Geiomi, Geioms, Geimi, Kaium

At Dr Hartmann lies still on the Huab, thus slightly souther than the current three-crowns. Driacles lie about where the map of 1911 placed his 'Kaium'. Kaio is just a variety of Geioms. Father Zaby's converting makes sure triple earlier had a Khoekhozen name, the 'big house' (Gei [kai] = big, and omi or oms = house). A reason for the nomination gives Mr Krenz in th a * 414, viz. Because the granite blocks make the impression of houses. The historical importance of geiomi at a time leads us from what Father Zaby leaves in the riverbed.

About this item

Geiomi, Geioms, Geimi, Kaium
Alternative Title
Geiomi, Geioms, Geimi, Kaium
Georeference Sources
S 2014 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
tans Driekrone
eng Hartmann 1904 Kaart 'Geioms, water under the surface; Open water soil in the niihe '. DSWA-REEKS 1911 sheet 10 Franzfontein' Geioms ', En Daar Naby Noordelik' Kaunun '. Zaby A 1979 Rector Namibiana 1 (1) 51' Driekrone, No. 516. [from Alther. The Dama known as] Gei-Omi, Geimi. often talked to Gei- mi spoken. This is the place where Idab, a well-known Damara, Had. From there he dominated the whole area between Ugab and Huab. Gei-Omi means 'big house'. It's supposed to have lived out of this place only old people. The boys were in the field on the different livestock posts '.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'Geioms, Wasser unter der OberFläche; offenes Wasser soil in der Niihe sein'. DSWA-reeks 1911 Blatt 10 Franzfontein 'Geioms', en daar naby noordelik 'Kaiunr'. Zaby A 1979 Rektor Namibiana 1(1) 51 'Driekrone, nr 516. [Von al- tersher unter den Dama bekannt als] Gei-omi, Geimi. Oft verkiirzt Gei- mi gesprochen. Das ist der Platz, an dem Idab, ein bekannter Damara, gehaust hat. Von dort aus beherrschte er das ganze Gebiet zwischen Ugab und Huab. Gei-omi bedeutet 'grosses Haus'. Es sollen friiher an diesem Platz nur alte leute gewohnt haben. die jungen waren im Feld auf den verschiedenen Viehposten'.
eng At Dr Hartmann lies still on the Huab, thus slightly souther than the current three-crowns. Driacles lie about where the map of 1911 placed his 'Kaium'. Kaio is just a variety of Geioms. Father Zaby's converting makes sure triple earlier had a Khoekhozen name, the 'big house' (Gei [kai] = big, and omi or oms = house). A reason for the nomination gives Mr Krenz in th a * 414, viz. Because the granite blocks make the impression of houses. The historical importance of geiomi at a time leads us from what Father Zaby leaves in the riverbed.
afr By dr Hartmann le Geioms nog aan die Huab, dus effens suideliker as die huidige Driekrone. Driekrone le ongeveer waar die kaart van 1911 sy 'Kaium' geplaas het. Kaium is net ’n wisselspelling van Geioms. Vader Zaby se rondvraag maak dit seker dat Driekrone vroeër 'n Khoekhoense naam gehad het, die 'Groothuis' (Gei [kai] = groot, en omi of oms = huis). 'n Rede vir die benoeming gee mnr Krenz in TH A* 414, nl. omdat die granietblokke die indruk van huise maak. Die geskiedkundige belang- rikheid van Geiomi op 'n tyd lei ons af van wat Vader Zaby laat deur- skemer. Hartmann praat op hierdie plek ook van 'Granitbanke' en van diep sand in die rivierbedding.
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