Aogudom(Mi), Augudom(Mi)

Mr ǀǀ Kharaseb is the informant of the Khoekhoense name, the statement is from Sirs Haacke and Boois. The Khoekhoense name did not find us back on our available maps. AO-GU is the MV. ml. At AO-B = Man (Kr.- 1969 NW 6), and Dommi = 'The Kehle, the Stimmee ...' (Kr.- R. 56). Simply descending on the sound, we ask whether there has not existed at some time with the Damarastam Aogu (cf. e.g. Aoguwub), D.W.S. The name then means the 'Aogu tribal river'. The village of Kalkfeld lies southwest of Otjiwarongo.

About this item

Aogudom(Mi), Augudom(Mi)
Alternative Title
Aogudom(Mi), Augudom(Mi)
Georeference Sources
S 2016 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
(Khoekhoense naam vir Kalkfeld)
eng Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner Own List 'Au-aogydom (MI): Name for Kalkfeld. (Willem ǀ [Kharaseb). 'Men's voice (or: throat) River'. J. Boois confirms this. 'AU' is not clear '
afr Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner Eie lys 'Au-Aogudom(mi): naam vir Kalkfeld. (Willem ǀ[Kharaseb). 'Manne se stem- (of: keel)-rivier’. J. Boois bevestig dit. 'Au‘ is nie duidelik nie'
eng Mr ǀǀ Kharaseb is the informant of the Khoekhoense name, the statement is from Sirs Haacke and Boois. The Khoekhoense name did not find us back on our available maps. AO-GU is the MV. ml. At AO-B = Man (Kr.- 1969 NW 6), and Dommi = 'The Kehle, the Stimmee ...' (Kr.- R. 56). Simply descending on the sound, we ask whether there has not existed at some time with the Damarastam Aogu (cf. e.g. Aoguwub), D.W.S. The name then means the 'Aogu tribal river'. The village of Kalkfeld lies southwest of Otjiwarongo.
afr Mnr ǀǀKharaseb is die informant van die Khoekhoense naam, die verklaring is van menere Haacke en Boois. Die Khoekhoense naam het ons nie op ons beskikbare kaarte teruggevind nie. Ao-gu is die mv. ml. by ao-b = man (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 6), en dommi = 'die Kehle, die Stimme...' (Kr.-R. 56). Bloot afgaande op die klank stel ons die vraag of daar nie op een of ander tyd n verband bestaan het met die Damarastam Aogu nie (vgl. bv. AOGUWUB), d.w.s. die naam beteken dan miskien die 'Aogu-stam- rivier'. Die dorpie Kalkfeld le suidwes van Otjiwarongo.
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