
Here is a grip given from our material. The quotes until 1928 show the game forms: We have not encountered a statement in writings before 1928, and then there are already 'legends' with all kinds of subordinate changes that sound like ordinary myth formation. The statement of 'pipe' is not taken seriously. Today, there is quite common support for the conception that is built around the fountain, namely 'catches him on the heel'. This found us at all sections, and in all layers. At underguise, the answer came right away. Only Mr Louw has held a different view. The verdict with the matching pitch then normalized according to this interpretation, eg. Theǃ U- not with the middle show indicating 'forehead', but with the high show (= cloud, single). It is interesting to note that Pastor W Moritz's investigation into the re-file of the place, viz. Oantuu or okanduu etc .. Horn to this conclusion laid, viz. 'The Quelle War Dann Der Ausangspunkt Nachdem The Herero den ort Benannt Haben ...' What the naman concern is declared with respect to the 'forehead' or the 'clown' Moritz the suggestion that the man (a walker, hermit , wizard) by hand against the forehead might sit at the fountain and ponder or mourn ǃǃ Stand that Moritz tends to center the story around the fountain, m.a.w. To give the pre-selection to the meaning statement with 'paw or clout sequence'. Of course, a strong argument is the topographical fact of the fountain with the sticky yellow clay soil. It's like a sight lesson. We believe he can make top solitary claims apply.

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S 2115
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50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng McKiernan 1874 Vrv 35 37 'At Length We Arrived At Cousta Cous (Usakos), A Living Water Not Far From Eronga Mountains, and Beginning of the Grass Country'. Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǃ Only as a water spent on a water ǃ US IKHOS, in Herero: Olantuu ', with the aim of establishing a mission post, viz. For the Bergdamara. Viehe 1890 Unter Den Hereros, Barmen 1890 11 VV. (Quoted by Moritz, as at Cloete above)' Okanduu (USAKOS) ... 'Vedder 1928 Journal 4 24' Usakos is the Mundoolecht Gemacht Aussprache des Orthesǃ ..Er setzte sich auf einen Stein, Nahm signals Stirn (ǃ us) in the Hand (ǃ kho) und war ratios. Stirngreifhausen 'ist Daher the entsprechende Uebersetzung '. ibid. 1940 AFR. Heimat calendar 60-1 ' 'Usakos: It's a damar wordǃ USAǃ Food. The Damaras gave their cattle beyond the present Catholic hospital water and over time the drinking place became very muddy. This mud also attached to the claws of the animals and caused mouth disease. In Damaatal, 'US' means the heel or paw of an animal, and 'food' means take or grab,ǃ USA food or 'paws'. I also the 'other legend' mentioned also mentioned at Vedder, and it is summarized:] 'A good Afrikaans translation would be:' Sit with the hands in the hair. ' PNK 1947 'Usakos. Station. Nama :ǃ USA Man Erzahlt von Einem Bergdama, Der An Dem von Menschen Noch Nicht Ongloos ort Als Wanderer Sich Ratios Auf Eyen Stein Setzte Und Signals Stirn Mit Der Hand Stutzte. - Other Erzahlen von Einem Zuuerer, der Gleichsam All Fremdlinge, the in Usakos Eerschienen, an der ferse Ergriff DURCH SEINE ZUUBERKIINSTE, Sodass Sie Auf Ihrem Weiteren Wove Umkommen Mussten '. The Afr. Nuclear Cyclopedia 1965 830 'Name comes fromǃ USA Ikhos, Damar Words which means 'catch him a / d heel', which was the cry when wild I / D mud stuck B / D Place I / D Environment V / D Later town. . 'Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 'ǃ US EIǃ Food = an The Stirn Fassen. Made: You SA Ikhos = Nimm Deine Pfeife (Ohne Mysteriesdeutung) '. PNK SWA 1973 Communication Zimmermann W van Natling Language Bureau 'The Wordǃ US ... can mean' forehead 'or' Single / Kloutjie ', depending on the tone (d.w.s. ǃ Kho ... means 'take' or 'grind'. According to this, USAikhos could mean 'Clout Year' or 'forehead vessel'. ' Louw Yes 1974 Farmer Conversation. 'It hangs with the habit of the Nama to smoke from one pipe. The second last's then for the last 'usakos' or' takes your pipe 'into Afrikaans'. Odendaal WA 1974 Mayor pamphlet 'Usakos ... means 'catching him on the heel', exclaimed if wild caught falling into the mud'. [Shortened.] Blaauw WS 1974 Town Clerk, earlier also from Usakos, in conversation, complementary 'There is a fountain that has defeated and formed a thick, former mud shatter. The animals came for sucking and then stuck in the clay, because it was extremely sticky, I found it myself ... The Damaras then called 'catch the animals on the heel.' HAACKE WHG 1974 Assistant Education Planner Note 'When the African Stand defeated the Herero from the Windhoek area at the request of the Rooine, the Herero fled to the Khan River. According to Mr Niklaas Nero, former teacher of Mariental, there was an unnamed hererolor before Willem Africanman kneeled, grabbed his shin bones, and begged for mercy. So the name would mean: 'shin-bone grab', with rising showsǃ US, the cover portion between knee and ankle '.
afr McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 37 'At length we arrived at Cousta Cous (Usakos), a living water not far from Eronga Mountains, and the beginning of the grass country'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǃUsa-ǃkhos' op 2215, toe nog net as uitspanning by 'n water aangegee. Daniel Cloete 17 10 1884 Brief (aangehaal W Moritz 'Zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Namens Usakos', ms., 1-2) wat vra om verplasing na die 'van My aangemelden plaats, genaamd ǃUs Ikhos, in Herero: Okantuu', met die doel om daar ’n sendingpos te stig, nl. vir die Bergdamara. Viehe 1890 Unter den Hereros, Barmen 1890 11 vv. (aangehaal deur Moritz, soos by Cloete hierbo) 'Bei Okanduu (Usakos)...' Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4 24 'Usakos is die mundgerecht gemachte Aussprache des Ortes ǃUsa-ǃkhos. Man erzaht: In alter Zeit...kam gegen Sonnenuntergang ein Bergdama zur Quelle. Er fuhlte sich vereinsamt...Er setzte sich auf einen Stein, nahm seine Stirn (ǃus) in die Hand (ǃkho) und war ratios. ‘Stirngreifhausen’ ist daher die entsprechende Uebersetzung'. ibid. 1940 Afr. Heimatkalender 60-1 'Mit ‘Denk-lingen’ würde man ihn am besten verdeutschen...' Personeel, Suidwes-Argief s.j. 'Usakos: Dis 'n Damarawoord ǃUsa-ǃKos. Die Damaras het hulle vee anderkant die teenswoordige Katolieke Hospitaal water gegee en met verloop van tyd het die drinkplek baie modderig geword. Hierdie modder het dan ook aan die kloue van die diere vasgesit en klouseer veroorsaak. In Damarataal beteken ‘Us’ die hak of poot van 'n dier, en 'Kos' beteken vat of gryp, ǃUsa-Kos of 'Pote gryp’.' I Dan word ook die 'ander legende' genoem soos by Vedder vermeld, en dit word so opgesom:] '’n Goeie Afrikaanse vertaling sou wees: 'met die hande in die hare sit’.' PNK 1947 'Usakos. Station. Nama: ǃUsa-ǃkhos = Ort, 'wo man an die Stirn fasste’, - Ort, 'wo man die Ferse ergriff. Man erzahlt von einem Bergdama, der an dem von Menschen noch nicht bewohnten Ort als Wanderer sich ratios auf einen Stein setzte und seine Stirn mit der Hand stutzte. - Andere erzahlen von einem Zauberer, der gleichsam alle Fremdlinge, die in Usakos erschienen, an der Ferse ergriff durch seine Zauberkiinste, sodass sie auf ihrem weiteren Wege umkommen mussten'. Die Afr. Kernensiklopedie 1965 830 'Naam kom van ǃUsa IKhos, Damarawoorde wat beteken 'Vang horn a/d hakskeen’, wat die uitroep was wanneer wild i/d modder vasgesit het b/d suipplek i/d omgewing v/d latere dorp...' Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 8 ' ǃUs ei ǃkos = an die Stirn fassen. Verkehrt: U sa Ikhos = nimm deine Pfeife (ohne Vergleichsdeutung)'. PNK-SWA 1973 mededeling Zimmermann W van Inboorlingtaalburo 'Die woord ǃus...kan beteken 'voorkop’ of 'enkel/kloutjie’, afhangende van die toon (d.w.s. hoogof laag). ǃKho...beteken 'vat’ of'gryp’. Hiervolgens sou ǃusaIkhos kon beteken 'kloutjiegryp’ of 'voorkopvat’.' louw JA 1974 Boer Gesprek. 'Dit hang saam met die gewoonte van die Nama om van een pyp te rook. Die tweede laaste se dan vir die laaste ‘Usakos’ of 'Vat jou pyp’ in Afrikaans'. Odendaal WA 1974 Burgemeester Pamflet 'Usakos...beteken 'Vang horn aan die hakskeen’, uitgeroep as wild gevang word wat in die modder weggesak het'. [Verkort.] Blaauw WS 1974 Stadsklerk, vroeër ook van Usakos, in Gesprek, aanvullend 'Daar is ’n fontein wat oorgeloop het en ’n dik, gelêrige modderklei gevorm het. Die diere het vir suiping gekom en dan in die klei vasgesit, want dit was geweldig klewerig, dit het ek self onder- vind...Die Damaras het dan geroep 'Vang die diere aan die hakskeen’.' Haacke WHG 1974 Assistent-Onderwysbeplanner Aantekening 'Toe die Afrikaanderstam op versoek van die Rooinasie die Herero uit die Windhoekgebied verslaan het, het die Herero tot in die Khanrivier gevlug. Volgens mnr Niklaas Nero, voormalige onderwyser van Mariental, het daar ’n ongenoemde Hereroleier voor Willem Afrikaander neergekniel, sy skeenbene gegryp, en om genade gesmeek. Dus sou die naam lOsaIkhos beteken: 'skeenbeen-gryp', met hoogstygende toon op ǃus, die beengedeelte tussen knie en enkel'.
eng Here is a grip given from our material. The quotes until 1928 show the game forms: We have not encountered a statement in writings before 1928, and then there are already 'legends' with all kinds of subordinate changes that sound like ordinary myth formation. The statement of 'pipe' is not taken seriously. Today, there is quite common support for the conception that is built around the fountain, namely 'catches him on the heel'. This found us at all sections, and in all layers. At underguise, the answer came right away. Only Mr Louw has held a different view. The verdict with the matching pitch then normalized according to this interpretation, eg. Theǃ U- not with the middle show indicating 'forehead', but with the high show (= cloud, single). It is interesting to note that Pastor W Moritz's investigation into the re-file of the place, viz. Oantuu or okanduu etc .. Horn to this conclusion laid, viz. 'The Quelle War Dann Der Ausangspunkt Nachdem The Herero den ort Benannt Haben ...' What the naman concern is declared with respect to the 'forehead' or the 'clown' Moritz the suggestion that the man (a walker, hermit , wizard) by hand against the forehead might sit at the fountain and ponder or mourn ǃǃ Stand that Moritz tends to center the story around the fountain, m.a.w. To give the pre-selection to the meaning statement with 'paw or clout sequence'. Of course, a strong argument is the topographical fact of the fountain with the sticky yellow clay soil. It's like a sight lesson. We believe he can make top solitary claims apply.
afr Hier is 'n greep uit ons materiaal gegee. Die aanhalings tot 1928 toon die spelvorme: ons het geen verklaring in geskrifte voor 1928 teengekom nie, en dan is daar reeds 'legendes' met allerlei ondergeskikte wisselinge wat klink soos gewone mitevorming. Die verklaring van 'Pyp-aangee' word nie ernstig geneem nie. Vandag is daar op Usakos taamlik algemeen ondersteuning vir die opvatting wat om die fontein gebou is, naamlik 'Vang horn aan die hakskeen'. Dit het ons by alle seksies aangetref, en in alle lae. By onder- vraging het die antwoord dadelik gekom. Alleen mnr louw het 'n ander sienswyse gehuldig. Die uitspraak met die passende toonhoogte het dan genormaliseer geraak volgens hierdie interpretasie, bv. die ǃu- nie met die middeltoon nie (wat ‘voorkop' aandui), maar met die hoe toon (= kloutjie, enkel). Dit is interessant om daarop te let dat pastor W Moritz se ondersoek na die Hereronaam van die plek, nl. Okantuu of Okanduu ens.. horn tot hierdie slotsom gelêi het, nl. 'Die Quelle war dann der Ausgangspunkt nachdem die Herero den Ort benannt haben...' Wat die Namanaam betref wat verklaar word met betrekking tot die ‘Voorkop' of die ‘Kloutjie' het Moritz die voorstel dat die man ('n wandelaar, kluisenaar, towenaar) met die hand teen die voorkop dalk by die fontein gesit en peins of treur hetǃǃ Vas staan dat Moritz geneig is om die verhaal rondom die fontein te sentreer, m.a.w. om die voor- keur te gee aan die betekenisverklaring met 'Poot- of Kloutjiegryp'. 'n Sterk argument is natuurlik die topografiese feit van die fontein met die klewerige geel kleigrond. Dit is soos 'n aanskouingsles. Ons meen dat hy toponimies sterk aansprake kan laat geld.
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