Uias, Uiais

Located on Farm Twyfelfontein 534, District Damaraland, defined as the 'domicile and studio of the Bushman', and 'probably the biggest spectacle of rock engravings in Africa'. There are two different explanations. That of Mr Krenz understands the first component as ǀ U = Brak, the other Segslides understand it as the two-man onion, and then with the sucking consonant ǀ FOREIGN, DEVELATIZE FROM ǀ GUI = one, single. The form ǀ onion (ǀ) onion for 'one' has been recorded in date, so at Sparrman 1776 2 349. The glotalization and vocalization of the G- is quite spread and old. The second component is, if it translates the concept 'fountain', well as Nama -a- = hole, opening, to agree with the return onion-axis of the spokesman. Otherwise like at Krenz. 'Onefontein' or 'single fountain' does not translate the current Twyfelfontein (Twyfelfontein would be ringing, in Nama today, ǀ Goma Jaar). The old name 'Onefontein' has, after it, became disused; The starting point of the Old and the current name was in any case the fountain.

About this item

Uias, Uiais
Alternative Title
Uias, Uiais
Georeference Sources
S 2014
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Twyfelfontein
eng Holm 1969 rock pictures9 '... a place of the District Outjo, which today leads the name Twyfelfontein, from the natives but ui-ais, the 'only source', called ...' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Twyfelfontein, of age Here is the name of the waterhouse ǀ U-EIS (mountain dam), ǀ U = Brak, ice = localitat '. Skrywer Ongenoemd S.J. 119761 Where's SwygSaam ... 'n Tydlose Land 6 '... TWYFELFONTIN OF UIAS, SOOS DAMARAS SE, D.W.S. Een fontin '.
afr Holm 1969 Felsbilder9 '...eine Stelle des Bezirks Outjo, die heute den Namen Twyfelfontein fiihrt, von den Eingeborenen aber Ui-Ais, die ‘einzige Quelle', genannt würde...' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Twyfelfontein, von Alters her ist der Name der Wasserstelle ǀU-eis (Bergdama), ǀu = brak, eis = lokalitat'. Skrywer ongenoemd s.j. 119761 Woes en swygsaam...'n tydlose land 6 '...Twyfelfontein of Uias, soos die Damaras se, d.w.s. een fontein'.
eng Located on Farm Twyfelfontein 534, District Damaraland, defined as the 'domicile and studio of the Bushman', and 'probably the biggest spectacle of rock engravings in Africa'. There are two different explanations. That of Mr Krenz understands the first component as ǀ U = Brak, the other Segslides understand it as the two-man onion, and then with the sucking consonant ǀ FOREIGN, DEVELATIZE FROM ǀ GUI = one, single. The form ǀ onion (ǀ) onion for 'one' has been recorded in date, so at Sparrman 1776 2 349. The glotalization and vocalization of the G- is quite spread and old. The second component is, if it translates the concept 'fountain', well as Nama -a- = hole, opening, to agree with the return onion-axis of the spokesman. Otherwise like at Krenz. 'Onefontein' or 'single fountain' does not translate the current Twyfelfontein (Twyfelfontein would be ringing, in Nama today, ǀ Goma Jaar). The old name 'Onefontein' has, after it, became disused; The starting point of the Old and the current name was in any case the fountain.
afr geleë op plaas Twyfelfontein 534, distrik Damaraland, omskryf as die 'woonplek en ateljee van die Boesman', en 'waarskynlik die grootste skouspel van rotsgravures in Afrika'. Daar is twee verskillende verklarings. Die van mnr Krenz verstaan die eerste komponent as ǀu = brak, die ander segsliede verstaan dit as die tweeklank ui, en dan wel met die suigkonsonant ǀ vooraan, gedevelariseer uit ǀgui = een, enkel. Die vorm ǀui (ǀ)ui vir 'een' is in- derdaad al opgeteken, so by Sparrman 1776 2 349. Die glottalisasie en vokalisasie van die g- is taamlik verbreid en oud. Die tweede komponent is, in- dien dit die begrip 'fontein' vertaal, wel soos Nama -a- = gat, opening, om ooreen te stem met die opgawe Ui-as van die ongenoemde segsman. Anders soos by Krenz. 'Eenfontein' of 'Enkele fontein' vertaal nie die huidige Twyfelfontein nie (Twyfelfontein sou gelui het, in Nama van vandag, ǀGoma- jaus). Die ou naam 'Eenfontein' het, na dit voorkom, in onbruik geraak; die beginpunt van die ou en die huidige naam was in elk geval die fontein.
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