
Oddly enough, the naman is not on Dr Hahn's 1879 card. In first instance, this is the name of the river, the 'Gross Omaruru'. The other related to it is completed. In our literature, we found a statement, also gained an indication about a sucking consonant. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Conversation in another connection on Nama ǀǀ ei [ǀǀ Ai] = 'Der Zorn' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 62) showed as a point of departure, in Mr Krenz's own words 'evil - Hedge '. It can be involved on the river when it comes to a big rain strong and overlook its great width. The -si-, -S-, -zi- are spellings of a locative morpheme, the -b (ml. Ekv.) Has indicative value, in particular at river and mountain names. The statement with the 'malignant' rests on sound associates probability that looks logically imaginable. HAACKE WHG 1979 Education Planner Write a note on a change ruling of the first member: 'On H. Von Francois's map in Nama und Damara appears the river as Eisib. However, I accepted that the actual name is ╪SEB, cf. e.g. A price poem on the Omaruru River by Lukeǃ Umub van Okombahe: 'ESEB Kares'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Eisib, Eiseb, Eizib
Georeference Sources
S 2214 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitmonding (nou Omaruru)
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng GRUNDEMANN 1867 MISSIONSATLAS 'Omaruru, Eizib'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Eisib (Omaruru)'. DSWA 1911 Blatt 15 'Esb (Gr. Omaruru) Riv.
afr Grundemann 1867 Missionsatlas 'Omaruru, Eizib'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Eisib (Omaruru)'. DSWA 1911 Blatt 15 'Eiseb (Gr. Omaruru) Riv.
eng Oddly enough, the naman is not on Dr Hahn's 1879 card. In first instance, this is the name of the river, the 'Gross Omaruru'. The other related to it is completed. In our literature, we found a statement, also gained an indication about a sucking consonant. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Conversation in another connection on Nama ǀǀ ei [ǀǀ Ai] = 'Der Zorn' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 62) showed as a point of departure, in Mr Krenz's own words 'evil - Hedge '. It can be involved on the river when it comes to a big rain strong and overlook its great width. The -si-, -S-, -zi- are spellings of a locative morpheme, the -b (ml. Ekv.) Has indicative value, in particular at river and mountain names. The statement with the 'malignant' rests on sound associates probability that looks logically imaginable. HAACKE WHG 1979 Education Planner Write a note on a change ruling of the first member: 'On H. Von Francois's map in Nama und Damara appears the river as Eisib. However, I accepted that the actual name is ╪SEB, cf. e.g. A price poem on the Omaruru River by Lukeǃ Umub van Okombahe: 'ESEB Kares'.
afr Vreemd genoeg kom die Namanaam nie op dr Hahn se kaart van 1879 voor nie. In eerste instansie geld dit hier die naam van die rivier, die 'Gross Omaruru'. Die ander verbandhoudendes is daarvan afgelêi. Ons het in ons literatuur nerens 'n verklaring raakgeleës nie, ook nerens ’n aan- duiding gekry oor 'n suigkonsonant nie. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek het in ’n ander verband op Nama ǀǀei [ǀǀai] = 'der Zorn' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 62) as ’n vertrekpunt gewys, in mnr Krenz se eie woorde 'boosaardig- heid'. Dit kan op die rivier betrek word wanneer dit na 'n groot reen sterk afkom en oor sy groot breedte alles meesleur. Die -si-, -se-, -zi- is spellings van ’n lokatiewe morfeem, die -b (ml. ekv.) het aanwysende waarde, in die besonder by rivier- en bergname. Die verklaring met die 'Boosaardige' berus dan op klankassosiatiwe waarskynlikheid wat ook logies denkbaar lyk. Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner skryf hierby ’n Aantekening oor ’n wisseluitspraak van die eerste lid: 'Op H. von Francois se kaart in Nama und Damara verskyn die rivier as Eisib. Ek het egter aanvaar dat die eintlike naam ╪Eseb is, vgl. bv. ’n prysgedig op die Omarururivier deur lukas ǃUmub van Okombahe: ‘ + Eseb Kares’.
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