
Another different statements. Namas on-site, as at the store (1974), we assured that the name 'stone' means, such as Nama ǀ Ui - stone, 'Der Stein, der Fels' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 369), probably Think of the Brandberg nearby. However, the consensus seems to be that the word joins ǀ U = Brak, D.W.S. that it means 'brackish', well n.a.v. The water's taste: the -s that can locate fountain intake seems to say that the starting point was a fountain / source. A1 Our directions are of very recent date. For a possible confirmation or corrective, the help of older documentation is needed. Mr WHG Haacke 1974 adds 'the other name (according to my memory) Aridiǃ If or' dogface '.' Uis is the name of the mine, and from a town of Ong. 130 km west of Omaruru, and of a settlement, watch quotation at Koehler. There is also a river UIS ong. 195 km north of Omaruru (Surveying SWA, Tab Oaruru). A1 The names probably go back on the same ground word for 'brackish', d.i. 'Brackish'.

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Georeference Sources
S 2114
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50 km radius
eng Koehler O 1959 Omaruru 39 'Okombahe Reserve Falls Into Two Areas: The Country East Of UIS (ǀ Ues) Mine ... and the Country West of Uis Mine ...' The same 44 'Ues I (Mine), ǀ Ues II ( Suerus) '. Massmann-Stumpfe 1971 Mitt 12/2 May 1971 6 'Postbeamter: The name Uis is actually spelled' Uis 'in Damara that means' saltwater '. If you ever come to UIS, be careful to drink water at any tap, there is the water really salt. - Budack: Eigentlich ǀ ues d.h. 'Brackplatz'. - Domething soft Mir Ein Damara, CASS UIS Soviel who 'stones' Bedeutet und er liichelte nur unglaimig, as Ich Ihm the other Deutung soft '. Jerling HC 1972 SWA Yearbook 49 'It is Claimed That Uis is The Damara Word for 'bitter water'.' Bassingthwawe JJ 1974 Language Advisher SABC Conversation 'ǀ Ues, The Bitter Water'.
afr Koehler O 1959 Omaruru 39 'Okombahe Reserve falls into two areas: the country east of Uis (ǀUes) mine...and the country west of Uis Mine...' Dieselfde 44 'Ues I (Mine), ǀUes II (Suerus)'. Massmann-Stumpfe 1971 Mitt 12/2 Mei 1971 6 'Postbeamter: die naam Uis word eintlik ‘ǀuis’ in Damara gespel wat ‘soutwater’ beteken. As u ooit in Uis kom, moet u versigtig wees om by enige kraan water te drink, daar die water werklik sout is. - Budack: Eigentlich ǀUes d.h. ‘Brackplatz’. - Dagegen sagte mir ein Damara, dass Uis soviel wie ‘Klippe’ bedeutet und er liichelte nur unglaiibig, als ich ihm die andere Deutung sagte'. Jerling HC 1972 SWA-jaarboek 49 'It is claimed that Uis is the Damara word for ‘bitter water’.' Bassingthwaighte JJ 1974 language adviser SABC Conversation 'ǀUes, the bitter water'.
eng Another different statements. Namas on-site, as at the store (1974), we assured that the name 'stone' means, such as Nama ǀ Ui - stone, 'Der Stein, der Fels' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 369), probably Think of the Brandberg nearby. However, the consensus seems to be that the word joins ǀ U = Brak, D.W.S. that it means 'brackish', well n.a.v. The water's taste: the -s that can locate fountain intake seems to say that the starting point was a fountain / source. A1 Our directions are of very recent date. For a possible confirmation or corrective, the help of older documentation is needed. Mr WHG Haacke 1974 adds 'the other name (according to my memory) Aridiǃ If or' dogface '.' Uis is the name of the mine, and from a town of Ong. 130 km west of Omaruru, and of a settlement, watch quotation at Koehler. There is also a river UIS ong. 195 km north of Omaruru (Surveying SWA, Tab Oaruru). A1 The names probably go back on the same ground word for 'brackish', d.i. 'Brackish'.
afr Nog verskillende uitsprake. Namas ter plaatse, soos by die winkel (1974), het ons verseker dat die naam 'Klip' beteken, soos Nama ǀui- - klip, 'der Stein, der Fels' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 369), waarskynlik denkende aan die Brandberg daar naby. Die konsensus skyn egter te wees dat die woord aansluit by ǀu = brak, d.w.s. dat dit 'Brakplek' beteken, wel n.a.v. die water se smaak: die -s wat fonteinname kan lokativeer, skyn te se dat die beginpunt dan 'n fontein/bron was. A1 ons aanwysings is van heel resente datum. Vir 'n moontlike bevestiging of korrektief is die hulp van ouer dokumentasie nodig. Mnr WHG Haacke 1974 voeg by wyse van ’n Aantekening hierby 'Die ander naam is (volgens my geheue) Aridi ǃas of ‘Hondeplek’.' Uis is die naam van die myn, en van ’n dorp ong. 130 km wes van Omaruru, en van 'n nedersetting, kyk aanhaling by Koehler. Daar is ook ’n rivier Uis ong. 195 km noord van Omaruru (Opmeting-SWA, blad Omaruru). A1 die name gaan waarskynlik terug op dieselfde grondwoord vir 'brak', d.i. 'braksmaak'.
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