
In th a * 221, the name of this farm No. 177 was also discussed. Two of our segments that give explanations here. Did explanations deviate from the statements they now give. Like Mr LuiTh and his son above, they chose the Nama word ╪aro for the shiny leaf watch-a-bit or the jackal berry, the ziziphus mucronatus. The ARU is another tree type, Ponnighaus 1931 Journal 6 28-9 Identify the ARU or 'Kirschrindenbaum' as an Albizzician Anthelminthica A. BroGn., Fam. Leguminosae. Mr Alberts shares an important crock of external history regarding the name change of Arubes West (T). Dagbreek, farm number 128, near Outjo, northeast, was former Arubes West (T). Dagbreek translated (according to our spokesman) not the old name, it just replaces it. Continue see Mr Alberts above. And yet a relationship between Arubes and Dagbreek may be as far as we found a granting of Aruzis, old name of Morgenroth, Werken Werden, Tagen '(Rest 1960 DNW 43) . The member Aro-Aro joins the Aro of Arubes, both by his satisfactory agreement regarding the soundboy, as by a satisfactory agreement in meaning. One solorship is that Namas, such as Boois J 1979 language assistant at this aro- ARO scores 'I can't find a word near 'aru' that comes to an English translation [of' dawn ',' morning ']'. Anyway, we provide the facts that you Has underneath the recording at Rust for Lumier, Dagbreek.

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eng Leopenth D 1977 Main Board member, Leopernh S 1977 Constable Conversation 'Arubes-Ost, is Tarobes. The place where waiting-a-bit trees are abundant '. Alberts PPH 1977 Farmer Conversation 'Arubis, it's this Witdoringstamboom, Aru. That's what we called the perdeyspad tree, our old people. Now they call him the grandmother. There was Arubis East and Arubis West. Then there were people and they came to Arubis West, and then they gave him the name of dawn '. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation 'Aru is this tree with the white flowers. It's a medicine tree. In Grootfontein they sell it in the pharmacy for stomach and cold. His hereral name is Omuama or Oumaboom. The bark is medicine against worms and stomach diseases '.
afr luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid, luiperth S 1977 Konstabel Gesprek 'Arubes-Ost, is TArobes. Die plek waar wag-’n-bietjiebome volop is'. Alberts PPH 1977 Boer Gesprek 'Arubis, dis hierdie witdoringstamboom, aru. Dis wat ons genoem het die perdepisboom, ons ou mense. Nou noem hulle hom die oumatoom. Daar was Arubis-Oos en Arubis-Wes. Toe kom daar mense en hulle kom bly op Arubis-Wes, en toe gee hulle hom die naam van Dagbreek'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'Aru is hierdie boom met die wit blomme. Dis 'n medisyneboom. In Grootfontein verkoop hulle dit in die apteek vir maag en verkoue. Sy Hereronaam is Omuama of oumaboom. Die bas is medisyne teen wurms en maagsiektes'.
eng In th a * 221, the name of this farm No. 177 was also discussed. Two of our segments that give explanations here. Did explanations deviate from the statements they now give. Like Mr LuiTh and his son above, they chose the Nama word ╪aro for the shiny leaf watch-a-bit or the jackal berry, the ziziphus mucronatus. The ARU is another tree type, Ponnighaus 1931 Journal 6 28-9 Identify the ARU or 'Kirschrindenbaum' as an Albizzician Anthelminthica A. BroGn., Fam. Leguminosae. Mr Alberts shares an important crock of external history regarding the name change of Arubes West (T). Dagbreek, farm number 128, near Outjo, northeast, was former Arubes West (T). Dagbreek translated (according to our spokesman) not the old name, it just replaces it. Continue see Mr Alberts above. And yet a relationship between Arubes and Dagbreek may be as far as we found a granting of Aruzis, old name of Morgenroth, Werken Werden, Tagen '(Rest 1960 DNW 43) . The member Aro-Aro joins the Aro of Arubes, both by his satisfactory agreement regarding the soundboy, as by a satisfactory agreement in meaning. One solorship is that Namas, such as Boois J 1979 language assistant at this aro- ARO scores 'I can't find a word near 'aru' that comes to an English translation [of' dawn ',' morning ']'. Anyway, we provide the facts that you Has underneath the recording at Rust for Lumier, Dagbreek.
afr In TH A* 221 is die naam van hierdie plaas nr 177 ook bespreek. Twee van ons segsliede wat hier verklarings gee. het daar verklarings gegee wat afwyk van die verklarings wat hulle nou gee. Soos mnr luiperth en sy seun hierbo, het hulle daar tot grondslag gekies die Namawoord ╪aro- vir die blinkblaarwag-’n-bietjie of die jakkalsbessie, die Ziziphus mucronatus. Die aru- is ’n ander boomsoort, Ponnighaus 1931 Joernaal 6 28-9 identifiseer die aru- of 'Kirschrindenbaum' as ’n Albizzici anthelminthica A. Brogn., fam. leguminosae. Mnr Alberts deel 'n belangrike brokkie eksterne ge- skiedenis mee aangaande die naamsverandering van Arubes-Wes(t). Dagbreek, plaas nommer 128, naby Outjo, noordoostelik daarvan, was vroeër Arubes-Wes(t). Dagbreek vertaal (volgens ons segsman) nie die ou naam nie, dit vervang dit net. Kyk verder mnr Alberts hierbo. En tog is 'n ver- band tussen Arubes en Dagbreek moontlik vir sover ons by die bespreking van ARUZIS, ou naam van Morgenroth, ’n aanknoping gevind het met Nama aro-aro = 'Morgen werden, tagen' (Rust 1960 DNW 43). Die lid aro-aro sluit direk aan by die Aru- van Arubes, sowel deur sy bevredi- gende ooreenkoms betreffende die klankbousel, as deur ’n bevredigende ooreenkoms in betekenis. Een lastigheid is dat Namasprekers soos Boois J 1979 Taalassistent by hierdie aro-aro aanteken 'Ek kan nie ’n woord vind naby ‘aru’ wat na aan ’n Afrikaanse vertaling [van 'dagbreek', 'more- rooi'] kom nie'. Hoe ook al, ons verstrek die feite wat volgens ons hierop betrekking het, daaronder die optekening by Rust vir lumier, dagbreek.
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