Dâures / Dâunas

The Hereros calls it Omukuruwaro = 'Firberg, Brandberg'. At a visit to the 'white woman' in the Brandberg in 1963, the Uis ministry, one Mr Botha, told the first writer that the opinion was that it should be seen so: at op- or undergoing sun (depending on Where the observer stands) seems to be the mountain in glow. The statement of the 'fire' is motivated differently. For Meissner's evidence there are good grounds - the manganese deposition at different mountains in the area indeed awaken the thought of a giant fire that has raged, with sharp boundaries, viz. Between the 'burnt' and the intact parts, so it looks like firing strips. Whatever the motivation, we believe there is no doubt about the distraction itself. Nama Dau = 'Brennen, Kochen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 54), so that the mountain has the same name in Afrikaans, Herero and Nama. Sesa's spokesman took the equilizing ground with the meaning of 'Fliezen, Stromen' to the foundation, o.I. wrongly. In fact, he himself shows it to the inappropriateness. The nationality of the vowel at DAU is realized as consonant in the daun. The -n- and the -R- interact (5 d 9), which is not uncommon. Daunas and Daures (-B) are consistent change rates. A sideways question is this: What name is the oldest, that of the Herero or of the Nama? We can assume safe that the Afrikaans name is a translation. Such an important point had to be nominated early, it is the highest mountain in southwest, and massive.

About this item

Dâures / Dâunas
Alternative Title
Daunas, Daureb, Daures
Georeference Sources
S 2114
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Brandberg
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
Dâures, Dâunas
Dâures / Dâunas
eng Zachaeus (Bergdama in Usakos) S.J. (ONG. 1928) Sources 2 45 Charging 'Other others moved into the burning mountains north of Swakopmund ... We call the Brand mountains with the surroundings Daunas, because there is the land so bald and without grass and tree, as well burned there (DAU) were. The mountain dama who live there has therefore received the name Dauna-Daman '. De Klerk WA 1949 Driewers 124 'In the Namaal is the Brandberg As Daunus confident - 'the Loilen'.' Meissner Ho Dreamland Southwest 1968 120 'The color of the rock looks like a powerful fire earned for years. But it should only be deposits of manganese, tendering the ashre crust. Accordingly, the discoverers were in error when they baptized the mountain mountains '. SESA 1970 2 488 'Brandberg ... The Namas Call IT Daunas, Which Means 'Water Mountain', and It is Certainly Not Descriptive of the State of the Mountain Except After A Heavy Rainy Season'. Bassinghwaight JJ 1974 Language Adviser in Conversation 'Daureb, Brandberg; Daureb Meaning Fire Or Burn '. Krenz Ek 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Daunas of Daureb = Brandberg'. Budack 1975 letter 'The Ou Naam van the Brandberg in the Taal van Dama is daores. Daunas is nama soos the khoekhoen dit praat '.
afr Zachaeus (Bergdama in Usakos) s.j. (ong. 1928) Quellen 2 45 Verklaring 'Wieder andere zogen in die Brandberge nördlich von Swakopmund...Die Brandberge nennen wir mit der Umgebung Daunas, weil dort das land so kahl und ohne Gras und Baum ist, alsob es abgebrannt (dau) ware. Die Bergdama die dort wohnen, haben daher von uns den Namen Dauna- Daman erhalten'. De Klerk WA 1949 Drie swerwers 124 'In die Namataal is die Brandberg as Daunus bekend — 'die verlatene’.' Meissner HO Traumland südwest 1968 120 'Die Farbung des Gesteins sieht aus, als hatte hier jahrelang ein machtiger Brand gelodert. Doch es sollen nur Ablagerungen von Mangan sein, die Aschenkruste vortauschen. Dem- nach waren die Entdecker im Irrtum, als sie das Gebirge Brandberge tauften'. SESA 1970 2 488 'Brandberg...the Namas call it Daunas, which means 'water mountain’, and it is certainly not descriptive of the state of the mountain except after a heavy rainy season'. Bassingthwaighte JJ 1974 language Adviser in Conversation 'Daureb, Brandberg; daureb meaning fire or burn'. Krenz EK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Daunas of Daureb = Brandberg'. Budack 1975 Brief 'Die ou naam van die Brandberg in die taal van die Dama is Daores. Daunas is Nama soos die Khoekhoen dit praat'.
eng The Hereros calls it Omukuruwaro = 'Firberg, Brandberg'. At a visit to the 'white woman' in the Brandberg in 1963, the Uis ministry, one Mr Botha, told the first writer that the opinion was that it should be seen so: at op- or undergoing sun (depending on Where the observer stands) seems to be the mountain in glow. The statement of the 'fire' is motivated differently. For Meissner's evidence there are good grounds - the manganese deposition at different mountains in the area indeed awaken the thought of a giant fire that has raged, with sharp boundaries, viz. Between the 'burnt' and the intact parts, so it looks like firing strips. Whatever the motivation, we believe there is no doubt about the distraction itself. Nama Dau = 'Brennen, Kochen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 54), so that the mountain has the same name in Afrikaans, Herero and Nama. Sesa's spokesman took the equilizing ground with the meaning of 'Fliezen, Stromen' to the foundation, o.I. wrongly. In fact, he himself shows it to the inappropriateness. The nationality of the vowel at DAU is realized as consonant in the daun. The -n- and the -R- interact (5 d 9), which is not uncommon. Daunas and Daures (-B) are consistent change rates. A sideways question is this: What name is the oldest, that of the Herero or of the Nama? We can assume safe that the Afrikaans name is a translation. Such an important point had to be nominated early, it is the highest mountain in southwest, and massive.
afr Die Hereros noem dit Omukuruwaro = 'Vuurberg, Brandberg'. By 'n besoek aan die 'Witvrou' in die Brandberg in 1963 het die Uis- mynbestuurder, ene mnr Botha, aan die eerste skrywer gesê dat die mening daar bestaan dat dit so gesien moet word: By op- of ondergaande son (afhangende van waar die waarnemer staan) lyk dit of die berg in gloed is. Die verklaring van die 'brand' word verskillend gemotiveer. Vir Meissner se op- vatting is daar goeie gronde — die mangaanafsetting by verskillende berge in die omgewing wek inderdaad die gedagte aan ’n reusebrand wat daar gewoed het, met skerp grense, nl. tussen die 'verbrande' en die ongeskonde dele, sodat dit na brandstroke lyk. Wat die motivering ook al is, ons glo dat daar geen twyfel oor die afleiding self hoef te bestaan nie. Nama dau = 'brennen, kochen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 54), sodat die berg dieselfde naam in Afrikaans, Herero en Nama het. SESA se segsman het die gelykluidende grondwoord met die betekenis van 'fliessen, stromen' tot grondslag geneem, o.i. verkeerdelik. Hy wys trouens self op die ontoepaslikheid daarvan. Die nasaliteit van die klinker by dau word as konsonant -n- gerealiseer in die Daun-. Die -n- en die -r- wissel mekaar af (5 D 9), wat nie ongewoon is nie. Daunas en Daures (-b) is bestaanbare wisseluitsprake. ’n Sydelingse vraag is dit: watter naam is die oudste, die van die Herero of van die Nama? Ons kan wel veilig aanneem dat die Afrikaanse naam ’n vertaling is. So ’n belangrike punt moes inderdaad vroeg al benoem gewees het, dit is die hoogste berg in Suidwes, en massief.
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