
Place name enrolled on modern cards as 'Labor Adel' No. 479, located southwest of Khorixas, capital of Damaraland. The -gu of Munu-Gu- is the exit of the ML. mv.; -Theou- is puts. The botanical name could not determine. 'Puts where munubome stands'. Mutatis mutandis money above also for 'Loerkop' No. 513.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2014 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Arbeid Adel vir noordelike, en loerkop vir suidelike helfte
eng Zaby A 1979 Rector Namibiana 1 (1) 50 'Arbeidsadel Nr 479. (of Alternher among the Damara known as) MUNUGUTSOUB. Munub is a plant that is often encountered in river beds. The blatter pinchs those of the papaya ... 'en op bl. 52 'Loerkop No. 513. The same name as with Arbeidsadel. The two farms would be divided later '.
afr Zaby A 1979 Rektor Namibiana 1(1) 50 'Arbeidsadel nr 479. (Von al- tersher unter den Damara bekannt als) Munugutsoub. Munub is eine Pflanze die oft in Flussbetten angetroffen wird. Die Blatter ahneln denen des papayabaumes...' en op bl. 52 'loerkop nr 513. Derselbe Name wie bei Arbeidsadel. Die beiden Farmen würden spater geteilt'.
eng Place name enrolled on modern cards as 'Labor Adel' No. 479, located southwest of Khorixas, capital of Damaraland. The -gu of Munu-Gu- is the exit of the ML. mv.; -Theou- is puts. The botanical name could not determine. 'Puts where munubome stands'. Mutatis mutandis money above also for 'Loerkop' No. 513.
afr Plaasnaam op moderne kaarte ingeskryf as 'Arbeid Adel' nr 479, geleë suidwes van Khorixas, hoofstad van Damaraland. Die -gu- van Munu-gu- is wel die uitgang van die ml. mv.; -tsou- is puts. Die botaniese naam kon ons nie vasstel nie. 'Puts waar munubome staan'. Mutatis mutandis geld bostaande ook vir 'loerkop' nr 513.
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