
In th a ** 881-882, we, on the basis of the variety of arrangements submitted to us, have T.O.V. The name Navachab, the demand for the meaning had to open. By using our 'rusty key', d.w.s. By studying place names, we now get topographical support for a statement not submitted to us. Navachab lies north of and border on Abbabis who declared us as 'red spot', such as Nama ǀ Awa-, ǀ Aba- = 'Red' + the locative morphem -bi-S, cf. + Abbabis. In the southwestern corner of Navachab is the 'Redberg'. Across his northeastern boundary is another 'Redberg'. On the farm 'Neu Schwa Ben', southeast of Navachab, is 'Roteberg'. Then it seems that Navachab on topographical as well as linguistic grande can be associated with Nama ǀ Awa- = 'Red' (Rest 1960 DNW 50) , viz. regarding his first member, NAVA -, the forms that indicate multiple. Dje lock -b is the locative morphem masc. Grand of his assoning The dental lounge only omitted (Abbabis), in the other case, the dental stroke is realized consonant as the Dental -N (Navachab). This statement We consider the right, so that in its conclusion complement the discussion given in th a ** 880-1.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2115 DC/2215 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng In th a ** 881-882, we, on the basis of the variety of arrangements submitted to us, have T.O.V. The name Navachab, the demand for the meaning had to open. By using our 'rusty key', d.w.s. By studying place names, we now get topographical support for a statement not submitted to us. Navachab lies north of and border on Abbabis who declared us as 'red spot', such as Nama ǀ Awa-, ǀ Aba- = 'Red' + the locative morphem -bi-S, cf. + Abbabis. In the southwestern corner of Navachab is the 'Redberg'. Across his northeastern boundary is another 'Redberg'. On the farm 'Neu Schwa Ben', southeast of Navachab, is 'Roteberg'. Then it seems that Navachab on topographical as well as linguistic grande can be associated with Nama ǀ Awa- = 'Red' (Rest 1960 DNW 50) , viz. regarding his first member, NAVA -, the forms that indicate multiple. Dje lock -b is the locative morphem masc. Grand of his assoning The dental lounge only omitted (Abbabis), in the other case, the dental stroke is realized consonant as the Dental -N (Navachab). This statement We consider the right, so that in its conclusion complement the discussion given in th a ** 880-1.
afr In TH A** 881-882 het ons, op grand van die verskeidenheid van verkla- rings wat aan ons voorgelê is t.o.v. die naam Navachab, die vraag na die betekenis moes ooplaat. Deur ons 'verroeste sleutel' te gebruik, d.w.s. deur pleknaamgroepe te bestudeer, kry ons nou topografiese steun vir ’n verklaring wat nie toe aan ons voorgelê is nie. Navachab le ten noorde van en grens aan Abbabis wat ons verklaar het as 'Rooiplek', soos Nama ǀawa-, ǀaba- = 'rooi' + die lokatiefmorfeem -bi-s, vgl. + ABBABIS. In die suidwestelike hoek van Navachab is die 'Rooiberg'. Oorkant sy noordoostelike grens is 'n ander 'Rooiberg'. Op die plaas 'Neu Schwa- ben', suidoos van Navachab, is 'Roteberg'. Dan lyk dit asof Navachab op topografiese sowel as taalkundige grande in verband gebring kan word met Nama ǀawa- = 'rooi' (Rust 1960 DNW 50), nl. wat sy eerste lid, Nava-, betref. Vgl. TH A* 46 by 5 D 7 vir Na- naas a-. Die tweede lid van die naam, nl. -cha-b, is miskien soos Nama -xa-, die formans wat veelvuldig- heid aandui. Dje slot -b is die lokatiefmorfeem masc. sing., wat gewoonlik ook vir ’n bergnaam gebruik word en wat hier waarskynlik die beginpunt is. Die kleur verwys hier na die indruk wat die berg op grand van sy ver- toning maak. Die interessante is dan dat twee berge Afrikaanse name het, en twee plase Namaname, wat almal dieselfde beteken, en dat die twee Namaname verskil ten opsigte van die insetklank, die sogenoemde anlaut. In die een geval word die dentale tongslag net weggelaat (Abbabis), in die ander geval word die dentale slag konsonanties gerealiseer as die dentale -n (Navachab). Hierdie verklaring beskou ons as die juiste, sodat dit in sy konklusie die bespreking aanvul wat gegee is in TH A** 880-1.
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