
The -B (ml. Ekv.) Is here sign of a river name. At Hahn 1879 and on other old cards such as that of Curt von Francois 1892, the Eisb is given as a tributary of the EpukiRo River (Epukiro is divided differently, eg. As' storeroom '(Dr. Meyer), as' getting lost place '(O. Kohler) etc.). It runs at Hahn from west to east the epukiro. But on later maps such as the SWA series 1967 Skin 2118 Steinhausen and adjacent windows where valid the name Eiseb swallowed the re-entry Epukiro. The statements of claims have support in the writing with the palatal sucker, also at Rev. Albath Snr of Gochas heard it expressed, but he left the nationality that Hahn heard. Krenz takes Hahn's writing to the ground and explains the name as 'place (-b) where thought (╪e) [╪ai]'. Kr. 1969 NW 64 Verfuits ╪ei as 'thinking. Sinen, Planen '. Perhaps one can then, supporting Hahn, Eiseb regarded as means 'River where plans have been made / should be'. This can be connected to Prof. Navin Kohler's statement of Epukiro as the place where people got lost and where they now have to consult and make plans. In this case, the Nama and the hereronamous support each other. This claimsb should not be confused with the namanam for the Omaruru River.

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Georeference Sources
S 2117/2118/2018/2019..
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hashed Th 1879 card '= FISEBI R.' Sprigade-Moisel 190494 Kripses 'Savy' SO OUK ON ADDH CARDS. AlCHAKE) 18 20th Gave Rait of S. 20th of 1977 cuisering '= fei = = Thinking, Grabic; SEB = ORD '.
afr Hahn Th 1879 Kaart '=FEiseb R.' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Eiseb'. so ook op ander kaarte. Albath P (Gochas) 1896 Quellen 19 20 '...nicht sehr weit von Gobabis bei =F Eiseb...' Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening '=FEi = denken, griibeln; seb = Ort'.
eng The -B (ml. Ekv.) Is here sign of a river name. At Hahn 1879 and on other old cards such as that of Curt von Francois 1892, the Eisb is given as a tributary of the EpukiRo River (Epukiro is divided differently, eg. As' storeroom '(Dr. Meyer), as' getting lost place '(O. Kohler) etc.). It runs at Hahn from west to east the epukiro. But on later maps such as the SWA series 1967 Skin 2118 Steinhausen and adjacent windows where valid the name Eiseb swallowed the re-entry Epukiro. The statements of claims have support in the writing with the palatal sucker, also at Rev. Albath Snr of Gochas heard it expressed, but he left the nationality that Hahn heard. Krenz takes Hahn's writing to the ground and explains the name as 'place (-b) where thought (╪e) [╪ai]'. Kr. 1969 NW 64 Verfuits ╪ei as 'thinking. Sinen, Planen '. Perhaps one can then, supporting Hahn, Eiseb regarded as means 'River where plans have been made / should be'. This can be connected to Prof. Navin Kohler's statement of Epukiro as the place where people got lost and where they now have to consult and make plans. In this case, the Nama and the hereronamous support each other. This claimsb should not be confused with the namanam for the Omaruru River.
afr Die -b (ml. ekv.) is hier die teken van 'n riviernaam. By Hahn 1879 en op ander ou kaarte soos die van Curt von Francois 1892 word die Eiseb aan- gegee as ’n sytak van die Epukirorivier (Epukiro word verskillend ver- klaar, bv. as ‘Pakkamer’ (DR Meyer), as ‘Verdwaalplek' (O. Kohler) ens.). Dit loop by Hahn van wes na oos die Epukiro binne. Maar op latere kaarte soos die SWA-reeks 1967 vel 2118 Steinhausen en aangrensende ruitsones waar geldig het die naam Eiseb die Hereronaam Epukiro inge- sluk. Die verklarings van Eiseb het steun in die skryfwyse met die palatale suigklap, ook by eerw. Albath snr van Gochas wat dit uitgespreek gehoor het, maar hy laat die nasaliteit weg wat Hahn gehoor het. Krenz neem Hahn se skryfwyse tot grondslag en verklaar die naam as 'Plek (-se-b) waar gedink word (╪ei) [╪ai]'. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 64 verduits ╪ei as 'denken. sinnen, planen'. Miskien kan mens dan, steunende op Hahn, Eiseb beskou as betekenende 'Rivier waar planne gemaak is/moes word'. Dit kan aansluiting vind by prof. Oswin Kohler se verklaring van Epukiro as die plek waar die mense verdwaal het en waar hulle nou moet beraad- slaag en planne maak. In die geval steun die Nama- en die Hereroname mekaar. Hierdie Eiseb moet nie verwar word met die Namanaam vir die Omarururivier nie.
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