
Place Petersburg No 151 border south of the village grounds of Outjo. The Khoekhozen name has disappeared. The first member is Igawa, a name that has passed the language of the whites. WISS HJ 1975 Botanische Mitt 43 says about this O.A. 'Zu Den Benkanneer Fiitter BiiSchen Zahlt der Narzissen- oder Gawabusch (Catophractes Alexandri), Der Auch Als Schwarzdorn Oder Silberbusch Benkannt is ...' The Gawabos appears more often as ingredient of place names, cf. about. Th a * 398. The member -dapis, usually -dabis. Is locative, with the - the indication that it is a source name, as in the time of Dr Hartmann who pass it as such. The 'Gawabosfontein'. In his side note's Krenz FK 1979 Farmer 'Ich Habe Um Outjo Herum Wish Igabba-Biic Said'. It does not say that the forest is also rare in Dr Hartmann's time, as it is currently the case. On the other hand, Dr Hartmann writes, though not always, usually at Namaname the suction consonant. Here it is missing from him and therefore maybe thought to Gawa- = Neu (Rest 1969 NW 73, the Word in Bergdama). 'New place'

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2016 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Petersburg
eng Hartmann 1904 map 'Farm Gawadapis (Petersburg)'. The same at Spigrade Misel 1904 Kriegsk.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'Farm Gawadapis (Petersburg)'. Dieselfde by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk.
eng Place Petersburg No 151 border south of the village grounds of Outjo. The Khoekhozen name has disappeared. The first member is Igawa, a name that has passed the language of the whites. WISS HJ 1975 Botanische Mitt 43 says about this O.A. 'Zu Den Benkanneer Fiitter BiiSchen Zahlt der Narzissen- oder Gawabusch (Catophractes Alexandri), Der Auch Als Schwarzdorn Oder Silberbusch Benkannt is ...' The Gawabos appears more often as ingredient of place names, cf. about. Th a * 398. The member -dapis, usually -dabis. Is locative, with the - the indication that it is a source name, as in the time of Dr Hartmann who pass it as such. The 'Gawabosfontein'. In his side note's Krenz FK 1979 Farmer 'Ich Habe Um Outjo Herum Wish Igabba-Biic Said'. It does not say that the forest is also rare in Dr Hartmann's time, as it is currently the case. On the other hand, Dr Hartmann writes, though not always, usually at Namaname the suction consonant. Here it is missing from him and therefore maybe thought to Gawa- = Neu (Rest 1969 NW 73, the Word in Bergdama). 'New place'
afr Plaas Petersburg nr 151 grens suidelik aan die dorpsgronde van Outjo. Die Khoekhoense naam het verdwyn. Die eerste lid is Igawa-, ’n naam wat in die taal van die Blankes oorgegaan het. Wiss HJ 1975 Botanische Mitt 43 se hieroor o.a. 'Zu den bekanntesten Fiitterbiischen zahlt der Narzissen- oder Gawabusch (Catophractes alexandri), der auch als Schwarzdorn oder Silberbusch bekannt is...' Die gawabos kom meermale voor as bestanddeel van plekname, vgl. o.m. TH A* 398. Die lid -dapis, gewoonlik -dabis. is lokatief, met die -s die aanduiding dat dit ’n bronnaam is, soos in die tyd van dr Hartmann wat dit as sodanig aangee. Die 'Gawabosfontein'. In sy Kanttekening hierby se Krenz FK 1979 Boer 'Ich habe um Outjo herum wenig IGabba-Biische gesêhen'. Dit wil nie se dat die bossoort ook in dr Hartmann se tyd seldsaam was nie, soos dit dan tans die geval is. Aan die ander kant skryf dr Hartmann, hoewel nie altyd nie, tog gewoonlik by Namaname die suigkonsonant. Hier ontbreek dit by hom en daarom moet miskien ook gedink word aan gawa- = neu (Rust 1969 NW 73, die woord in Bergdama). 'Nuwe plek'
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