
In the current Hereroland East (Surveyor General 1972 card), but we do not find the name back on the cards at our disposal. However, the contemporary is quite clear:ǃ Kobi [Ikhuwi-J is Nama for marsh or sometimes for Pan, at Rust 1960 DNW 70 spelled Ikuwis. If the member ǀ Gam = hot (Rest 71), 'Warmvlei', Otherwise, Gam = Two (Rest 78), 'Tweevlei', 'DoubleVlei'

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2020
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn TH 1901 Collectanea 227 'ǀ GAMǃ Kobis in the corner of the long and latitude'
afr Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 227 'ǀGamǃkobis in der Ecke des langen- und Breitengrades'
eng In the current Hereroland East (Surveyor General 1972 card), but we do not find the name back on the cards at our disposal. However, the contemporary is quite clear:ǃ Kobi [Ikhuwi-J is Nama for marsh or sometimes for Pan, at Rust 1960 DNW 70 spelled Ikuwis. If the member ǀ Gam = hot (Rest 71), 'Warmvlei', Otherwise, Gam = Two (Rest 78), 'Tweevlei', 'DoubleVlei'
afr le in die huidige Hereroland-Oos (landmeter-generaal 1972 kaart), maar ons vind die naam nie terug op die kaarte tot ons beskikking nie. Die bete- kenis is egter redelik duidelik: ǃkobi- [Ikhuwi-j is Nama vir vlei of soms vir pan, by Rust 1960 DNW 70 gespel Ikuwis. Indien die lid ǀgam = warm (Rust 71), 'Warmvlei', anders ǀgam = twee (Rust 78), 'Tweevlei', 'Dubbelvlei'
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