Parasis, Paresis

Name of a mountain, from a station 14 km from Otjiwarongo, of Farm No. 163 in the Dist. Outjo, and of two farms in Dist. Otjiwarongo, P. Sud No. 23 and from P.- Südwest No. Rev. Hugo Hahn says with certainness that mountain damaras lived. Mr Haacke Whg 1976 Asst. Education Planner complements it with 'Although the farm name is paresis, the mountains at the Damaras are today known as Paraseb (male) and parases (female) respectively. The mountains are traditionally regarded as a center of the Gaiodaman. The main fountains were apparently in the northern parases on farm Ombarahewa '.

About this item

Parasis, Paresis
Alternative Title
Parasis, Paresis
Georeference Sources
S 2016
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn Ch 1871 Queen 26 445 'Auf Dem Parasisberg Leben Auch Bergdamra, UND DORT SOLI EINE GROSSE QUELLE SEIN'. Hahn th 1879 map 'Baresis' [Berg]. Krenz FK 1974 Boer conversation 'paraeisis, para = wide or flat; Claim = face, thus: 'flat face'. There are two mountains. Those who lie with the front to Outjo are the female [tarare], ... those who lie to the lime field are the male [Aure] '.
afr Hahn CH 1871 Quellen 26 445 'Auf dem Parasisberg leben auch Bergdamra, und dort soli eine grosse Quelle sein'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Baresis' [berg]. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Paraeisis, para = breed of plat; eis = gesig, dus: ‘Platgesig'. Daar is twee berge. Die wat met die front na Outjo le, is die vroulike [Tarare],... die wat na die Kalkveld le, is die manlike [Aure]'.
eng Name of a mountain, from a station 14 km from Otjiwarongo, of Farm No. 163 in the Dist. Outjo, and of two farms in Dist. Otjiwarongo, P. Sud No. 23 and from P.- Südwest No. Rev. Hugo Hahn says with certainness that mountain damaras lived. Mr Haacke Whg 1976 Asst. Education Planner complements it with 'Although the farm name is paresis, the mountains at the Damaras are today known as Paraseb (male) and parases (female) respectively. The mountains are traditionally regarded as a center of the Gaiodaman. The main fountains were apparently in the northern parases on farm Ombarahewa '.
afr Naam van ’n berg, van ’n stasie 14 km van Otjiwarongo, van plaas nr 163 in die dist. Outjo, en van twee plase in dist. Otjiwarongo, P.-Sud nr 23 en van P.- südwest nr 31. In ’n brief aan die PNK 1947 betwyfel dr Vedder dit dat die woord van Nama afkomstig is; eerw. Hugo Hahn vertel met stelligheid dat daar Bergdamaras gewoon het. Mnr Haacke WHG 1976 Asst. Onderwysbeplanner vul dit aan met 'Ofskoon die plaasnaam Paresis is, staan die berge by die Damaras vandag as Paraseb (manlik) en Parases (vroulik) respektiewelik bekend. Die berge word tradisioneel as sentrum van die ǀGaiodaman beskou. Die belangrikste fonteine was glo in die noordelike Parases op plaas Ombarahewa'.
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