
We discussed the place name in th a ** 645 and accept the statements of the peasants, viz. That it means 'place with many gravel (pebbles). However, we believe it should be explained differently. Karachas, Farm No. 185, Dist. Outjo, 28 km from the town, Le south of the adjacent farm Gamkarab No. 176. Karachas and Gamkarab are therefore neighboring farms. The common onomrastic element immediately attacks, the -kara of Gamkarab and cara of Karachas. The-carava of Gamkarab was declared as a slot, n 'Riss Im Fels (DURCH WASTERNTNEAD)', watch there with many slumps or 'slots'. We now believe that Karachas means 'slight place', such as Nama ǀ (k) ara-b = slot / tear, -exa- for 'very

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2016 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Veillet S.J. Map 'Karadans'. On other maps 'Karadous', 'Karadaus'. Survey 1971 'Karadous, Dist. Kenhardt, 60 km west of Pofadder. From Nama. Origin unknown'.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Karadans'. Op ander kaarte 'Karadous', 'Karadaus'. Opmeting 1971 'Karadous, dist. Kenhardt, 60 km wes van Pofadder. Uit Nama. Oorsprong onbekend'.
eng We discussed the place name in th a ** 645 and accept the statements of the peasants, viz. That it means 'place with many gravel (pebbles). However, we believe it should be explained differently. Karachas, Farm No. 185, Dist. Outjo, 28 km from the town, Le south of the adjacent farm Gamkarab No. 176. Karachas and Gamkarab are therefore neighboring farms. The common onomrastic element immediately attacks, the -kara of Gamkarab and cara of Karachas. The-carava of Gamkarab was declared as a slot, n 'Riss Im Fels (DURCH WASTERNTNEAD)', watch there with many slumps or 'slots'. We now believe that Karachas means 'slight place', such as Nama ǀ (k) ara-b = slot / tear, -exa- for 'very
afr Ons het die pleknaam in TH A** 645 bespreek en die verklarings van die segsliede aanvaar, nl. dat dit beteken 'Plek met baie gruis(klippies)'. Ons meen egter dat dit anders verklaar moet word. Karachas, plaas nr 185, dist. Outjo, 28 km uit die dorp, le suid van die aangrensende plaas Gamkarab nr 176. Karachas en Gamkarab is dus buurplase. Die ge- meenskaplike onomastiese element val dadelik op, die -kara- van Gamkarab en die -Kara- van Karachas. Die -kara- van Gamkarab is verklaar as 'n gleuf, n 'Riss im Fels (durch Wasser entstanden)', kyk aldaar. Die Topografiese reeks 1975 skaal 1:50 000 vel 2016 AB Friedenstal toon Karachas aan met borne en verhewenhede, ook met baie insinkings of 'gleuwe'. Ons meen nou dat Karachas beteken: 'Gleuweryke plek', soos Nama ǀ(k)ara-b = gleuf/skeur, -xa- vir 'baie
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