
About the member ǀǀ Gam-S = Water, water, there is consensus and no uncertainty. About the suction medicine before the first component there is firmness, it is the cerebralǃ What everyone accepts, except that Mr du Raan went out for his statement from another suction consonant. Mr. Bassingthwaights know the first member in his defacearized verdict and he gives a fixed statement, viz. That it is the name of a tree or shrub that occurs there. At Kuiseb we also have a componentǃ Khui - which is explained differently, o.A. If the nests of a kind of weweroel in trees, cf. Th a ** 799-800. More details are awaited. Meanwhile, we point out what looks like a similarity between two names, viz. A possible equality betweenǃ Khui- (the -ti is, like -Di, the shape of the VR. MV.) Andǃ Gui-,ǃ Gue-, the namanaam for the Dombeya Rotundifolia (syn. D. Damarana) , cf. o.a. HJ Wise 1975 Botanische Mitt 57-8. Whether the shrub is eaten by cattle and makes the cows' Nrelk bitter, does not come out in our literature, but if this may be the case, there is a fixed link between the namanaam and the Hereronaam 'oma- ruru', something we won't surprise. To summarize: It seems the first member should be understood as the name of a plant species or of a feeling kind, a peacock, for which we The authority of Mr Krenz and Mr Boois, an authority we must respect. By the way, in a Nama reading book, the name was spelled asǃ Guidi ǀǀ Gams (Note of Mr WHG Haacke 1979).

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Georeference Sources
S 2115 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
Namanaam van Omaruru
eng Gaerdes Jan 1974 Boer letter 'Omaruru's old nameǃ Khuidi-1 ǀ Gams'. Bassingthwawe JJ 1974 Language Adviser Conversation 'Omaruru,ǃ Exitǃ ǀǀ GAMS is water '. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Note 'ǃ Khuidi ǀǀ Gams, Nichtǃ Hidi ǀǀ Gams = Trappen (Pou) Wasser?' Du Raan RA 1978 Town Engineer Questionnaire 'ǃ Khuide- ǀ ǀ Gams are 'eruptive water'. ' Boois J 1979 Language Assistant Query 'ǃ Khuidi11Gams = Ikhuivoelwater'
afr Gaerdes Jan 1974 Boer Brief 'Omaruru se ou naam was ǃKhuidi-1 ǀgams'. Bassingthwaighte JJ 1974 language adviser Conversation 'Omaruru, ǃUiti- ǀǀgams, ǃuiti... is a type of tree or a bush found there. ǀǀGams is water'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening 'ǃKhuidi-ǀǀgams, nicht ǃHuidiǀǀgams = Trappen (Pou) Wasser?' Du Raan RA 1978 Dorpsingenieur Vraelys 'ǃKhuide-ǀ ǀgams is ‘Uitbars- tende water’.' Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Rondvraag 'ǃKhuidi11gams = IKhuivoelswater'
eng About the member ǀǀ Gam-S = Water, water, there is consensus and no uncertainty. About the suction medicine before the first component there is firmness, it is the cerebralǃ What everyone accepts, except that Mr du Raan went out for his statement from another suction consonant. Mr. Bassingthwaights know the first member in his defacearized verdict and he gives a fixed statement, viz. That it is the name of a tree or shrub that occurs there. At Kuiseb we also have a componentǃ Khui - which is explained differently, o.A. If the nests of a kind of weweroel in trees, cf. Th a ** 799-800. More details are awaited. Meanwhile, we point out what looks like a similarity between two names, viz. A possible equality betweenǃ Khui- (the -ti is, like -Di, the shape of the VR. MV.) Andǃ Gui-,ǃ Gue-, the namanaam for the Dombeya Rotundifolia (syn. D. Damarana) , cf. o.a. HJ Wise 1975 Botanische Mitt 57-8. Whether the shrub is eaten by cattle and makes the cows' Nrelk bitter, does not come out in our literature, but if this may be the case, there is a fixed link between the namanaam and the Hereronaam 'oma- ruru', something we won't surprise. To summarize: It seems the first member should be understood as the name of a plant species or of a feeling kind, a peacock, for which we The authority of Mr Krenz and Mr Boois, an authority we must respect. By the way, in a Nama reading book, the name was spelled asǃ Guidi ǀǀ Gams (Note of Mr WHG Haacke 1979).
afr Oor die lid ǀǀgam-s = water, waterplek, is daar eenstemmigheid en geen onsekerheid nie. Oor die suigmedeklinker voor die eerste komponent is daar vastigheid, dit is die serebrale ǃ wat almal aanvaar, behalwe dat mnr Du Raan vir sy verklaring van ’n ander suigkonsonant uitgaan. Mnr Bassingthwaighte ken die eerste lid in sy gedevelariseerde uitspraak en hy gee ’n vaste verklaring, nl. dat dit die naam van ’n boom of struik is wat daar voorkom. by KUISEB het ons ook ’n komponent ǃkhui- wat verskillend verklaar word, o.a. as die neste van 'n soort wewervoel in borne, vgl. TH A** 799-800. Meer besonderhede word ingewag. Intussen wys ons op wat na 'n ooreenkoms tussen twee name lyk, nl. 'n moontlike gelykheid tussen ǃkhui- (die -ti is, soos -di, wel die vorm van die vr. mv.) en ǃgui-, ǃgue-, die Namanaam vir die Dombeya rotundifolia (Syn. D. damarana), vgl. o.a. HJ Wiss 1975 Botanische Mitt 57-8. Of die struik (volksname o.a. dikbas, drolpeer) deur beeste gevreet word en die koeie se nrelk bitter maak, kom in ons literatuur nie uit nie, maar indien dit wel die geval mag wees, is daar 'n vaste verband tussen die Namanaam en die Hereronaam 'Oma- ruru', iets wat ons nie sal verbaas nie. Om saam te vat: dit lyk of die eerste lid verstaan moet word as die naam van ‘n plantsoort of van 'n voel- soort, ‘n pou, waarvoor ons die gesag het van mnr Krenz en mnr Boois, ’n gesag wat ons moet eerbiedig. Terloops, in 'n Nama-leesboek is die naam gespel as ǃGuidiǀǀgams (opmerking van mnr WHG Haacke 1979).
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