
Okombahe, a re-paragraph for an area destined for and occupied by Damaras, means the 'place of the giraffe', not in the first instance because there are giraffes, but because the mountain forms the impression of ' a descending camelback, ie the name rests on a parable. It also had a naman, Agomeb, also agomes. In the seventies of the last century, ie just over a century ago, Daniel Cloete of the Rhine Mission Horn with Namas, later followed by Damaras, established here. It is to do this to the meaning of the namanaam Kr. His guy got naman, cf. Nugoaes 2618.

About this item

Alternative Title
Agomeb, Agomes
Georeference Sources
S 2115 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
n ou naam van Okombahe
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Okombahe (NATBOUT)'. Kohler O 1959 Omaruru 46 'ǀ A- + Gomeb, Okombahe'. Bassingthwawe JJ 1974 Language Adviser Conversation 'Okombahe, in Nama ǀ A-╪gomes, ǀ A Meaning Act ...' Krenz FH 1977 Farmer Conversation 'ǀ A╪gomeb is Natuboud. The story runs like that. In the old days, the old mountain dams were hunting in the field. They went off the Brandberg and took their dogs. There was no water. And when the men lay somewhere in the shadow under a tree, the dogs ran around and got some water somewhere. The dog then arrived with them with a wet buttock. So they knew there was water '. [The same statement also given by Arndt H and three other Khoekhoen of Koes in 1977].
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Okombahe (Natbout)'. Kohler O 1959 Omaruru 46 'ǀA-+gomeb, Okombahe'. Bassingthwaighte JJ 1974 language Adviser Conversation 'Okombahe, in Nama ǀA-╪gomes, ǀa meaning wet...' Krenz FH 1977 Boer Gesprek 'ǀA╪gomeb is Natboud. Die storie loop so. In die ou dae het die ou Bergdamas in die veld gaan jag. Hulle het van die Brandberg af gegaan en hulle honde saamgeneem. Daar was nie water nie. En toe die manne daar iewers in die skaduwee onder ’n boom gelê het, het die honde rondgehardloop en daar iewers water gekry. Die hond het toe by hulle met 'n nat boud aangekom. So het hulle geweet daar is water'. [Dieselfde verklaring ook deur Arndt H en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes gegee in 1977].
eng Okombahe, a re-paragraph for an area destined for and occupied by Damaras, means the 'place of the giraffe', not in the first instance because there are giraffes, but because the mountain forms the impression of ' a descending camelback, ie the name rests on a parable. It also had a naman, Agomeb, also agomes. In the seventies of the last century, ie just over a century ago, Daniel Cloete of the Rhine Mission Horn with Namas, later followed by Damaras, established here. It is to do this to the meaning of the namanaam Kr. His guy got naman, cf. Nugoaes 2618.
afr Okombahe, ’n Hereronaam vir ’n gebied wat bestem is vir en bewoon word deur Damaras, beteken die ‘Plek van die kameelperd’, nie in eerste instansie omdat daar kameelperde aangetref is nie, maar omdat die berg- vorm die indruk wek van 'n aflopende kameelrug, m.a.w. die naam berus op ’n gelykenis. Dit het ook 'n Namanaam gehad, Agomeb, ook Agomes. In die jare sewentig van die vorige eeu, d.w.s. net meer as ’n eeu gelede, het Daniel Cloete van die Rynse sending horn met Namas, later gevolg deur Damaras, hier gevestig. Dit is ons hier te doen om die betekenis van die Namanaam. Die Kriegskarte gee reeds die vertaling in Afrikaans aan, 'Natboud', bestanddele soos Nama ǀa = 'nass' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 9), en ╪gom-s = 'die Oberseite des Aussenschenkels' (Kr.-R. 133), of doodge- woon 'boud'. Die motiverende storie herinner bietjie aan die verhaal oor hoe Keetmanshoop sy ou Namanaam gekry het, vgl. NUGOAES 2618.
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