen kyk, die mooi wapen van die dorp wat sy naam gegee het aan die grootste distrik van Suidwes-Afrika, dit is byna 96 000 vk km uitgestrek, en een en 'n derde keer so groot as die hele Oranje-Vrystaat, vgl. SESA 1972 5 214. Toe ons die eerste keer van mnr B ǀǀNaobeb die spontane verklaring hoor wat hierbo opgegee is, het ons ons ore gespits, veral om die mooi omskrywing te hoor van 'die plek van moles'.Vanwaar dan die verkleefdheid aan die olifante? Veel het vir ons dui- delik geword na ons gesprekke met luitenant WD Fouche, stasiebevel- voerder, en uitgetrede sersant Elias Kariseb wat nou naby die dorp self- standig boer. In hoofsaak kom dit hierop neer. Voor die motorsaak Record Motors was vroeër ’n fontein waar die olifante gebrak het. Die fontein se naam was ╪Khoandabis, letterlik die 'Fontein (-s, fern, sing., indeks ook van fonteinname) waar die olifante (╪khoa- plus -n vir die comm, pi.) brak (-dabe-/-dawe-)'. Daar is ook ander verbintenisse met olifante, bv. die Olifantsrivier daar. Hierdie verbintenisse regverdig die opname van die olifant as simbool in die dorpswapen. Maar, en dit is hierdie maar wat tel, die ander naam, Gobabis, hierdie naam, bevat geen element ╪khoa- betekenende olifant nie. Totdat dr Vedder dit in 1928 uit vergissing gedoen het, is dit nooit opgeteken met 'n suigkonsonant nie, by name met ’n palatale suigkonsonant nie. Goba- beteken in sy eie reg net 'praat, stry, rusie of moles maak' en wat in daardie dampkring inpas. Die -bi- is pleknaamduider, die -s hier bepaaldelik van o.a. 'n fontein of neder- setting. Waaroor die rusie gegaan het, dit weet ons nie seker nie. Ons kan aanneem dat dit ’n heftige rusie was om naamgewingswaardig te kon word. En daarom kan ons raai dat dit met die toekoms van die ǀKhauan in verband gestaan het. Hierdie groep van Ambraal, die Kai-ǀKhauan, het hulle juis reeds afgeskei van die ǀHai-ǀKhauan of 'Vaal-Khauan' van Berseba waar daardie groep agtergebly het. Ons meen dat die naam Gobabis ’n be- langrike stuk gestolde geskiedenis bevat. Dit sal moontlik die moeite loon om hierdie verroeste sleutel weer 'n keer blink te skuur en te poleer. Die naam Gobabis het nie met olifante te doen nie, maar met mense.
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