
In Hartmann's time it was a puts on the pull, probably called to the river. The Goantagabrivier runs southwest until he is received by the Ugab River. There were also a mine at some time also a mine, signed on the farm 'Substanted' No. 526, which could have pushed the old name as a farm name, watching SWA series 1971 Skin 2014 Frenchontein. Only Dr Hartmann gives the Suction sounds, it took Mr Krenz into account for his statement. His statement is closely linked to the Pastor Moritz for Goantagisis at 2314, cf. Th A * 432. Nama ǀ Goan = 'Das Kleinvieh, Vieh Iiberhaupt' (KR . - R. 1969 NW 114), also 'Children', MV. At ǀ Goa-. = Hga-B can also mean 'Der Bergkranz' or, as we believe it can be the case here, 'Das Grabwasserloch, the 'Puts' (Im Trock- and Flussbett ...) '(Kr.- R. 97). Perhaps 'water place where the (small) wipe sucks', or 'water location where the children drink', the patterned statements, for the time being, also T.O.v. The topography, according to the hypothometric tints of the mentioned map of 1971. ǀ Goanta + Gab was a well-known place of the Swartboois.

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Georeference Sources
S 2014 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hartmann 1904 map 'ǀ goanta- = fgab (ondjomojahambeka)', source and river. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Goantagab (Onjombojaham- Beka)'. At later maps, the hereral name disappears. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation 'ǀ Goan = Children, Auch Kleinvieh. ╪Gab = eingang '.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'ǀGoanta-=Fgab (Ondjombojahambeka)', bron en rivier. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Goantagab (Onjombojaham- beka)'. Op latere kaarte verdwyn die Hereronaam. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'ǀGoan = Kinder, auch Kleinvieh. ╪Gab = Eingang'.
eng In Hartmann's time it was a puts on the pull, probably called to the river. The Goantagabrivier runs southwest until he is received by the Ugab River. There were also a mine at some time also a mine, signed on the farm 'Substanted' No. 526, which could have pushed the old name as a farm name, watching SWA series 1971 Skin 2014 Frenchontein. Only Dr Hartmann gives the Suction sounds, it took Mr Krenz into account for his statement. His statement is closely linked to the Pastor Moritz for Goantagisis at 2314, cf. Th A * 432. Nama ǀ Goan = 'Das Kleinvieh, Vieh Iiberhaupt' (KR . - R. 1969 NW 114), also 'Children', MV. At ǀ Goa-. = Hga-B can also mean 'Der Bergkranz' or, as we believe it can be the case here, 'Das Grabwasserloch, the 'Puts' (Im Trock- and Flussbett ...) '(Kr.- R. 97). Perhaps 'water place where the (small) wipe sucks', or 'water location where the children drink', the patterned statements, for the time being, also T.O.v. The topography, according to the hypothometric tints of the mentioned map of 1971. ǀ Goanta + Gab was a well-known place of the Swartboois.
afr In Hartmann se tyd was dit ’n puts aan die trekpad, waarskynlik genoem na die rivier. Die Goantagabrivier loop suidwestelik tot hy ontvang word deur die Ugabrivier. Daar was by die puts eens op 'n tyd ook 'n myn, in- geteken op die plaas 'Goedgenoeg' nr 526 wat as plaasnaam die ou naam kon verdring het, kyk SWA-reeks 1971 vel 2014 Fransfontein. Alleen dr Hartmann gee die suigklapklanke aan, dit het mnr Krenz in aanmerking geneem vir sy verklaring. Sy verklaring sluit baie nou aan by die van pastor Moritz vir GOANTAGEISIS op 2314, vgl. TH A* 432. Nama ǀgoan = 'das Kleinvieh, Vieh iiberhaupt' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 114), ook 'kinders', mv. by ǀgoa-. =hGa-b kan ook beteken 'der Bergkranz' of, soos ons meen dat dit hier die geval kan wees, 'das Grabwasserloch, die ‘puts’ (im trock- enen Flussbett...)' (Kr.-R. 97). Moontlik lyk 'Waterplek waar die (klein)vee suip', of 'Waterplek waar die kinders drink', die patroonma- tigste verklarings, voorlopig altans, ook t.o.v. die topografie, volgens die hipsometriese tinte van die genoemde kaart van 1971. ǀGoanta + gab was ’n bekende plek van die Swartboois.
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