
The name of a water location (Fern. Sing, -s) from a south-eastern direction and received by the Omaruru River (topographical series 1972 sheet 2114 Omaruru at 2115 CA). Prof. Kohler gives the clap sound, Mr Krenz is a statement based on it. 'Riding place', with the -se- fungerend as locative formative. Boois J 1979 Language Assistant Location See in the first component Nama ╪ari = bars, and = 1 = arises are the 'place with cracks, the cracked place'

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2115
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Survey S.J. 'Arises, River, + - 45 m [72 km] west of Omaruru', also a 'settlement'. Kohler O 1959 Omaruru 44 '╪arises'. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Note 'Place where people could breed cattle, = Hari = Teel, Vieh Ziichten, Halten '
afr Opmeting s.j. 'Arises, river, +- 45 m [72 km] wes van Omaruru', ook 'n 'Nedersetting'. Kohler O 1959 Omaruru 44 '╪Arises'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening 'plek waar die mense vee kon aanteel, =hari = teel, Vieh ziichten, halten'
eng The name of a water location (Fern. Sing, -s) from a south-eastern direction and received by the Omaruru River (topographical series 1972 sheet 2114 Omaruru at 2115 CA). Prof. Kohler gives the clap sound, Mr Krenz is a statement based on it. 'Riding place', with the -se- fungerend as locative formative. Boois J 1979 Language Assistant Location See in the first component Nama ╪ari = bars, and = 1 = arises are the 'place with cracks, the cracked place'
afr Die naam van ’n waterplek (fern. sing, -s) aan ’n lopie uit ’n suidoostelike rigting afkomstig en wat deur die Omarururivier ontvang word (Topografiese reeks 1972 vel 2114 Omaruru op 2115 CA). Prof. Kohler gee die klapklank, mnr Krenz ’n verklaring wat daarop gebaseer is. 'Veeteelplek', met die -se- fungerend as lokatiewe formatief. Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Aantekening sien in die eerste komponent Nama ╪ari = bars, en =1= Arises is dan die 'Plek met barste, die gebarste plek'
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