
The hypothometric tints on the SWA series 1965 Skin Walvis Bay briefly the climbing heights of the landscape that the cricke scores passed as the neumascins. In places, it reaches the height of 1800 meters, eg. at both Spitzkoppe. On the accessible maps, Neumasis no longer appears here. However, he correlates with O.A. Haksie, farm No 89, and his environment. Now 'heel' is a word that has been recorded early in Old Cape, viz. in 1655 (Hott 296). In Nama, it is currentlyǃ Noa-S, in Kora it wasǃ Noa-M (Waras, look hott t.a.p.). In CollectanceA, Dr Th Hahn (1901) claims that Korah is older than Nama, O.M. Based on the ECV. ml. on -m in kora i.p.v. on the -b of Nama. According to Hahn, Nama forms are likeǃ Noa- a development from *ǃ Noma, cf. Collectanea 38, 52, 63, etc. We consider it that the neuma - of the place is equal to such a *ǃ Noma- What 'heel' means, D.W.S. We believe that the farm heel has a name today that has been translated from Khoekhens. Topographic and linguistically beat the facts with each other. The -si- is a locative element, the -s of the Fern. Sing, says that the starting point could have been a fountain or a settlement. Possibly, the name tells that something topographical along the shape of a heel and that the name was given due to the agreement and is based on a comparison.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2214 BB/2215 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Hakskeen
eng Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Krarezk 'Numasis Topparts'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Neumasis Koppjes'.
eng The hypothometric tints on the SWA series 1965 Skin Walvis Bay briefly the climbing heights of the landscape that the cricke scores passed as the neumascins. In places, it reaches the height of 1800 meters, eg. at both Spitzkoppe. On the accessible maps, Neumasis no longer appears here. However, he correlates with O.A. Haksie, farm No 89, and his environment. Now 'heel' is a word that has been recorded early in Old Cape, viz. in 1655 (Hott 296). In Nama, it is currentlyǃ Noa-S, in Kora it wasǃ Noa-M (Waras, look hott t.a.p.). In CollectanceA, Dr Th Hahn (1901) claims that Korah is older than Nama, O.M. Based on the ECV. ml. on -m in kora i.p.v. on the -b of Nama. According to Hahn, Nama forms are likeǃ Noa- a development from *ǃ Noma, cf. Collectanea 38, 52, 63, etc. We consider it that the neuma - of the place is equal to such a *ǃ Noma- What 'heel' means, D.W.S. We believe that the farm heel has a name today that has been translated from Khoekhens. Topographic and linguistically beat the facts with each other. The -si- is a locative element, the -s of the Fern. Sing, says that the starting point could have been a fountain or a settlement. Possibly, the name tells that something topographical along the shape of a heel and that the name was given due to the agreement and is based on a comparison.
afr Die hipsometriese tinte op die SWA-reeks 1965 vel Walvisbaai veraanskou- lik die klimmende hoogtes van die landskap wat die Kriegskarte aangee as die Neumasiskoppies. Op plekke bereik dit die hoogte van 1800 meter, bv. by albei Spitzkoppe. Op die toeganklike kaarte kom Neumasis nie meer hier voor nie. Hy korreleer egter met o.a. Hakskeen, plaas nr 89, en sy omgewing. Nou is 'hakskeen' ’n woord wat reeds vroeg in Ou-Kaaps opgeteken is, nl. in 1655 (HOTT 296). In Nama heet dit tans ǃnoa-s, in Kora was dit ǃnoa-m (Waras, kyk HOTT t.a.p.). In Collectancea beweer dr Th Hahn (1901) dat Kora ouer is as Nama, o.m. op grond van die ekv. ml. op -m in Kora i.p.v. op die -b van Nama. Volgens Hahn is Nama- vorme soos ǃnoa- ’n ontwikkeling uit *ǃnoma-, vgl. Collectanea 38, 52, 63, ens. Ons ag dit moontlik dat die Neuma- van die genoemde plek gelyk te stel is met so ’n *ǃnoma- wat 'hakskeen' beteken, d.w.s. ons meen dat die plaas Hakskeen van vandag ’n naam het wat uit Khoekhoens vertaal is. Topografies en taalkundig klop die feite met mekaar. Die -si- is 'n loka- tiewe element, die -s van die fern. sing, se wel dat die beginpunt ’n fontein of 'n nedersetting kon gewees het. Moontlik vertel die naam dat iets topografies daarlangs die vorm van 'n hakskeen het en dat die naam vanweë die ooreenkoms gegee is en op ’n vergelyking berus.
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